by aseemgoyal
representing running service using OOP
[1 reply] : Make elevator instance receive events from some sources (like button p... (by MiiNiPaa)
confused! |
[1 reply] : Line 5: x is set to 0 Line 8: x is incremented to 1 and loop starts ag... (by MiiNiPaa)
by mekealbrown
[5 replies] Last: Do you want to learn C++? If you do: Should I learn C before I learn... (by JLBorges)
by Arnold Itsov
Introductory texts that would actually satisfy the industry leaders themselves
[2 replies] Last: I found Beginning C++ Through Game Programming by Michael Dawson to be... (by Tresky)
for loop help |
[11 replies] Last: Not a problem! Best of luck in all your future coding. (by TheKingOfTyrants)
by Engineering
Help Displaying Words saved to variable
[8 replies] Last: No you only need getline. It will store what the user inputs into the ... (by TheKingOfTyrants)
by Glorpy
Writing a function that returns a base and an exponent (Details in post)
[4 replies] Last: To raise a base to a power (let's call it n), you must multiply the ba... (by TheKingOfTyrants)
by shaLL
static_cast<float> for division of int
[4 replies] Last: I see, thanks MiiNiPaa. float Calculate(float x, int y, char chOper... (by shaLL)
by Agusted
I want to "getline" until I reach a set of TWO characters
[6 replies] Last: Sorry. I'm really bad at this stuff. 1. This is for an assignment, a... (by Agusted)
by stipan relix
Getting errors while it seems it's all correct?
[3 replies] Last: Oh, I understand now, thank you! (by stipan relix)
by ApacheOmega
What are the top 5 (IF THERES EVEN 5) gui TOOLS OR FRAMEWORK FOR c++11 SIMULATION projects
[no replies]
by Giorgio
I keep getting an error with my code but it seems fine?
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much I got it working perfectly now! You're the best! (by Giorgio)
by ApacheOmega
Trouble at start up in Visual Studio 2013 after creating a project
[no replies]
by beko
Cannot call template function - also question about namespaces
[3 replies] Last: (by MiiNiPaa)
How to eject CD Rom without using mciSendString ? |
[no replies]
Optimising the code |
[1 reply] : Try to optimise your sequence: Sn = T n + T n-1 + T n-2 + ... + T 2... (by MiiNiPaa)
by AVM8
[2 replies] Last: AbstractionAnon The question is "The program should ask user to en... (by AVM8)
by vald0069
Can someone correct my overcomplicated code?
[5 replies] Last: Not the most elegant solution, and some o... (by MiiNiPaa)
by msrt92
Overloding In C++
[1 reply] : Operators are functions. And so are constructors. (by mutexe)
by ductttttape
Frequency of characters from a sorted array.
[6 replies] Last: just because I decide to disregard the 0 slot in an array does not ma... (by AbstractionAnon)