Beginners - January 2015 (Page 31)

by wolfv
make: *** No rule to make target
Please tell me what I am missed in this Makefile: LIB =../../../../../../Arduino/libraries/lib_folder CPPFLAGS += -Wall INCLUDES = -I$(LIB) a: main.cpp Cust...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Peter87! That fixed it. (by wolfv)
Edit an Inputted user information
A user will input multiple entries and every entry will be labeled as entry no. 1/no. 2 and so on... When a user wants to edit an entry, he/she will pick the e...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! I really appreciate it. It now works! void EditEntry(Perso... (by Vandalism)
Address Book Program
I'm outputting an array of inputted entry and in the table, the first name won't pop up. the program leaves it blank. Do you know what's wrong in my code? I ju...
[5 replies] Last: @tipaye: Thank you! It now work! #include<iostream> #include<string> ... (by Vandalism)
by Jweim
Completely Lost On reading Data Into Array
I'm having a lot of trouble on how I go about writing data from a file into multiple arrays. The data file contains five columns and 10 rows and looks like this...
[6 replies] Last: line 39, i = 0; (by anup30)
Read numbers
Use a one-dimensional array to solve the following problem: Read in 20 numbers between 10 and 100 inclusive. As each number is read, validate it (be sure to b...
[6 replies] Last: the OP cant use <set> for restrictions Probably they are at the be... (by minomic)
by Lemmon
If else and logic problems.
I recently started learning C++ and am just embarking on learning C. I came across a small problem that I don't know if I can solve simply. I was setting up an ...
[2 replies] Last: You are somewhat close. To begin, before we go into how to do the stat... (by Spikerocks101)
by omurad
String Array Initialization Problem
I'm attempting to make a program to help my friends and I make a draft system (NBA draft for example), but I ran across an issue with the creation of the string...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by omurad)
by tr1944
Segmentation fault for different ways of initializing class
Greetings. I define a class, D, one of whose members is a pointer to a class, E. The class E has two subclasses, E1 and E2. When I run the first code shown b...
[6 replies] Last: Line 78 copies D(a, b) to d . Now you've two objects ( D(a, b) and... (by tcs)
Compiling openGL file
I am trying to compile the file triangle.cpp from: This is the output I get: ...
[2 replies] Last: I am now compiling with: g++ -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL -framew... (by bchinfosieeuw)
why do I need cin.ignore here?
Hi, I'm writing this simple program, and for some reason if I don't use a cin.ignore at the end of the getInput function, the next time the function is called i...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Mixelplik)
by alexBB
Compilation errors in a cpp file
Hi there. I mostly do and code in Gfortran in Ubuntu 13.04 however when a cpp file comes my way I try to compile and use it. I do not do any coding in cpp m...
[12 replies] Last: sh: commands to compile the source code. You did compile the progra... (by keskiverto)
Hello guys, I have a quick question, I have a variable of type double that is changing everytime and it represents signal strength, what i would like to do is ...
[13 replies] Last: sorry i don't enough time now to understand that big code. if you un... (by anup30)
A generalization of Switch
Switch says if variable x is v1 then do this, v2: do that and so on. Is there a simple generalization that expresses: if x is in range [v1,v2] do something, if...
[4 replies] Last: I do like your solution m4ster r0shi :) (by DexterMorgan)
I need some help guys [Newbie]
Hey guys, I'm a newbie at C++ and I was wondering what is wrong with my code? I am trying to limit an integer in a struct to fit within a certain range (I know ...
[3 replies] Last: That was a pain in the ass! Thank Guys!!!:D It's working! You're both ... (by ElectricCowBoy)
one dim array - function - number of negative values
What is the wrong please? because we have final exam at Sunday (11-1-2015)- (University of Bahrain) // Q(5) - (25 marks) // Write C++ program of the fo...
[3 replies] Last: yes yes there is no problem I forgot to check it thank u very much (by AHMEDiii)
Function printf and variable formats
Hey guys, I've got a really simple question, but i really can't solve this stupid thing. I usually use cin & cout for input and output, but I also wanted to le...
[1 reply] : If you really want to use these C functions in your C++ program I sugg... (by jlb)
number of digits + sum of even digits
what is the wronge? // Q(3) - (25 marks) // 1- number of digits of positive long integer number // 2- sum of even digits entered by the user // Sampl...
[4 replies] Last: thank all of u guys 4 your interest (by AHMEDiii)
FOR - skip first and last
Good day, This little code outputs numbers which ends with number 7. Code works just fine but there's one task which still needs to be accomplished. From ...
[10 replies] Last: Did use the same loop for (a = a + 1; a < b; a++) added a = a + 1, but... (by Edvards)
Fastest cross-platform FTP-library?
Hello I'm in need of an extremely fast cross-platform FTP-library. - SFML didn't worked because the connection is to slow for this application. - LibCurl c...
[3 replies] Last: ^The third-parameter is that it'll disconnect if you don't succeed ma... (by Computergeek01)
Singleton Code review
Is the following a good code implementation of a singleton class Singleton { public: static Singleton * getInstance(); void showMessage(); ~S...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks again for the help JLBorges. Works perfectly. (by Moonraker101)
January 2015 Pages: 1... 2930313233... 39
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