Beginners - January 2015 (Page 10)

operator overload outside of classes
I have a question about why I am getting an error when trying to overload an operator outside of a class. I do not understand what is happening. I get this erro...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you so much! I can't believe it was such a simple error lol I re... (by mtbrooks1993)
How to Make a pointer to an array.
Write your question here. Hey everyone. Basically this. Im trying to First declare a pointer to an array of Dice-object (Dice being my class). Then i have to c...
[6 replies] Last: The question is, whether the OP can see it too. Actually, the questio... (by keskiverto)
Windows Password
How do you get the local user's password in windows? I've seen face recognition software do it when you want to make a new face model. So how do you use it?
[4 replies] Last: What do you mean you can't? You certainly COULD and CAN. There's a s... (by mutexe)
macro definition
Hello forum I have defined a macro as follows: #define TWOPI_F 6.2831853f And while using the above macro in the following manner, I am getting...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the hint. It was not declared properly. (by sajis997)
initialize dynamically allocated struct array
weapons *myWeapons = new weapons ; *myWeapons = {"Weapon 1" , 500 , 2}; ++myWeapons; *myWeapons = {"Weapon 2" , 1500 , 2}; ++myWeapons; *myWeapons = {"Wea...
[14 replies] Last: thanks guys (by xenovia12)
I have a general question. Does my answer sound correct? The question is what is the purpose of iostream? My answer: A compiler directive that includes the in...
[1 reply] : Compare your answer to (by keskiverto)
circle in the corner helps
//as can be removed //first part //is needed miniwin //thanks for the help #include "miniwin.h" #include <cstdlib> #include "time.h" bool juego=1; int radio...
[5 replies] Last: Circle in the corner help (by closed account ypLhURfi)
Outputting from text file(FILE HANDLING)
I want to put all of the data in my .txt file to the program to run but my problem is, it outputs only the first two data in my txt file. The rest, it doesn't r...
[5 replies] Last: I changed my program a little. But your tip helped me a lot. Thank you... (by Vandalism)
Letter Grade to Number
How do i read a string of characters entered by the user then output the numerical grade. A+ = 95 A = 85 B+ = 77 B = 72 C+ = 67 C = 62 D = 57 F = 50 ...
[1 reply] : use a conditional check . if (the input character is equal to any o... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by h4ever
How install SDL 5.0 to BlockCodes (originaly to DevC++)?
I want to make this project working, there is guide which explains how to install it: 1) download and install the la...
[6 replies] Last: How to Initialize SDL2 in Orwell Dev C++ (by anup30)
erase elements from vectors then perform inner product
Write your question here. 1) is the overload of erase in my Vector class. _vec is a std::vector, private attribute 1) void Vector::via(Scalar s){
[1 reply] : ¿why do you ask for an Scalar when you want an index? (by ne555)
trouble with files
hey I have been on this for a whole day. Why doesn't this even create the slucajni.bin file? This is C, not C++, I hope it is ok. #include<stdio.h> #include<t...
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by closed account iTkG1hU5)
help with function void stat(int [a], int n)
im trying to get this output using the function void stat(int , int n). i have already made functions for maximum, minimum, average, variance. I was trying to ...
[no replies]
How to erase the extra leading zeros from bitset?
I've written the following program- #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { unsigned int num; cin>>num; cout<<bi...
[2 replies] Last: The header is <bitset> ; <bits/stdc++.h> is not a standard header.... (by JLBorges)
by HelenI
If problem
Hey, I need help. I don't know why but the second part of the if it doesn't work. And i don't get any number printed. for(i=0;i<n;i++){ for(j=0;j<...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you!! you made me find my mistake :) (by HelenI)
„QT Gui Application“
Can anybody help with Qt GUI application ?? plz write me PM !
[6 replies] Last: when I click on that button I can write temperature and humidity Wha... (by keskiverto)
by shola
Help me to figure it out
I am doing my homework, and I am trying to figure out this part: Using if statements, detect & print the rise time of the signal. The rise time of a signal is...
[1 reply] : I usually find it easiest to start by thinking of the data that you'll... (by dhayden)
Homework Help
I keep getting an error on line 64, "letterGrade not declared in this scope". What the french toast is going on? I declared it as a struct. // *************...
[6 replies] Last: Consider changing computeAverage() and outputRecord() to be methods of... (by dhayden)
by Nanyo
print screen to .bmp
Hi does anyone know a WORKING example of code that makes screenshot and saves it to a .bmp file? Thanks!
[2 replies] Last: sorry I wasn't clear enough. I want to simulate pressing prtscr and to... (by Nanyo)
How to get variable with biggest value
Hey. I'm just started learning programming and c++ language. But I have a question... For example I have 3 variables. How to get variable with biggest value? ...
[7 replies] Last: you need to read array link is (by sujitnag)
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