Beginners - January 2015 (Page 28)

how to load a string map from file into 2d array?
i want to load this map from a file into the if i want to make changes to the map i want to be able to save it to the file, then read it into the arr...
[no replies]
Need help with something simple.
so I just downloaded c++ today and i was wondering how i might make this : -when i hit the g key on my keyboard it will -send 1 on my keyboard, and right click ...
[no replies]
Can you help me ?
And I need to correct one mistake... #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct Klinikos { string Patalpos; float Temperatur...
[3 replies] Last: for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { Klinikos .Patalpos=6; } not sure what i... (by ne555)
by GGG
Merge-sorting a list problem
I'm required to sort a list using merge sort. I've put together this code, but I'm running into a weird error. My list is populated by random numbers. Howeve...
[no replies]
snake game help
I use 2D arrays to display its all things like bountary,food,snake but snake is going to infinity once it start it has no tail so anyone can help me plzzz ...
[3 replies] Last: anyone help please (by uzairraza4)
Snake Mania Game
I have been given a task to make "Snake Mania" game. I have made the snake, its food, and the boundary wall. Now the real task is to move the snake on the cons...
[no replies]
Problem with my code while using String
What is wrong with this code? Could anyone fix it? I keep getting D:\scorerecorder\main.cpp|25|error: expected ';' before string constant|. on most lines as soo...
[2 replies] Last: try to declare variables first when you have a meaningfull value to gi... (by bugbyte)
by Glyk
C++ primer 5th edition, "for" loop problem.
Hi, im new to C++ just started learning with C++ primer 5th edition and encountered a problem, in exercise 1.13 i am asked to write a range with a "for" loop, i...
[11 replies] Last: You could also do it with a separate counter variable. I mention this ... (by dhayden)
Weird "off-topic" compiler errors
Hey everyone. I'm a (A-bit-more-than-beginner-but-not-really-good-too-)Java Developer learning C++, and I decided to program a really simple game with SFML i...
[9 replies] Last: Managed to solve it =) Multiple errors caused that compiler-error, one... (by Cinzedark)
by Chase
A little help with file header
I was trying to make a header file that will convert strings to lowercase, uppercase, but I'm having a problem in capitalizing every word in a string. These co...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, I'm trying to learn C++ from a book, and that's about the only ... (by Chase)
Connecting FTP server SFML sockets
Hello For some reason, I need to be able to log-in to a FTP server. In this case I can't be using the FTP-protocol, I need to use sockets. I'm using the S...
[2 replies] Last: I already used the FTP protocol from SFML. :) And I also don't really ... (by Nielyboyken)
Deleting an entry
A user will input an entry and will be stored in the memory. You can view all of your entries and replace each entry by editing it. My problem is i don't know h...
[18 replies] Last: This is my current code: #include<iostream> #include<string> #include... (by Vandalism)
moving a character randomly
Hi, so I've been trying to research on how to make an character move randomly using srand and for the life of me I cannot find anything useful on the internet (...
[13 replies] Last: Can someone explain to me what is happening to my code, I tried making... (by Collwyr)
Question about return
void main(void) .... .... ... return main(); Can I use return main(); to allow the program to start from the beginning once again? So far when I tr...
[4 replies] Last: Oh..... Thank you so much for helping me. I didn't think about using t... (by darkmage06)
delete[] operator
int *a = new ; a = 2; a = 3; how to delete single element on an dynamic allocated array? delete a; // its not working also can you show me a code ...
[3 replies] Last: No. Why would you want it in this case? If you want, you can create... (by MiiNiPaa)
by xx1182
Basic game thoughts
Basically i'm making a snake game with an oop approach. Now my problem is: Does the Game class handles the snake movement or the snake has methods to move i...
[3 replies] Last: And what about the Delay in the game, is SDL_Delay (or sleep() or some... (by xx1182)
Problem with Bloodshed
Write your question here. I just started my first course in programming (yay!) and I downloaded the same program my school uses (Bloodshed Dev C++) but the i...
[1 reply] : Bloodshed Dev C++ It is horribly outdated. It uses old compiler whi... (by MiiNiPaa)
by h4ever
change character in C string - why crashes?
Why this crashes? char * stri = " "; stri = '\0'; // here SIGSEGV - segmentation fault It was just a try to change a character in char array using...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks! I did not know there is such huge difference in the brackets!... (by h4ever)
how can i pass pointer to function? i mean the not the address this is my code void func ( *ptr ); // prototype drugStore *myDrugStore = new drugStore = ...
[3 replies] Last: i see thanks. im scared to try it myself before creating a thread :( (by xenovia12)
Add and Subtract the perform operation
Using C++ I am trying to have the user select add or subtract and then perform the operation. Please let me me know where i went wrong. Thank You! #include<i...
[11 replies] Last: Thank you minomic (151) you rock!! (by Doctor1988)
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