by DumbGuy
c++ find duplicate strings in vector and print all occurrence of them
[12 replies] Last: Based on this statement: Loop over the given array of strings to buil... (by lastchance)
by gevCplus
Question regarding primes in array
[6 replies] Last: if you are checking for small values (I see a %10 in there!) you can g... (by jonnin)
about dynamic_cast |
[5 replies] Last: > I see a pointer pointing to a base class can also be used to point t... (by ne555)
by telco
Writing a matrix in text file
[11 replies] Last: We are (a library is) allowed to create proxy objects and use expressi... (by JLBorges)
by Willy988
Compiling and running your program
[6 replies] Last: all IDE make a bunch of 'intermediate' files, not just an exe. All co... (by jonnin)
by Shervan360
Copy pointer to pointer in function - C (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: > in that regard, > int insert(char*& str1, char* str2, size_t n) > ... (by JLBorges)
by Mathavan
Only accepting 4 inputs from user
[3 replies] Last: Hello Mathavan, Consider this for you function: int add_movie() //... (by Handy Andy)
by cpluspython
Trouble converting while loops to for and do loop
[3 replies] Last: @cpluspython - please don't edit the original post so that future answ... (by seeplus)
by Feit
How to convert string to long int
[6 replies] Last: @seeplus and @salem, many thanks. Very helpful answers (by Feit)
by izlezotfilma
Read a whole sentence till i find a specific word
[4 replies] Last: Consider: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstring> ... (by seeplus)
by lost110
Conditional wait and signal in multi-threading
[2 replies] Last: t1: created and starts running foo main: sleeps for 1 second to ensure... (by lost110)
by Ch1156
Correct use of this pointer (1,2)
[31 replies] Last: Excellent. Another aspect to throw into the melting pot is UML and cla... (by againtry)
by heart1210
Cicle Class Project
[3 replies] Last: Doing console input correctly when you want to flag non-numeric and ce... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by kmce
Class inheritance problem
[2 replies] Last: Oh of course, that was stupid of me. thank you (by kmce)
Won't do the right thing. |
[11 replies] Last: If you're going to link code externally, please just use something sim... (by Ganado)
by StaveDrider
Varied Amount of input data
[4 replies] Last: max = input worked, thank you! (by StaveDrider)
by lost110
Confusing question regarding semaphores and threads
[1 reply] : I'd say the first place to start is here (by markyrocks)
by chebyrek
There is a problem reading the file.
[6 replies] Last: Oh right, cin >> char_array would add the null terminator already. Tha... (by Ganado)
by abrock
Documentation of std::nth_element
[2 replies] Last: Which description from where? If for the site, then pro... (by seeplus)
by hako2002
ofstream - unable to write onto next time line
[3 replies] Last: Open the file in append mode: ofstream projectFile("projectfile.txt... (by seeplus)