Beginners - January 2015 (Page 15)

by Sinbad
May someone tell me why my code is not working correctly, when I attempt to compile it it gives me the error of not being able to transfer the "if (decisionda...
[1 reply] : = is assignment == is comparison 1 is a number "1" is a string lite... (by ne555)
payroll. hope you'll help me
The payroll manager at central computers wants a program that calculates and displays the grosspay for each of the company's employees. It also should calculate...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks it works :D when i runnmy first program it just stuck at the pa... (by kentclark09)
HELP basic program
So for my first assignment in my computer programming class I'm completely lost. Here is the prompt: Everyone likes a good sale. However, it can be such a ...
[2 replies] Last: Put [ code][ /code] around your code. Whats the code you tried? and t... (by fabtasticwill)
need help
|Hello everyone this is my programme and I wanna ask you... what I have to write in "int main" to get list 2.every room temperature, humidity and heat in...
[5 replies] Last: It's okay hehe, just send me a PM on my account here i'll have a look ... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by Ouiqw
C++ code samples
class MojeExcept : public std::logic_error{ public: MojeExcept() : logic_error("Moje vyjimka!"){}; }; typedef struct Oddeleni { int cislo; std:...
[1 reply] : /* if (this->cislo == odd.cislo) { return true; } return fa... (by ne555)
by banq
Beginner with small error (please help!)
Hello, I am new to C++ and I am trying to call a function. I wrote this code with experience in other languages thinking it would work. I am getting an error 'e...
[3 replies] Last: Perfect approach to get things right, +1. (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by gmac
totally confused on what to do. Can someone start me off on the right place? I need to include this function in my code: int comp201_strcmp(char str1 , c...
[17 replies] Last: i = 0; // Initialize loop variable while (! termination_cond... (by AbstractionAnon)
Hello. I need help on how to start this function. I know I need to use a cout to print out the PIN but I am not sure how to start the rest of it. Here is the pr...
[2 replies] Last: This didn't help me because this is what the program started out as be... (by KrisKringle)
Quiz management system using polymorphism
Hi hello everyone i am new to this site :) can anyone help me in making my project on quiz management using polymorphism ? these things i am going to implemen...
[no replies]
weird program execution
Hi, im learning c++ from 1 book and here is a sample program to demonstrate some stuff about while loop. Its supposed to count all in inputs of the user untill ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks very much man! :) (by etrusks)
I'm not sure I completely understand the concept of classes. They are like structs with functions that can be used in that class but why put functions in each c...
[1 reply] : Because an airplane class might have a function called 'Fly()', and an... (by mutexe)
by Fonon
Invisible walls
Problem: Invisible wall after x > 5 Invisible wall after y > 10 edit: I don't know what the problem was but after many hours trying diffrent things i noti...
[no replies]
Check it out
Hey guys what is wrong in this code? this is a very easy code...but gives me a headache I get this error "Cannot convert 'int to 'void *'" and"Code has no eff...
[6 replies] Last: thank you @mutexe and @whitenite1 and @andy1992 and yeah sure, :) boor... (by starbug7)
by agnzls
How much do you memorize
I'm definitely a beginner when it comes to programming. I'm almost done with my math degree, and have only now fallen in love with programming. I wish I had sta...
[7 replies] Last: I agree with JLBorges. I usually don't find I have to sit down and foc... (by Ganado)
Hello , is there a way i can make this function supported by Gcc, everytime i need it i hve to provide it's definition , and some times i get alot of errors
[13 replies] Last: @coder777 thanks you very much. (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Predict output in Prefix and Postfix Increment Operators
Can someone please help me to get output of the following questions and also please explain how can I predict these outputs myself. int a=20,b; a+=a ...
[4 replies] Last: I find that people often confuse precedence/associativity with order o... (by dhayden)
by qmnty
Make download proccess.
I want to make dll for downloading from using setting .ini. like this screenshot.
[1 reply] : read: - dll tutorial - ini files tutorial (or get some ini library) - ... (by tath)
Variable Conversion
I have an assignment requiring me to demonstrate widening (converting a smaller variable type like int to a larger one like float) and narrowing (the opposite)....
[4 replies] Last: I tried something similar with short to long, but If you have 4cl o... (by keskiverto)
Function Error Please help !!
See the problem here i get is undefined reference to `main' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status. What is the mistake?? This Program is to count the no ...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=MiiNiPaa]char spaces(char x ) //Takes array of exactly 20 chars... (by coder777)
by SkyZ
Paralleogram design?
I have a program here where I need to print out a paralellogram with the form of. * ** *** ** * I let the user ...
[16 replies] Last: // assert( 1 == Rows % 2 ) int Numblanks = Rows / 2; const int maxim ... (by keskiverto)
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