Beginners - January 2015 (Page 6)

by PopEye
Hello community. I was writing a simple times table project that creates a table object that gets created and then deleted with every iteration within a for loo...
[2 replies] Last: Amazing; thank you for the clarification. (by PopEye)
Help C++ Steering
I am having trouble figuring out how to even start calculating a steering vector by hand to help review the vector. That the first part which would lead into th...
[no replies]
Overwriting data from text file
Hello guys.. I am very new to programming and i just learnt about text file a week ago.. im doing a mini project for my school work... and im trying to overwr...
[1 reply] : You designate how to treat the existing data in the file when you set ... (by Computergeek01)
Same algorithm, different precision. Why?
In an exercise about floats, I was asked to compile the following algorithm: float a = 1.0; int b = 3; float c = a/b; float d = (c * b) - 1.0; cout ...
[4 replies] Last: > In my example (write 1), since I used intermediate steps, > some va... (by JLBorges)
[1 reply] : In general, if you want to avoid having two different values mapped to... (by beko)
by kiri
had declared the decimals as doubles
What does that mean? " If you had declared the decimals as doubles your values would have been correct "I declared a const that was a decimal, but it should be ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. Jaybob (by kiri)
by beko
Assigning value to a char* in a function
This code makes my program crash: void copy(char* cp, int n) { for(int i=0; i < n; ++i) { *(cp + i) = data ; } } I'm trying to implement...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, dear. It compiles now. Thanks. (by beko)
template return type
Hi, i need help here , av gotta snippet here and i need to identify what causes the error. template<typename T> using ret_tuple=std::tuple<std::vector<std::s...
[6 replies] Last: ooh thanks n yea av got yet another function evaluate but i could p... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
C Progarm to compare two text files
Hii All, i am a begginer at c programming in the first semetser of study, and i am trying to doing my project what is: Diff — The program should compar...
[1 reply] : Determining where changes begin and end between two files is not a tri... (by AbstractionAnon)
Gui advice, what to use for more than just menus
I have two projects I want to do, the first as a learning test for doing the second. I have never made a gui, so for my first gui project, I have a very simp...
[1 reply] : I want to make a launcher for windows, that basically replaces the no... (by MiiNiPaa)
Quiz game
this code is generates Assertion failure at line 33 #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<time.h> usi...
[1 reply] : This assertion might be raised due to a lack of the terminating '\0'. ... (by coder777)
by Nanyo
open with...
hello I am trying to open a .ps1 file(powershell file) with a C++ program. The problem I meet is that the .ps1 file is opening in Powershell ISE. I want to make...
[5 replies] Last: I normally associate the .ps1 file with the Powershell command line, ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by sjabat
vector average and searching of agility
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { int counter=0; string str; ...
[1 reply] : average of what? find what? You can't just dump your code and expe... (by OxBADC0DE)
check repeated elements on different length vectors
I basically need to figure out what's the best way of checking for repeated elements on multiple vectors that have different lengths and then return those eleme...
[1 reply] : Any suggestions? Check how the existing algorithms are implemente... (by OxBADC0DE)
by sofi
While loop
Hello, I am trying to get a while loop to work only while a number is divided by 2 and stop once the result is 1 but can not quite figure out how to do it. Wh...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, one iteration of a loop can execute so other "nested" loop. Howe... (by keskiverto)
Knight's Tour + heuristics
From Wikipedia for the uninformed: "A knight's tour is a sequence of moves of a knight on a chessboard such that the knight visits every square only once." I...
[2 replies] Last: You are correct, my description was not at all accurate! Maybe I need ... (by sarmar610)
Creating a class once and passing it independently to other objects
I have a class called LoaderAnimation, which basically displays a sequence of 112 images when particles on the screen are hovered. I was initially creating a...
[3 replies] Last: I figured it out. I think the observer pattern approach worked perfect... (by sheva29)
%d in printf
Hello All, I want to know the difference between %d and %"PRIdPTR" in C.... And I want to know where exactly is PRIdPTR used? Is it similar to intptr_t? I tried...
[3 replies] Last: From the Posix specification: APPLICATION USAGE The purpose of <intty... (by JLBorges)
by kiri
error because of cin?
Every time I type this up and use cin at the beginning to enter the company name all the numbers go crazy. Anyone have a clue why, I have spent hrs trying to fi...
[8 replies] Last: geniusberry, thanks I am going 2 look into it and try to learn more ab... (by kiri)
C string turning to junk when leaving a function
Hey guys I am trying to create an open file function that checks the file type, I've done that but now when it leave the function it is turning to junk, Im usin...
[9 replies] Last: You don't even need fileName in openFile, just use the file parameter:... (by dhayden)
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