Beginners - January 2015 (Page 11)

representing running service using OOP
How should i represent a service running indefinitely using OOP ? Suppose i have elevator class in which the service keeps the record of various conditions and...
[1 reply] : Make elevator instance receive events from some sources (like button p... (by MiiNiPaa)
why is the output of this program is 0 1 1 1 i set x = 0; i dont understand how it gets 1 y=5; for(x=0; x<y; x++) { cout<<(x)<<endl; ...
[1 reply] : Line 5: x is set to 0 Line 8: x is incremented to 1 and loop starts ag... (by MiiNiPaa)
Hey guys! OK I'm 15 and first became interested in programming when I learned how to get Linux and Ubuntu onto a chrombook laptop. I want to know what is the be...
[5 replies] Last: Do you want to learn C++? If you do: Should I learn C before I learn... (by JLBorges)
Introductory texts that would actually satisfy the industry leaders themselves
I have found a few but they talk about brevity or they assume a slight amount of programming familiarity so I cannot trust them. Most introductory texts assume ...
[2 replies] Last: I found Beginning C++ Through Game Programming by Michael Dawson to be... (by Tresky)
for loop help
Hello, I'm having trouble with printing out a "*" based on the number that a user inputs. for example: if the user inputs: 1 4 2 3 0<-- the zero is used to fi...
[11 replies] Last: Not a problem! Best of luck in all your future coding. (by TheKingOfTyrants)
by Glorpy
Writing a function that returns a base and an exponent (Details in post)
Hey there guys. I recently bought the C++ How to Program, Early Objects Version 9th edition to better verse myself in C++ programming. I am on chapter 6 of the ...
[4 replies] Last: To raise a base to a power (let's call it n), you must multiply the ba... (by TheKingOfTyrants)
by shaLL
static_cast<float> for division of int
Simple calculator. How to get the static_cast to change from int to float? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int Calculate(int x, int y, char c...
[4 replies] Last: I see, thanks MiiNiPaa. float Calculate(float x, int y, char chOper... (by shaLL)
I want to "getline" until I reach a set of TWO characters
Hi, thanks for reading. I am trying to write a program that will read a web log file and parse the results into an array of each line. The log does not have...
[6 replies] Last: Sorry. I'm really bad at this stuff. 1. This is for an assignment, a... (by Agusted)
Getting errors while it seems it's all correct?
Write your question here. #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main() { BEGIN: int solid; cout ...
[3 replies] Last: Oh, I understand now, thank you! (by stipan relix)
What are the top 5 (IF THERES EVEN 5) gui TOOLS OR FRAMEWORK FOR c++11 SIMULATION projects
Hello I'm working on a traffic simulation and I want to graphicaly develop it. Right now I'm fooling around with SFML but thats all I know. if there is somethin...
[no replies]
I keep getting an error with my code but it seems fine?
Hello my fellow peers! I coded out this program for an assignment that is due next week and for some reason I get an error that says "Run-Time Check Failure #3 ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much I got it working perfectly now! You're the best! (by Giorgio)
Trouble at start up in Visual Studio 2013 after creating a project
Hello! I recently installed my visual studio IDE inside of a Windows 7 OS which is also inside my oracle V Box. everything was working perfectly as of yesterday...
[no replies]
by beko
Cannot call template function - also question about namespaces
Write your question here. "myalgorithm.h" namespace mystd { // ... template<class In> bool equal(In begin, In end, In begin2); template<cla...
[3 replies] Last: (by MiiNiPaa)
How to eject CD Rom without using mciSendString ?
im using GNU compiler on codeblocks
[no replies]
Optimising the code
The question is this: I've written the following code. The code is correct, but fails in some test...
[1 reply] : Try to optimise your sequence: Sn = T n + T n-1 + T n-2 + ... + T 2... (by MiiNiPaa)
by AVM8
The question is the question asked user to prompt how many student's CGPA wished to be calculated from 0 to 99. Then it ask user to enter how many years he is d...
[2 replies] Last: AbstractionAnon The question is "The program should ask user to en... (by AVM8)
Can someone correct my overcomplicated code?
I made an agecalculator, can you bash me for doing things wrong? It's to long for this forum, so i'll put it on pastebin. The birthdate calculator is brok...
[5 replies] Last: Not the most elegant solution, and some o... (by MiiNiPaa)
by msrt92
Overloding In C++
how many overloading types are there? Like there is function overloading, operator overloading, constructor overloading, Is there any other type?
[1 reply] : Operators are functions. And so are constructors. (by mutexe)
Frequency of characters from a sorted array.
Hello everyone, I am having a hard time finding the frequency of characters from a sorted array for one of my classes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...
[6 replies] Last: just because I decide to disregard the 0 slot in an array does not ma... (by AbstractionAnon)
January 2015 Pages: 1... 910111213... 39
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