Beginners - January 2015 (Page 27)

Please Help, sitting here for hours, cannot figure it out.
I have homework due tomorrow and I have all my code written, but I have I function that I cannot seem to work. With the login class i am trying to call the use...
[1 reply] : You need to add a getter to your customer class that returns the users... (by Yanson)
?Accelerated c++ help!!
Been reading accelerated c++ and typed in this code ,and for some reason. My compiler won't build it. Im using Codeblocks btw incase you was wondering // ve...
[2 replies] Last: Also, to narrow where the problem lies, use /* to comment out as much ... (by DexterMorgan)
I am currently reading about buffers.Can anyone give some example when we really needs functions like setbuf or setvbuf etc. PS:I happen to know when will thes...
[1 reply] : You can use it to control buffering strategy (for example turn off buf... (by MiiNiPaa)
void drugStore( long int& m , drugStoreItems *myDrugStore ) { unsigned int select; std::cout << "\t\t\tWelcome to city's biggest dru...
[6 replies] Last: oh i see. printing the second element of the array , which dont have ... (by xenovia12)
2D character array
Can any one just give me some problems , which could be solve by the help of 2d character arrays. I want them so that I can prepare myself for exams.
[3 replies] Last: THANK YOU It helped alot... (by M Ehtesham)
Extracting Data from a text file.
I have a text file in the following manner 4,7,33 308:0.364759856031284 1156:0.273818346738286 1523:0.17279792082766 7,4,33 1156:0.185729429759684 1681:0....
[2 replies] Last: Hi Noname 31337 Thanks for this infor but I know this and it is much ... (by newbiecplus)
Program is about to compare any two numbers input. Then, it will display whether the number is minimum or maximum. Use switch statement. #include <iostream> ...
[10 replies] Last: Now to wait for my question in the forums to be replied to. Like stan... (by toby235)
Open file(ifstream)
Goodmorning, could you tell me what mistake I made in this code? Because if I input "date.txt" the file is opened and analyzed completely, instead, if I inpu...
[2 replies] Last: Oh my god!! You right O_O" How did I not notice such an error... Than... (by Ray Soy)
How to call this function?
So I am at the beginning of my task and I need to call function "creating" inside the main function...How to do it? This is my code. #include <iostream> #i...
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User Interaction with Dialog Boxes that Generate Ouput for the User to Think about.
Hello, I am just writing a mess around program and I am having troubles trying to figure out how to program the 'OK' button on a dialog box to display anothe...
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Using declarations and not using them.
Hello! I am a noob on the most extreme side of the scale. I am currently going through the tutorial and ran into an issue regarding the equivalence of two progr...
[3 replies] Last: Ah, I see. Compounds types have nothing to do with namespaces. (by firedraco)
Advice for coding
My friends and I used to play a game called 2QWOP a ton back in High School and I've always wanted to recreate a game very similar to it. I've taken a college c...
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Exiting a program
Below is a prototype menu for a simple/complex number calculator I'm making for an assignment. One of the criteria of the assignment is the user being able to p...
[3 replies] Last: Ah, that was my issue, didn't put the 1, 2, 3, 4 and Q in quotations. ... (by Aromasin)
by kala
Hex input as a main parameter
I have to make a program where you give the input as a parameter of main (you start the program from cmd) and one of the parameters has to be a 128 bit number w...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you both but now I actually know more exactly what I need. I get... (by kala)
Array stops scanning after do loop
This is an anagram checker program #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream> char str1 ,str2 ; int length1, length2; ...
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"Static File" loses references. "Normal" variable works fine.
Hello everyone. I'm currently writing a little game with SFML to get at ease with C++, and came across some kind of a problem. I wrote a little templated "R...
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How to get an array from a function?
I'm writing a practice program. The final function tells the user if he/she has a good set of initials, which really doesn't mean anything, just practice. I ...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, thank you. (by golarmMZ)
A pointer to a pointer to a string object.
Hello fellow programmers, i just finished a chapter of pointers in a beginner C++ programming book. As i was doing the end chapter exercises i have stumbled upo...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Yanson! that worked (by minuss273)
enum (objective c)
How is this: typedef NS_ENUM(char, BlenderSpeed){BlenderSpeedStir, BlenderSpeedChop, BlenderSpeedLiquefy }; A space-saving enum? Piece from my book: With t...
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Understanding the following code
This is more a matter of syntax. Parameter.h #define Prm (*ParamLoader::Instance()) class ParamLoader : public iniFileLoaderBase { private: ...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, that was easy. You've been a huge help JLBorges and I appreciate... (by Moonraker101)
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