Beginners - January 2015 (Page 39)

Difference between [] operator and .at() for vectors
can any anyone please tell me the difference between the .at() function and the operator in vectors. Are they only different in context of the error generate...
[2 replies] Last: Compilers often allow range checking for operator too but it has to b... (by Peter87)
Question about Function Being Always True
If you look at my main and in it, the following code: if(playerOneWin(board)) { cout << "Player 1 Wins!" << endl; } It seems that the program is...
[1 reply] : Show where playerOneWin is returning false. (by MiiNiPaa)
Password input
for when im imputing a password into the command prompt is there a way i can make it "*" instead of the actual text to hide what is being typed.
[5 replies] Last: void inpuPassword(string &password) { char ch; do { ... (by shadowCODE)
by Torm04
Best Menu Code?
Hello, I was curious as to what would be suggested as the best menu code. It needs to be able to return to the menu if they enter a wrong key. I am making a gam...
[9 replies] Last: Case 1: int main() { int choice; start: //start reference system... (by shadowCODE)
January 2015 Pages: 1... 373839
  Archived months: [dec2014] [feb2015]

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