Beginners - January 2015 (Page 25)

error undefined reference to....
Write your question here. so can someone help me with why am getting error undefined reference? thanks in advance compare_with_mapp (cont, pro...
[3 replies] Last: i got careless of me ...thanks again (by donvigor)
integer is a perfect num?
Write a program that reads an integer value, num, and determines if it is a perfect square. If it is a perfect square, then the program displays a message sayin...
[2 replies] Last: @miiNiPaa Haha, word. (Y) (by Pratik K)
ok so i want to read / write numbers from a file.txt . how do i tell the machine to do particular things if i come to the end of a line...or at the beginning o...
[7 replies] Last: ok i got were squaring to give me an example of "do something"... (by donvigor)
Literal array in int array
Hi, I'm trying to make a literal array in int array. But there's something wrong in my code. Can you help me? ´s Pomodoro // Literal Array to Int Array ...
[9 replies] Last: Just to say thanks ! (by pomodoro)
Please help , thanks
How can i add the odd numbers between the first number and the second number ? thanks #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { in...
[3 replies] Last: Hey Jibbz, You are almost done with your code. You have your program ... (by closed account jh5jz8AR)
Learning Basic programming within 1 and a half month?
My exams starts on 1st of March this year and is it possible to learn the basics of C++ programming within a period of 1 month and a half ? The topics that...
[2 replies] Last: (by anup30)
by suraya
emptying of rewriting ostringstream convert
Hello, i was trying to change an int to string. it is working well but there is another problem in the output deck::deck(){ int i=0; ostringstr...
[2 replies] Last: It worked. Thank you a lot :D (by suraya)
Using sqrt, atan, cos and sin
Trying to convert rectangular complex numbers to polar form. Unfortunately I have no clue how to use the commands used in the title in c++, despite reading up h...
[6 replies] Last: Aha! Thank you so much! That was the issue all along. And yes I've jus... (by Aromasin)
by jp7an
Write a program that shows the figure below. The number of * is determend by the user ****** ??
[1 reply] : Please note, that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homewo... (by MiiNiPaa)
please help me need asap =(
Write your question here. Create a program that will input two integers and will display a series that starts with the first integer that is inputted and ends ...
[1 reply] : Please note, that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homewo... (by MiiNiPaa)
Adding variable error for calculator
I get an error message at the 'comReal1 + comReal2 = comSumR;' part and it is completely beyond me as to why. Help would be appreciated! #include <iost...
[3 replies] Last: Got in sorted now thank you! Knew it would have been a silly mistake. (by Aromasin)
Storing char
Hi, how you store a string of char in c using stdio.h and conio.h only. int j; char input ; printf("Please enter your name: "); do { input = getchar...
[5 replies] Last: I managed to solve it. Thanks for the help. (by darkmage06)
by simons
doubly linked list not getting displayed
Hi, The following doubly linked list program is working till the first call to insertInDlinkedList. After that the list is not being displayed. Any help would b...
[4 replies] Last: Ok. But as the insert operation is working now at every position, I h... (by simons)
Hangman code trouble
i have been given an assignment my my university to make a hangman game, and for the most part i have done that, unfortunately i am having a lot of issues with ...
[1 reply] : if ( c == 0 ) .it should be if ( c == '0' ) if the first two s... (by xenovia12)
there are lots of errors that i cant fix :( ,im a newbie in programming, can you please help me !!!! ########### if u choose A,will display "you choose A...
[1 reply] : You need to include what errors you want help with. For starters, the... (by nickeeromo)
Good enough examples for Vectors and Arrays
Ok so I think im beginning to understand vectors and arrays. I always quite understood them ,but im just making sure. So to put this in the most simplest terms...
[3 replies] Last: Vectors are to store names like string, int, size, and etc.. While ar... (by Disch)
by alexBB
Header file isn't recognized
Hi there, My environment is: HP Laptop, Ubuntu 13.04. I have this file glutSolidSphere.cpp that I am trying to compile with g++. The URL is: http://sta...
[3 replies] Last: ne555, you are correct. I got confused and posted the wrong link. Will... (by alexBB)
by kruszi
Open ~500 files with ofstream
Hi, I have one single text file with approx. 5GB coordinates and height data. Now I want to sort and filter this data for certain criterias and write them in...
[3 replies] Last: even if the implementation allows it, do not keep hundreds of files o... (by dhayden)
by shaLL
Move Cursor to End of Text
I'm an absolute beginner and am trying to get some practice, so I made this little program to convert decimal into a binary number. The problem is that it when ...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you MiiNiPaa, I'll have to study this for a while x.x (by shaLL)
Make user input area to the left of text
Hello all, I was wondering if there is an easy way to have text to the right of the user input. I am basically trying to have a percent sign after user input. ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! I kind of thought it would be a little more difficult because ... (by ochemaster)
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