Beginners - January 2015 (Page 29)

How can I make my program stay open after using it.
Hello members of the forums. I have been interested in C++ programming for a bit now and am wondering how to get a program to stay open. No I do not mean
[1 reply] : To much simple use an infinit loop int main() { while(true) ... (by closed account 28poGNh0)
Sum integers
I want to write a function bool possible(int sum, std::vector<int> &vec) that checks for the possibility of summing the integers in vec to get sum without a...
[no replies]
Need help understanding a code :P
Can anyone help me find out where the actual like, ammo and health "fillup" is in this code? its a game hack for AssaultCube :P Add me to skype if yo...
[2 replies] Last: would you please add me to skype? :D I need someone whos good at this... (by Marrern)
Variable types - what?
I do understand what we use variable types for.. But i dont understand why they all have different sizes? i get that its because we want to store information.. ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks :D (by Marrern)
Reads only 9 characters?
No file is created during runtime even when path is specified?//solved. New error on post 5 #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string.h> using nam...
[8 replies] Last: Second argument of std::istream::getline is target buffer size (maxi... (by MiiNiPaa)
Using Loop to Read from File
I am using the following function to load my parallel arrays from the information in a file. The file consists of 5 columns and 10 rows. Each column is filled w...
[6 replies] Last: Oh wow! That worked. Thank you so much!! (by b4nanabread)
Non-blocking background thread
Hello, for learning purposes I'm trying to connect to an IRC channel, which it works somehow, but there's a problem with the thread (Boost.Thread). I need a ...
[5 replies] Last: Well, I finally did it, I have no idea how, just trying things. This i... (by Chuncho)
what is the difference. for which serve. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ const int a=0; cout<<a; } #include <iostream> ...
[9 replies] Last: I think I get it. Are for not changing some data as pi. Thanks for the... (by closed account ypLhURfi)
Inheriting Constructors
Hi guys, I'm in chapter 20 of the c++ programming language 4th edition. This is a struct that is supposed to Inherit std::vector's constructor. template<class ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! (by pyroclasticPointer)
Making GUI for C++ programs
Hey guys. I've been doing console application tasks for a while now, preparing for the programming competition which will occur on summer, but now I'm curiou...
[1 reply] : for GUI programming you can learn Qt or other similar frameworks. or y... (by anup30)
Black window openGL
I am trying to get working a simple Hello Triangle app in OpenGL in Xcode, but all I get is a black window when building. The tutorial is on: http://www.opengl...
[no replies]
RNG problems
I have two problems, I am using c++ in visual studio for windows. I am making a random number generator as a class to be used with various projects of mine. Onl...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for that. I would say then that I haven't been using one. Now ... (by DarkLightHitomi)
Chosing 1 out of multiple max elements
Hello i have a file with this numbers: 1 3 6 5 6 The code below finds the biggest numbers from left to right(->)and then prints how many of them were found(th...
[19 replies] Last: In general, if someone is trying multiple descriptions of the same thi... (by DarkLightHitomi)
Any Java programmers? Need help with IOStream.
Hi guys, So I have been using Java for 6 months and I have come across a problem. I have a program where you populate a hashmap through textboxes and a co...
[4 replies] Last: Tried the above method. I don't think the file is reading in as it is ... (by sailorman444)
stl.h I can't solve this problem
Hello, I am trying to fix errors on a code I extract from a pdf book. Now When I compile it still give me problems related to stl.h library. The following i...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you. Better now. (by stinostino)
Help With Code Keeps Crashing
I'm new to C++ and this is my first real program writing on my own. It keeps crashing right after you ask the cost of the product. It won't even let me input an...
[15 replies] Last: Can you post your current code, since you've modified it from your ori... (by MikeyBoy)
Generating possible Minimum and Maximum number from a given number.
The problem is. You will be given a number. And you have to generate the most possible minimum & maximum number by swapping any two digits of the given number. ...
[no replies]
Help with Monte Carlo Project
[1 reply] : It would help if you had consistent code formatting, it's tricky to re... (by kbw)
duplicate symbol OpenGl xcode c++
I am following the tutorial: I get this error: duplicate sym...
[1 reply] : don't include *.cpp files (by ne555)
Precision on values
Hi everyone , am here again and i need some help, av been struggling with my calculator application and sadly am giving up on it because i don't seem to figure ...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks guys, i din't give up on the problem, i realized that i needed ... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
January 2015 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 39
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