Beginners - January 2015 (Page 24)

abc triangle program
I creating a program that will show a abc letter shape like a triangle. But i dont know if my program is correct. Can someone post their program so i can compar...
[no replies]
by Chase
.sort() and #include<list>
Hello, i'm posting here because: 1. I'm just a beginner and I'm not sure how some C++ codes work; 2. I'm trying to learn C++ from a Dummy book, I have no teac...
[1 reply] : i've tried using it on strings but it didn't work No. It works. l... (by shadowCODE)
What does :: do?
Often when viewing code online I see :: used. What does it do and how/when should I use it? Thanks!
[8 replies] Last: In object oriented programming. It is use to link the function definit... (by xenovia12)
std::cout not giving out vector contents...
Write your question here. ok so this is just a part of the whole code... after running i don't get to see content of the vector on terminal... but the size c...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <iterator> #include <a... (by JLBorges)
Average of 3 numbers C++
Hello everyone I'm a beginner to coding and I would like some help with something I have encountered while trying to write some code. This is not homework just ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, all help is appreciated! (by dgdaniel23)
Object creation question
I thought I understood how pointers and objects work, but I am confused when this happened to me. I was not able to create an object using the new operator. I h...
[3 replies] Last: Wow, thanks @MiiNiPaa and @Disch. @Disch - thanks for the list, it wil... (by funprogrammer)
Incomplete type not allowed error
I am wondering why I am seeing this error - "Incomplete type not allowed" #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Node { Node prev, next; // Err...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks that makes sense. I did not think of that :) (by funprogrammer)
Don't Know why this doesn't work.
In this it is supposed to repeat the while function when the answer inputted is the same as "r". It does not do that and I have no idea why. i have it couting w...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. That fixed it. (by pconrad29)
by Jean
Don't know what the problem is...
I wrote this in Code::Blocks and when I press F9 it shows me a black square (as it should), but it looks like it waits for me to write something. #include<io...
[1 reply] : Array int F ; has 63 elements. Valid subscripts range from 0 to 62 i... (by Chervil)
determining between cap and lower case letters
I want to be able to have it where the if the letter and shift is pressed to do a uppercase letter and if the letter is pressed and not shift then for it to be ...
[2 replies] Last: O ya i dont know what i was think i knew that thanks:) (by kmtompkins)
Char input causing infinite loop, can anyone help me out
I'm trying to do error checking for my program and I got it to work with numbers but not characters. Can anyone check out what I have and let me know what I can...
[6 replies] Last: Please, read my explanation of what happens in previous post. I explai... (by MiiNiPaa)
by jammin
I have an issue with my switch statement
I've been trying to figure this code out for a while, but no matter what you type "north" "south" "east" or "west" it only displays the current case over and ov...
[1 reply] : if ("west") != 0) This reads as "if input is not west... (by MiiNiPaa)
Is this program dueable C++ or not?
I'm very new to C++ programming and I'd like to know how I can create a program which searches for a text on a website (It's my schools website) and then if the...
[2 replies] Last: You shouldn't do this in C++. Although you can fetch the page and sea... (by kbw)
Asking user for file name and displaying file
I cannot get this code to work and I am wondering why, it's probably something small that I am overlooking but my research hasn't provided to be useful. I need ...
[10 replies] Last: THATS IT! I thought that it just needed to be in the same folder as th... (by DEnumber50)
by Life24
Jump from string
Hello, Where is the problem? I can't get str and jump from it. I need solution for beginners #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using n...
[1 reply] : > I can't get str and jump from it. No idea what you are trying to say... (by ne555)
Programming Portfolio Example Ideas
Hi there! I'm kind of new at programming and have only taken several classes on the basics of different languages (Loops, Arrays, Functions, etc.). Currently...
[no replies]
confused about syntax in void function
I'm fairly new to c++ and I'm confused about syntax in a void declaration from the cplusplus reference. It's an example of the signal.h libraries. /* signa...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for all of your explanations. I think it is making a little mor... (by Dan Feerst)
Overloading Operators
I've overloaded the << operator at the bottom of a header file. This is causing LNK2005 and LNK1169 errors both stating multiple definitions. //Something....
[1 reply] : Definitions do not go in headers. They should be in own compilation us... (by MiiNiPaa)
char array and pointer to char array assignment
In both programs I am trying to assigning pointer to char to that char arry. In second case program correctly. but in first case showing error. #includ...
[15 replies] Last: Thanks everybody. especially nickeeromo. your explanation of WHY thin... (by santosh anantwal)
by teerna
Passing structures to functions.
Hello, I have to write a program which allows the input of a student's id, name and marks in 4 different subjects using a function input_stud and another functi...
[13 replies] Last: I have finally understood the whole concept. Thank you everyone for yo... (by teerna)
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