Beginners - January 2016 (Page 14)

Please Help! Can't understand this error meaning.
error: expected unqualified-id before '{' token { PLease Help me! I'm brand new in C++ programming #include <iostream> #include <string> using nam...
[4 replies] Last: Why do you have a bunch of random brackets everywhere? And there are o... (by TarikNeaj)
How to implement a relational DataBase and inputs templates
Dear all, Wish as well to ask your assistance. I would like to build a Database where the data may be read from a Exelsheet; but need also to know how to ...
[no replies]
by rain
multiple definition of
Hello I need help getting my code compile using make file. I need to have both .h and .cpp files. And I need to write make file for compiling it. When I open...
[6 replies] Last: Hi, That doesnt help me. to get it compile. Just nicer error message... (by TheIdeasMan)
Audio device input
Write your question here. I am using Qt Creator for my C++ program. I have multiple of usb sound card connected to my system and i want to record one certain si...
[no replies]
Generating two random numbers
how do i generate two random numbers: for example num1 and num2 but I want num1 to always be greater than num2? srand((unsigned)time(0)); num1 = rand()...
[5 replies] Last: #include <random> int random(int min, int max) { static std::random... (by xismn)
Vector using dynamic type or static type
[1 reply] : It is dynamic because you can change it's size. (by keanedawg)
clear screen
I have to write a code for class which will create a math game. I want the game to look neat, therefor how do I make every question on a new screen. I hav...
[2 replies] Last: Here is an article from this site. You should have done a search for ... (by IWishIKnew)
increment operator on single variable -- does post or pre make a difference?
Write your question here. say I have variable N. I dont intend to create any other variables, and I am not comparing it to any other values. I know that if ...
[2 replies] Last: spiroth10 said: does it matter if I put ++N or N++? will that m... (by IWishIKnew)
Arrays and functions trouble...
what am i doing wrong here? I've commented out some tests and somethings that just aren't working the way that i need them too. this is a calculating baseball s...
[2 replies] Last: thanks much. after i got that sorted the rest of the programming was a... (by BonsaiSuperstar)
by Fotele
Need help. Function using a switch operator
I have been trying to solve this homework my professor gave me for more than one hour and i still can't find a way for it to work. Been searching a lot but no r...
[5 replies] Last: Hi, Line 33, remove the semicolon. On line 37, there is no need for ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by cang
Output not displaying correctly
I am really close to getting this function to work. This function is to display a horizontal bar chart for quiz score values (from lowest score to largest score...
[no replies]
Binary File to read Student name and number
Hi everybody! So basically I'm trying to enter some names and numbers of some students and append their data using a while loop. I am able to get the program t...
[1 reply] : first code: const int MAX= 100 ; second code: const int MAX= 25 ; ... (by Chervil)
How to use switch statemenys
How could you use switch statements to ask a question like - "Would you like to go ight, eft, or ontinue?" Im trying to make a game and i think that a switch...
[3 replies] Last: Statements and flow control (include switch statements) http://www.cpl... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Call SHELLEXECUTEINFO string error
I have the following piece of code in which I try to call the function runapplication in order to execute notepad.exe. The error it gives me is: D:\computi...
[1 reply] : rSEI.lpFile = execpath; On the left is a parameter of type LPCSTR... (by Moschops)
While Statement Crash
My project crashes when I do this while statement to loop the value. I am looping the value because if it's not looped, the value will go to 0 instead of it sta...
[17 replies] Last: I don't need to know about cheat engines. Here is the situation: Some... (by Moschops)
Why compiler is giving me error on this do-while statement in C++?
I am trying the follow program. When I run this program compiler gives me a error that y and Y are not declared in this scope. So, I am following all the instru...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks @TarikNeaj Problem solved. (by ZahoorKhan)
by sorry1
can you help me guys with this assignment
Post Office National Post office calculates the prices according to two criteria: The distance of countries: 1.In country: 0.5 2.Neighboring countries...
[1 reply] : Looks like you need a whole lot more than help buddy. And it's hard to... (by TarikNeaj)
Difference between VS 2015 and
Hi, lets ignore the fact that this is very bad matrix class. The elements are being allocated in the line no matter what the dimensions are. I just tried to cre...
[4 replies] Last: Ohh yea just checked it out with other number instead of default. Than... (by etrusks)
hash function
can anyone please explain what is happening in this whole hash function int BSTHashtable:: hash(string& s) { unsigned int hashVal = 0; for (unsi...
[2 replies] Last: that i know whats the line num 5 is doing while converting the bits in... (by Mahsan1212)
total beginner with while
Hey, how should i count the average of numbers that were inputed until 0. All the nubers should make their output and then the average. I dont know what to divi...
[1 reply] : Make a variable called "number_of_values_entered". This variable sho... (by Moschops)
January 2016 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 29
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