Beginners - January 2014 (Page 41)

uva: 3n + 1 == runtime, runtime....RUNTIME!
hello there. i've trying to solve a problem in uva but for some reason its always runtime, runtime, and runtime. i've check using the inputs given and they were...
[6 replies] Last: Looks like this is done now. I would have suggested while (i <= j) a... (by Chervil)
by Baider
MinGW doesn't compile windows.h
Hello, I'm trying to compile the "windows.h" Header file with MinGW on my Windows 8.1 64-Bit Computer. According to the MinGW Installation Manager the Window...
[6 replies] Last: Wow, so easy. It's working now. Thank you very much :) (by Baider)
Exiting a program properly
If I am nested within two while() loops, how would I exit the program properly without having to use exit()? I know exit() does not unstack and return does. I b...
[5 replies] Last: OK thanks, I figured it was a macro that ran the destructor(s) along w... (by admkrk)
net pay average output window disappearing
I am trying to write a code for netpay average and the code seems to work, but the output screen. will disappear as soon as I use the deg option and/or the ctrl...
[1 reply] : Use cin.get() ; to wait for a newline character but you may want to cl... (by Aceix)
A program to open photos randomly
Hi, I wish to a write a C++ program that would do the following: 1) display an image from a folder randomly 2) display the image for 10 seconds and then close ...
[4 replies] Last: Ultimately I wish to convert this program into a screensaver, but tha... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Learning about binary trees
I'm still relatively new to coding and practicing C++ on my own just to learn :) I was researching binary trees and pointers. I wrote a small program that is su...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry it took me awhile to pop back online and thank you for your thou... (by nonpareilpearl)
Help with functions
PLEASE DO NOT SOLVE THE PUZZLE FOR ME, NOR TELL ME WHETHER THIS PROGRAM WILL WORK OR NOT I am trying to make a program that sums all the prime numbers under ...
[19 replies] Last: Sorry for the delay, I got super-busy around the holidays. I just PMed... (by nonpareilpearl)
Tips on making code run faster?
Hi, this is my first time posting, but I've been teaching myself C++ for a bit and I've created a program which plots the path an electron will take if it's sho...
[19 replies] Last: Not sure if this is beyond the scope of a beginner, but I think your p... (by ValliusDax)
Astronomy program doesn't work
Hello, fellows, how are you? I'm little less than a beginner in C++, but I'd like to know why this code, which supposedly would give me the time of moon transi...
[6 replies] Last: If you consider yourself a dummy and you know how to use arrays then h... (by closed account iAk3T05o)
[Win32API] List Box - finding index by "Data Value"
there's a message LB_SETITEMDATA that will set a special value for a specified list box item, for example let's say I have 3 list box items: First Item Second ...
[3 replies] Last: that makes no sense, how would I find it then? when I remove one, the ... (by mekkatorqu)
[Win32Api] Sending buffer over socket with 2 different results, same code
When I want to send a message from server, everything works fine, e.g. I send Message "hello client" and the client receives message "hello client", BUT when I ...
[8 replies] Last: resetting the content didnt do the job, removing everything after the ... (by mekkatorqu)
by wolfv
static key map initialization
I am having a terible time with static key map initialization. I read many examples by searching: c++11 static key map initialization The following example is...
[5 replies] Last: You're welcome. The "[enabled by default]" part of that warning is co... (by norm b)
by May01
substitute for C++ static keyword
Hi, Is there a way to get a map or a list in c++ to keep its old entries with several calls without being defined as static. In fact,I'm using a multi map, th...
[2 replies] Last: mystruct_1 p(); is a function declaration mystruct_1 p; declares a... (by ne555)
by Owain
Translation Units
Hey, can somebody please affirm my knowledge of translation units in C? I read they are a source file after being preprocessed, so if I have three files, main.c...
[3 replies] Last: Oh okay, thankyou very much :) (by Owain)
Wha's the concept behind printf()?
I've researched a lot of programs that uses this function.. can somebody explain it to me?? thanks!
[2 replies] Last: thank you so much. (by newton123)
by Ch1156
Cant get this to increment array index number
Im trying to increment the arrays index number so it will loop through and change all the letters specified to numbers but it isnt working void ReplacingA...
[9 replies] Last: also i found the problem, i was outputting it in another function i ca... (by Ch1156)
Please , I need this pattern , not solved ever !
**Hello there ... Please , I need help with this pattern , not solved ever ! the question is :: write a C++/C program that display this pattern ,, you should ...
[no replies]
Associate strings
Hello, i would like to know if could be possible to associate a string with multiple other strings with this code i can associate a pair of string ...
[18 replies] Last: C++98: #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <vector> typedef... (by JLBorges)
Beginner Visual Studio easy Question
I just started learning C++, i have an intermediate background with Java. Following Tony Gaddis book starting out with c++ i was doing my first program in Visua...
[5 replies] Last: well i was looking for something similar to codingbat but for c++ is t... (by CappucinoJava)
SPOJ keeps telling me W.A
Hi I am solving a problem on SPOJ and it keeps telling me that my answer is wrong but I checked with the test cases and my code gives the correct answer :/. Can...
[no replies]
January 2014 Pages: 1... 394041424344
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