Beginners - January 2019 (Page 16)

c++ beginner
Hello I keep having the same problem. Every time i run the program, it keeps poping out :"function-definition is not allowed before token". #include <string>...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah,thanks a lot. (by dena1992)
no matching function
hello my friends i have ^roblem with my code i try Study of the mechanism of composition of objects i have erore code "no matching function" main.cpp #inc...
[2 replies] Last: In addition to what ne555 mentioned, you have some other problems. ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Binary Search tree
Question link- Issue- I am new to actual trees. The answer i...
[2 replies] Last: Future viewers see the solution here- (by closed account 1vf9z8AR)
Diameter of tree
Question- at the bottom My diameter is incorrect but close to ac...
[7 replies] Last: ohhh Now I understand. When I reached the last position, I created a ... (by closed account 1vf9z8AR)
Help with this timer please
I would like help with this timer using <chrono> instead of <ctime> to get the current time and duration so it doesn't pause my whole program when I run it. ...
[7 replies] Last: I tried this one before ne555 it still pauses the whole process It pa... (by coder777)
Illegal reference to non-static member
I'm trying to populate a vector (words) within my class. I'm getting the error: "Illegal reference to non-static member" in the function calls "words_to_vecto...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks jonnin. that "this->" reference is what I needed. To ne555, I... (by zydeholic)
I would like to know what command do I use when i wanna create a program that wil do what i want by pressing a letter after running program ex: *I press 'L'*...
[8 replies] Last: glad to help. console tricks seem to be overlooked in the classroom l... (by jonnin)
by IvoSil
Char Pointer
Hi, everyone. I'm new with C++, especially with pointers and I'm a bit confused. My task is to write a program, that has a recursive int array_search(char* ...
[9 replies] Last: misread that. yea write your own. just maintain the zero end of stri... (by jonnin)
What is a node?
In the cocos2d-x framework, what is a node?
[6 replies] Last: Have you gotten responses for cocos2dx over here? I say the people at ... (by Grime)
Binary search question
Question- Anyone can help m...
[2 replies] Last: > I can do it for the case when all the boxes are smaller than all the... (by salem c)
/* printf example */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf ("%f\n", 172); return 0; } what does the segment printf ("%f\n", 172); do ...
[1 reply] : Since there is a mismatch between the format and the type of the argum... (by dutch)
char* xyz vs. char xyz[] -- same?
Are these the same? extern "C" char* xyz; extern "C" char xyz ; And in each case are these the same? &xyz xyz+6 I see both groups as...
[6 replies] Last: > #1 is a pointer, an address of a character. Yes. > #2 also becom... (by JLBorges)
please help me
Write a program that will ask the user a question with four possible answers.The Question should be asked 20 times.After all the input is gathered,the program s...
[4 replies] Last: @Rascake, Not directly, but if the shoe fits, wear it. And if I mean... (by Handy Andy)
Begginer In c++
Can someone please explain why this code is not working i am new to programming so any tips would be appreciated. I am trying to copy the numbers that exceed th...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot now i understand why it didn't work have a good day!!!! (by george42550)
Identifying a square in a square
Good evening. I am learning c++ and im currently at a halt in this project. I am trying to make a function that would be able to spot a certain sub-squa...
[4 replies] Last: To define a square you need only two points. e.g. Lower Left, Upper ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by SMF
Qt C++ Scroll Area
I have begun using Qt to construct a GUI for a C++ program that I have written. I have widgets that go down past where the screen of my computer goes and want ...
[1 reply] : I recommend asking this question in the Qt forums. You'll probably get... (by helios)
Boost::Asio TCP server: sending a message to client as a response to an event
Hi. I have a TCP server. When the server receives a hand shake message from a client, it sends a message back. My code is along the following lines: class ...
[3 replies] Last: Actually you can have additional data with you connection. Just use st... (by coder777)
by Quacko
Simulation of mouse click does not function correctly
I am currently trying to develop an auto-clicker. However, it does not seem to work. I am quite new to C++, so there may be some obvious solutions I have not tr...
[6 replies] Last: First thing is that things happen only as long as 'R' is pressed. When... (by coder777)
Need help understanding error message
Hi, I'm doing an online C++ quiz thingy, and the code in one the questions is given below: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A{ public:...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks kooth! (by Cheddar99)
need help interpreting error message
Microsoft must have held an internal contest to see how difficult they could make an error message to decipher. I'm getting this message, and it's not helpfu...
[4 replies] Last: Ah, got it. Thanks for your help, salem c. (by zydeholic)
January 2019 Pages: 1... 14151617
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