Beginners - January 2015 (Page 13)

Set maximum numbers for nodes
Hello Fellow c++ programmers "The maximum number of nodes in the list is 100" How do I set this ? class LinkedList { private: struct node { ...
[1 reply] : a static int? (by mutexe)
by huBs
reverse the strings...
I came over this question from google codeJam. I was able to write the code. But it was only w...
[1 reply] : i would do it with vector. push_back() each world of a line, untill... (by anup30)
C++ code to copy multiple files from a directory to another directory
Hello friends! I have multiple files in one directory, out of those I sorted some of the files on basis of scoring, I want to put those files to specific folde...
[2 replies] Last: Where do you have the scores? It should be way easier to use a script... (by keskiverto)
by Omrii
Would it be possible to make this? How would I go around doing so?
I've decided to post this in the "Beginners" sub-forum because it is more of a hypothetical question and I'm looking for someone to point me in the right direct...
[1 reply] : Most automated bots work by emulating keyboard and mouse actions. So i... (by MiiNiPaa)
duplictate global extern
is there a big disadvantage when my two cpp's needs to access the extern variables on a header file. foo.h #pragma once extern int foobar; void func(); b...
[17 replies] Last: any variable that declared as extern will be accesible in any file. b... (by keskiverto)
by nasser
Operator Overloading
Hi I;m studying c++ from this site But just I can't understand Operator Overloading The defination The objective & the syntaxes any bodu can explain it mo...
[1 reply] : (by mutexe)
display error mesaage when non-numbers and decimal numbers inserted
hello everyone, how do i make this program display error message if the user inserts non-numbers or decimal number (in Matrix A). (only whole numbers are allo...
[1 reply] : Take a look at this: (by coder777)
Help With Figuring Out Why C++ Is Best Choice
I am relatively new to the programming world, and am looking for someone to help me understand why C++ would be the best language for the company I work for to ...
[6 replies] Last: There's no problem using C++ for the web(site/sever/service) You can ... (by coder777)
binary clock
this is the problem: A binary clock is a clock which displays sexagesimal time (military format) in a binary format. There are also two kinds of representat...
[8 replies] Last: thank you guys for reply ! I solve it. The problem with my first code... (by xgeutzu)
Person Struct
This is just a little question we had as part of our lab, and ive gotten everything but displaying the brother. Im not sure what I am supposed to put there. Any...
[3 replies] Last: I honestly completely forgot about the & I know the example is using i... (by megascruples)
Plussing my C++ Program
Hello everyone, I am a basic beginner programmer, and I have created a program to aid me in my job. This program works perfectly for my purposes, which in my...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks you so much for your help. The program works great, and it can ... (by newprogramguy)
by gmac
program will take in as input the names of two files: the first file will contain a list of acceptable words and the second is a book (i.e. a list of words) s...
[14 replies] Last: Okay, so I made some of your corrections. I have an issue, no matter i... (by gmac)
C++ Binary Calculator
I have successfully set up how to accomplish binary addition using the following code, #include <stdio.h> # include <iostream> using namespace std; int...
[no replies]
Factorials to be re-written at while statement
Before I begin, I have to apologize again for leaving without any thanks to the previous threads I posted. Moving on, here's a code for factorial notation usin...
[5 replies] Last: while(i < num) { factorial = factorial * i; printf("%d x ", i); ... (by beko)
template parameter passing
I have a function like below template <class T , class compare> // compare will be GreaterAge<Person> here void Merge(T *a, int p, int q, int r , compare ...
[8 replies] Last: @JLBorges Right to the point ! thankyou (by aseemgoyal)
peak finder
Hello, av got a question a friend of mine gave me to solve, where you've a map represented as a two dimension array with random integer values, the goal is to l...
[15 replies] Last: What about this pals? What do i need to do? aim is to slice down th... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Need your help people
okay when I run the program and enter non- 3 digit numbers it doesnt get me back to enter the new values and when it calculates the suma it prints all sum=i+1 ...
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a = 0... (by HelloWorld07)
by AVM8
Switch Selection
Write a separate main() function that has 2 int selections to execute the program. The main() must create objects and assign account holder’s name, account nu...
[7 replies] Last: mutexe thank you :) . It helps me alot. (by AVM8)
product of an integer and a fraction
Hi there, I am trying to make a simple program that will calculate 25% of 480. When I put the code in using num1 as 480 and num2 as .25 it calculate a num...
[5 replies] Last: no worries dude. have a read of the first section of this: http://www.... (by mutexe)
Need Help
Hey guys what is wrong in this code? i am getting crazy when its start and you press numb 1 ( its not finished ) this program ask all of question in one line...
[5 replies] Last: TNXx For patience and your evident. now i have a new Problem :)) th... (by alirezajalilii)
January 2015 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 39
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