Beginners - January 2016 (Page 20)

by reshad
Earn wih c++
can anyone earn money with just knowing c++?
[3 replies] Last: You can work as a software engineer. No more questions that you could ... (by Moschops)
by Atton
Losses with a split
I've been trying to split a string into 8 parts. However for some strange reason it loses with many string lengths. I am rather puzzled as to why this and how i...
[3 replies] Last: std::vector<std::string> split( const std::string& str, std::size_t n... (by JLBorges)
Pointer help
Under //m, I need to change the address in int_ptr so that it points to the third element of the array using int_ptr_ptr. How would I do this? I'm still trying ...
[1 reply] : Pointer arithmetic (by pnoid)
fun program that demonstrates ints
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; double x= 200; int r=1; int cowboys() { while(x>0) { cout<<"x is "<<x; cout<<"\n"; x=x-0.5;...
[1 reply] : Hey, since you're a beginner I would just like to give you some good t... (by jalomas7)
Two-Dimensional Array
I have a project for class to make a two-dimensional array to store the ICAO alphabet like N-November and B- bravo and so on. I have to use an array of strings ...
[6 replies] Last: so array == "alpha" and array == 'l' (by nubforce)
Sorry OOT
Are you guys here study in university or college? it's not like i actually need that information i just want to know your reasons about why you land here.
[5 replies] Last: I'm just here to mooch project solutions. And you know, learn. That's ... (by YFGHNG)
sizeof(pointer) on 64 bit OS
Hello, I have a 64 bit windows operating system. When i try to find the sizeof() a pointer, i always get '4'. Should it not be '8' for a 64 bit system? Is my...
[2 replies] Last: O.K. thanks for your reply. (by saherch)
Hammurabi Victory
Write your question here. Basically I need help adding in a victory (and loss when bushels run out) condition. Where do I add the necessary loops? (For the v...
[5 replies] Last: OH OF COURSE IT WOULD BE AN IF STATEMENT! Thanks man, you're a life sa... (by Mattythebassman)
Question about references and vectors
Hi! My first time posting here and hope i don't make a fool of myself! But i have a few questions about this piece of code: #include <iostream> #include <...
[3 replies] Last: There are situations when you might want to pass a vector by value but... (by Peter87)
bubbleSort array exception error
Can someone please explain to me what does this error mean? I have been learning c++ for a long time n...
[5 replies] Last: No problem (by Stalker)
Segmentation Fault
what is segmentation fault actually? sometimes i found that.
[5 replies] Last: (by Thomas1965)
Finding the time a selection sort takes to sort 100k random numbers
I am having trouble getting my program to find the time it takes a selection sort to sort through 100,000 randomly generated items. What have I done wrong? I ke...
[9 replies] Last: The other suggestions are all valid but I want to address why you're s... (by dhayden)
dynamic allocate memory
dynamic allocate memory, we cant access it without using pointer?
[3 replies] Last: TarikNeaj gave you a good answer. Nothing more needs to be said. ... (by AbstractionAnon)
String Comparison
What's wrong with my code? I'm tring to find a way to compare 2 strings and if have all the characters in two string, with the same quantity, will be valid, oth...
[9 replies] Last: Right. Unless I misunderstand the problem. You're just trying to det... (by dhayden)
by iAmr
How to change the color of all pixels of the screen?
As the title says.I want to change all my screens pixels to red I want it to be permanent till I close the program Any help will be appreciated
[3 replies] Last: To do this, you need to ask your operating system to create a window f... (by Moschops)
by vjanu
Can I use Ncurses in Windows using MinGW compiler.If so can you tell me the steps to do it?
[no replies]
Just started and NEED help!
When it comes to the part where you have yo answer yes or no, many different answers come after that instead of one. Could you explain what's wrong and how to f...
[5 replies] Last: Line 56 has another problem. The comma operator doesn't work the way y... (by coder777)
by abc1
Doubt in database
I have a question which i want the answer A lack of normalization can lead to which one of the following? A) lnsertion Problems C) Lost Updates B) Deadlock D) D...
[1 reply] : The answers are marked here: (by Moschops)
Should one be worried about the stack & heap?
As a hobby programmer that is still learning C++ (I doubt you ever stop learning it), and only writes small applications for educational purposes and nothing pr...
[5 replies] Last: You should keep in mind that the stack has a limited size. This is mai... (by Peter87)
by kmce
c++ problem
Hello, I am learning c++ from 'learning c++ by creating games with ue4'. And in one of the solutions i seems to be getting errors and i do not understand why as...
[3 replies] Last: If that is exactly what the book has, then yes it is indeed wrong. (by wizebin)
January 2016 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 29
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