Beginners - January 2015 (Page 19)

by akzo99
Array selection
i want to select an array within an array. I have read up on how to make an array within an array but to specifically select an array for eg. int array = {...
[1 reply] : std::cout << array ; A better example might be the number 3: std::... (by kevinkjt2000)
assign std::string (from getline) to std::string*
I need to read in a file like this: , , 1, , ,1, , , and do something with the strings '1'. They must be assigned to externalData in the f...
[1 reply] : remove asterisk from line 30. There is no reason to use pointers in fi... (by MiiNiPaa)
how to find the number of the changes happened between 2 string?!!
Young Froid was playing with a string. After lots of operations he wants to know how many characters have been changed in this string. Input You are given t...
[2 replies] Last: Use the ASCII table to compare the values of each char individually. ... (by disturbedfuel15)
by ntran
How to initialize a 2D dynamic array to zero
Hi everyone, The question is pretty straight forward, How can I initialize a 2D dynamic array to zeros? I can imagine that it can be done with a nested for loo...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks to both of you, kevinkjt2000 and anup30. I think I will go with... (by ntran)
operator overloading problem
Hi can someone help me with this code? i want to write somthing like: *dataStream >> this; instead of *dataSteam >> this->x >> this->q >> ...
[3 replies] Last: First, you should really want to write *dataStream >> *this rather t... (by dhayden)
no display of input by user on screen
how can get input from user without display anything that he has input without even showing any other character displaying instead of his input and how...
[1 reply] : http://st... (by kevinkjt2000)
by vxk
explaining #define
In the following file setjmp.h from apple : there is a macro defined as : #defin...
[2 replies] Last: It's explained in a comment before the first instance where _JBLEN is ... (by dhayden)
crashed when using for loop
Hello, I wrote a program to reverse the character order of a string. I could do it with while loop, but it crashed when I used for loop. I know it is about "...
[1 reply] : unsigned foo = 0; foo--; if ( 0 <= foo ) cout << "oh my"; Unsigned ... (by keskiverto)
Compiler error?
I was tyring to compile this code but, the Header file was shown as an error. What's wrong? Is it the compiler or the header file itself? #include 'msoftcon.h...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=Mictian]I thought that the extension '.h' is for older compiler... (by Peter87)
Preprocessors in Composition and Aggregation
I keep thinking I've got my mind wrapped around composition but every time I try to implement it, I get a plentiful output of errors. If this hypothetically ...
[2 replies] Last: I guess my example with the Foo and Bar classes was a bit redundant, I... (by dmpaul26)
Searching a txt file
How would I scan the file first for the keyword 'password' and then return all chars after 'password:' #include <iostream> #include <vector> #includ...
[3 replies] Last: Hi , gr8 progress wow. yeah i agree the best way to work with text fil... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by anhnha
\r\n and \n\r aren't the same
I thought \r\n and \n\r would do the same in Windows but I am wrong. Here is what I misunderstood: \r\n: First: \r: Carriage Return Second: \n: New Line ...
[3 replies] Last: (by kevinkjt2000)
by wolfv
pointer polymorphism?
What rule am I breaking to get "invalid conversion from 'Der**' to 'Base**' [-fpermissive]"? A pointer to a derived class is type-compatible with a pointer to ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks dhayden, Your example brings clarity to inheritance and pointer... (by wolfv)
Class Templates: Inheritance
So I am trying to implement Class templates with inheritance, and have a question about member functions. Here are my codes. I will address my question after th...
[4 replies] Last: Wow! Okay so I solved it myself. I forgot to include the class access ... (by Anthony5347)
Need tutor
Hello I am new to programming and want to learn C++ beginner level by distance and a live tutor. We will meet one hour by video conference Fridays between 9 ...
[4 replies] Last: Different people have different learning styles and redviolin has alre... (by dhayden)
Converting Files
I want to write a program that will convert file types. Like MP4 ---> ISO, but I have no idea where to start learning in order to write this program. What do...
[4 replies] Last: let me search my old files, i have something... Regards (by Armando Campos)
How do I structure a high integration program
I am making a sizable program to randomly make maps. My problem is that I want to choose variations for different map types, and thus I want to separate out ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, this looks like it work. (by DarkLightHitomi)
Why do you need to compile libraries?
When I tried to use Lua with just the source files, it would not work. I can't remember the issue from before, but the issue was solved after I built the librar...
[4 replies] Last: If you just throw a whole bunch of ingredients together into a baking ... (by Duthomhas)
getInt explanation
Can anybody explain the meaning of the following line: int seqLen = getInt(argv ,GN_GT_O,"seq-len"); I am not quite sure what the second argument is doing? Th...
[4 replies] Last: Perhaps the OP has no context to give. That would explain the questio... (by kevinkjt2000)
I need a letter Z and im stuck here. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int num; cout << "Type a number: "; cin >> num; ...
[7 replies] Last: The underlying pattern is to decrease the number of spaces by one ever... (by kevinkjt2000)
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