ERROR: expected primary expression before '*' token |
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much Grunalin. It works perfectly now. (by polishprogrammer88)
by Alex009988
Can't cout an array
[1 reply] : There is no overloads of operator << for std::array. If you want to p... (by Peter87)
by surfersss
inversion pair in merge sort
[no replies]
by Alex009988
Cant cout an array
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { const int array = { 12, 45, 6... (by JLBorges)
by kanken
Chef and Matching Game
[1 reply] : it is quite clear you have to pair up points into m pairs such that th... (by blackmamba)
by cool123dude
[28 replies] Last: see the thing that they are pairwise distint is that they are "unique"... (by LordRiddle)
by s l i m
[6 replies] Last: Code::Blocks is a similar program that is substantially smaller. Don'... (by mbozzi)
by rausch
Calculate interest
[1 reply] : Look at using a loop, you very close I think from what I see for (int... (by Grunalin)
by s l i m
visual studio
[1 reply] : It more than good enough, infact I would say it better as a lot of tut... (by Grunalin)
File outputs strange characters |
[4 replies] Last: I didn't even notice at first that the program was printing the buffer... (by dutch)
consults on interpretation of the problem |
[5 replies] Last: [quote ]AbstractionAnon (6225) beautiful way to solve, but not unde... (by luciusFernatore)
by Tduck
NCURSES- Arrow keys not detected?
[10 replies] Last: characters ARE integers. input should probably have been char or unsi... (by jonnin)
by Alex009988
Quantile of F-distribution
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <boost/math/distributions/fisher_f.hpp> ... (by lastchance)
by lost110
Ludo game on c++
[10 replies] Last: its been almost two weeks, I hope he/she got on well (by closed account 367kGNh0)
by Alex009988
Broken tanh function
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for your help. I've understood the error in my main code (by Alex009988)
by faramusicorg
please help me for fix errors in the multi choise question programming
[3 replies] Last: Please DON'T delete things from your question after you've received an... (by MikeyBoy)
by SparkXV
Lucky Number Problem
[9 replies] Last: [quote=shubhum]can't we just take all multiples of bob lucky number an... (by Browni3141)
by Grime
Will C++ code be compiled differently on different computers? (1,2)
[39 replies] Last: Still though do any C++ books talk about how to compile applications ... (by mbozzi)
by honeybuzz
Create a matrix of size m x n so that the neighbours of each cell have distinct values and the max value in this matrix is min (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: yeah thanks got AC. (by damphy)
kth smallest segment containing a number |
[4 replies] Last: I am getting so many memory limit exceeded. It's strange. #include<i... (by closed account 1vf9z8AR)