Beginners - January 2014 (Page 16)

by engr
Need help in "using namesapce std"
Hello i have done C++ in my Institute in 3rd semester.. I got little of it.. However, now i am trying to master it..When i put "Using namespace std" like the Te...
[16 replies] Last: OK i will send .. but it is caching files now OK catfish.. :D Good ... (by engr)
by pukol
Problem with prime numbers
Guys i'm in a debacle. Why can't i find prime numbers more than 100.. I think my logic is perfect. My algorithm showed every prime numbers from 1-100 but my pro...
[13 replies] Last: Thx for the additional info.. That basically reduces the process by ha... (by pukol)
Ref data member showing no change
#include <iostream> #include <string> class Person { std::string name; Person* bestFriend; public: Person (const std::string& personName) {na...
[1 reply] : You are missing an ampersand on line 18 - simple mistake ;) Also, ref... (by LB)
Random Terrain in C++ console with curses.
That's not really a question but I'm having a very wierd problem. A month ago I created a random terraing generator with the curses library.
[1 reply] : What do you want us to do? (by LB)
pointer array initialization
I was stepping through a piece of code for hash map implementation. I did not understand an implementation where the 2 dimensional hash table is assigned memory...
[3 replies] Last: private: LinkedHashEntry *table ; // public: HashMap() { // ... (by LB)
How to use thrown exceptions by functions?
There are a ton of functions I see that says "Throw an exception if fail", or something along that line. IE. If no conversion could be performed, an invalid_...
[3 replies] Last: what is invalid_argument? A bool? (by MikeyBoy)
Real quick question regarding strcmp() function
I wrote the following code to count words until done is entered. But, my counter seems less than efficient. In line 17, I had to use (wcount - 1) in order to g...
[4 replies] Last: while ( (cin >> words) && strcmp("done", words) ) ++wcou... (by Chervil)
scanf arrays
I'm actually learning C, but I know you can help me. (sorry for my poor english). I'm using eclipse and I've tried to scanf into a 3d array (as a matrix). i al...
[1 reply] : you have declared your arrays to have 2 x 2 elements, the is number ... (by Jaybob66)
Error with function call
Hello everyone! I'm new to c++ programming and need help compiling one of my programs. I get the following error messages but I don't know how to fix them: I...
[8 replies] Last: I think he was just talking about initializer lists, as they are the ... (by MikeyBoy)
by Loktd
function, files, and arrays
hi, I need help with my homework, but I am stuck on how to store data from a function using a .txt file into arrays. This is what I tried coding. What I need is...
[7 replies] Last: I don't think we can do that because we just learn pointers(so we are ... (by Loktd)
Input Error
When I am entering the file into the program, I am getting an output like this (Ignore the "..."'s, they are there so the 0's are positioned as they are in the ...
[3 replies] Last: As I said use std::getline to read the whole line. (by Peter87)
How do I send `this` as a parameter?
This is my code currently in main: std::shared_ptr<CEntity> Player; CCamera Camera = Camera(this, Player); And this is CCamera: CCamera(CGame* Pa...
[3 replies] Last: Yes thank you that was the problem. And also I had to make it a pointe... (by Malaxiz)
HELP--Calculations not working out
Hi! Im doing a gradebook program for class, with that has a header file and a cpp file. Once i run the program the calculations for final semester grade come up...
[8 replies] Last: You're using the wrong lab_avg and quiz_avg . In gradebook.h d... (by closed account NyqLy60M)
Linking, Icons and Code::Blocks
After working with other compilers that easily let you select the desired icon prior to compiling the executable, I wondered how the same could be acheived with...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks giblit. Now, the executable has the desired icon, but remains g... (by CplusplusAcolyte)
Yay another pointer question!
I am trying to understand pointers, but I have issue with setting up the pointer especially to arrays. Like for example, int main() { int size; ...
[3 replies] Last: The macro NULL is defined as 0 (in stdio.h), so all you're really d... (by closed account NyqLy60M)
anywhere i can go for practices?
hey guys, so next week i got a exam for programming, so i'm wondering, is there any website i can go to for practice? i'm studying on c# 2010 express GUI pr...
[1 reply] : If you want some GUI exercises... Build a simple program with a textb... (by yulingo)
Cant get the function to work right
Hey, what's up fellas? I'm new to the C++ or programming in general. I'm trying to get a separate function to calculate and then go back to the first one and r...
[8 replies] Last: Else followed by if, is legal. However: If you want else-if to have b... (by closed account j3Rz8vqX)
by kikidi
Transfering a matrix between Cartesian and Cylindrical Coordinate systems
Hi, I would really appreciate if someone can help me with this problem. I have never used C++ before and I need a code that will transfer a matrix from Cart...
[1 reply] : This is a help forum for beginners. If you simply want someone to wri... (by kevinkjt2000)
by Avid
Trouble with C++
Hello, this is my first post, and also my first week of programming. I am trying to make a program that involves temperatures. When I try to convert from deg...
[3 replies] Last: I was making the same mistake a few weeks ago myself ;p Basically all... (by Garion)
Intel 8080 Disassembler
Hey guys, After a couple hours of coding all 255 Opcodes for the 8080, I ran into a little problem. The tutorial for this Disassembler is here - http://ww...
[1 reply] : Never mind, go it. Thanks for the help. (by closed account G30oGNh0)
January 2014 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 44
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