Beginners - January 2015 (Page 9)

Hello, My vector program won`t compile: #include <vector> #include <iostream> void print_vector(std::ostream& os, std::vector<int>&v, int n)...
[7 replies] Last: I disagree. So you think it's a good idea to use identical names? ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Outputting inputted number from the list of .txt file(FILE HANDLING)
I want to make a store like program. I have my items in my .txt file, outputted it in my program. I created a new function for a user to pick a reference number...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for the help! (by Vandalism)
are you really force to pass arguments when you write a constructor with parameters? EDIT: revising question when you create an object of a class and then y...
[8 replies] Last: That Bar could use a C++11 feature: delegating constructors. The def... (by keskiverto)
by snm010
c /c++ program to find area under a curve by monte carlo method
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> // for: rand(), srand(), and RAND_MAX #include <ctime> // for: time(), accessing the system clock #include <cmath> ...
[1 reply] : Cheers! But there's nothing in your find_area() function. (by mutexe)
dont know where it goes wrong
idk where this goes wrong,please help me point my errors i keep getting message // <#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<cstring> ...
[9 replies] Last: Hi, As I mentioned earlier, do not call main() , as you do in your s... (by TheIdeasMan)
by KMagic
I am writing a function template which returns the total of the values that we input. The function template should receive a number as an argument which indic...
[2 replies] Last: Probably the most robust and correct way to do so: template< type... (by MiiNiPaa)
duplication error
I have a declaration of macro as follows: #define uint unsigned int And I am getting the following error: /home/sajjad/Documents/OpenGL/Sam...
[2 replies] Last: It looks like you are not able to declare the macro simply because you... (by nickeeromo)
C++ homework issues using loops
My first question is what would be the best way to find the low score in this program, because I can only find the high score and the last score that was entere...
[3 replies] Last: So far I can tell you that you are adding 1 to i if selecting yes to a... (by nickeeromo)
Stroustrup's intro to programming doesn't seem to be theoretically driven. What am I looking for?
I have found what seems to be the go-to book on programming, Stroustrup's "Programming: Principles and Practice using C++" (Addison-Wesley 2009, ISBN 978-032154...
[4 replies] Last: > It cuts corners on what concepts? It (Programming: Principles and P... (by JLBorges)
Log2 and Negatives
Hey everyone, need help with a simple program. Basically I need to use a ternary to compute the log2 of an integer that also protects against negative integer i...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks hayden, that's remarkably easy. I didn't even think of the brac... (by Xatasha)
parameter error
playerTurn(isTurn,player_turn,isEmpty(&player_turn)); void playerTurn(bool&,char&,bool(char*)); bool isEmpty(char*); can someone tell me why i keep get...
[3 replies] Last: so the declaration for the 3rd parameter should only bool, because in ... (by xenovia12)
Help with C++ homework
I have a multi file program that uses classes and inheritance. I have one that is stumping me. The error is: 1>c:\users\kevin kennedy\documents\visual studio ...
[8 replies] Last: I understand your post and have tried several variations of this but t... (by grndnatllvr)
can functions be called within another function?
can functions be called within another function? for example, i want to multiply two Matrices,A and B and each matrix has its own void function, so how do i...
[2 replies] Last: so this means i can put a void function in another void function,right... (by sarah01)
by klop
Array of pointers pointing to linked lists
Hello, Lets say I have an unknown number of linked lists (the user inputs the number), and a for loop creates them, one by one. I want to have an array of poin...
[15 replies] Last: Yes, the last two things you said are the real challenges, I know that... (by klop)
also dis one pls
Write your question here. a regular employee earns $32,500 nnualy . write a program that determines and display what the amount of his gross pay will be for ...
[8 replies] Last: more like /* Write your question here. a regular employee earns $32... (by MintDropz)
Im trying to Increase and Decrease the size of an array
Im trying to do my homeworks and its basically this. First I try to double the size of my array (from 5 to 10) then I try to decrease the size of it by Only one...
[2 replies] Last: Expanding on what ne555 said, it would be cleaner if your wrote a func... (by dhayden)
Copy from Joe Editor & Paste to Word
Will someone please remind me how to copy code out of Joe editor and paste it into an MS Word doc? Thank you very much.
[6 replies] Last: Thanks all. I remembered to view using more instead of opening in e... (by elliott22)
dont know where the prob,please tell me
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void MatrixA(long m,long n); void Matrix(long m,long n,long i,long j); int main() { char ...
[1 reply] : scanf("%d",m); It expects pointer to value, not the value itself. A... (by MiiNiPaa)
pls i need help asap for my exam
Write your question here. i need to know th code of this KATHRYN BOUGHT 600 shares of stock at a price of $21.77 pershare.A year later she sold them for jus...
[3 replies] Last: thank you very much (by shairaalegre)
What is the most hardcore intro to programming book?
What is the most hardcore intro to programming book?
[no replies]
January 2015 Pages: 1... 7891011... 39
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