by Zentorno
What makes people think c++ is so hard
[4 replies] Last: In comparison to a language like Python, one may say so. The language ... (by Aceix)
Filestream issues |
[3 replies] Last: Bump, edited the opening post with a couple questions. (by DarkLightHitomi)
by pacman169
Reverse function
[1 reply] : Two variables one starts at 0 the other starts at v.size()-1 whil... (by kevinkjt2000)
by rjghoul
Array printing
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, problem solved (by rjghoul)
by nads
binary operator + , = overloading with const
[2 replies] Last: You assume right-associativity, but remember this is not the same oper... (by tipaye)
Need some McGraw-Hill C++ books? |
[8 replies] Last: "thinking in C++ volume 1" by Bruce Eckel is available both in print a... (by tipaye)
by DriftKing13
How do i list the last 6 recent transactions?
[1 reply] : you'll need to keep a track of transactions in a collection like a vec... (by mutexe)
by Vandalism
Function overloading + structures
[5 replies] Last: idk. i'm completely noob at programming so i don't know what i am doin... (by Vandalism)
by AHMEDiii
nested for loops - multiplication table
[no replies]
by ensiferum
abstract baseclass, polymorphismn
[2 replies] Last: When overriding a virtual function, favour using the override specifi... (by JLBorges)
by d1ff1cul1010
delete[] question
[3 replies] Last: [quote=Spikerocks101] int * foo = new int ; delete foo; // will kill ... (by cire)
by Nielyboyken
Tips to make my program faster?
[2 replies] Last: This is really what a profiler is for. They're a pain to use, but noth... (by Duthomhas)
by Jun77
issue in double linklist
[1 reply] : If you bother yourself to indent your code properly, you'll see mismat... (by ne555)
by MrGoat
I think I am having trouble moving a string value from one array to another.
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for help. (by MrGoat)
by loopdydoo
Help with basic GUIs
[11 replies] Last: maybe try seeing it to like 5000 miliseconds instead of 2000. should n... (by Hambone)
by SkyZ
Average output is wrong help!
[6 replies] Last: U said is not enough for 4 students but i thought that the "0" elem... (by dhayden)
by rjghoul
Copy array function
[11 replies] Last: Please indent your code. It will make it much more readable. Here is ... (by dhayden)
by tommyd345
std_lib_facilities.h errors
[4 replies] Last: right so after a long time and rather slow broadband, i now have visua... (by tommyd345)
by rfdinis
what am i doing wrong?
[4 replies] Last: struct xeh{ int a,b,c; }e,f,g; int main(){ e.a = 0; f.b = 1; g.... (by mightymeowth)
by DriftKing13
portaccount.txt file wont edit, i cant find where i am going wrong.
[2 replies] Last: it all runs smoothly but the txt file wont change its value, theres a ... (by DriftKing13)