Beginners - January 2014 (Page 10)

by pukol
SDL error BS..
Yeah i got it to work but then when i turned off my computer then use it again. I got the error that says. --------------------------------------------------...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah thx for all your help. (by pukol)
Unknown Error
I'm experienceing an unknown error. My IDE (Visual Studio 2012) isn't giving me any errors. But when I run the program it crashes. More specifically after accep...
[2 replies] Last: Solved! Thanks. Also made the spelling correction. (by JRimmer)
Advance Calculator
I was messing around with Code Blocks and i want to create a calculator There user choose 2 numbers and then writes +,-,:,x and program excecutes however i got ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much (by arnas122)
by klika
Square problem
The part for(int i=1; i<n; i++) { x =sqrt(y *i); cout<<"x"<<i<<": "<<x <<endl; } isn't working wll, for some elements the...
[2 replies] Last: I'm not sure what this does, but array indices go from 0 to n-1 , so ... (by long double main)
Program using the Pythagorean theorem
I have written a program using the Pythagorean theorem to figure out if the triangle is a right triangle or not. We are supposed to have it set up so that no m...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah. I get lazy sometimes and don't recognize where I mess up until ... (by GRex2595)
Problem with palidrome
This is actually quite a simple program that I am perplexed as to why it doesn't work. It's basically the creation of a five digit palindrome. Each number has...
[3 replies] Last: You could enter it into a string so that you get one number, then diss... (by GRex2595)
Create a "checkerboard" using cin
I am stuck on a problem due this week. Here is the description of the problem: "A generalized checkerboard is a rectangular grid one that has four parameters: ...
[8 replies] Last: I did that[You should just remove line 11 and replace it with line 15... (by giblit)
Bungling hollow square loop
Hey. So I'm supposed to build a program that will allow me to create a hollow square up to 20 characters long and wide depending on how many you enter. My ins...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by jackbruns28)
Inventory Program
My program is an inventory program. It compiles and runs, but when I try and enter the name of the first piece of inventory, it doesn't work. But you can fill...
[4 replies] Last: THANK YOU!!! It works perfectly now!! (by giraffe1234)
function should return a pointer to array..?
I am trying to do the pointers, the problem was simple wanted me to allocate dynamically an array in a function which will return a pointer to array, I think i...
[14 replies] Last: Um... what do you think will happen when the following line executes: ... (by MikeyBoy)
Make 'a' = 0, 'b' = 1, etc
So basically i'm supposed to change the values of the alphabet letters and single digit number to a=0,b=1,...,z=25,0=26,1=27,...,9=35. Can you anyone suggest...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cctype> int main() {... (by JLBorges)
Reading a file into vectors
My program writes a vector to a file in binary. I want to erase the vector, then read the file to repopulate the vector then display. Basically I want to era...
[2 replies] Last: I would post the entire program but its huge. This is the structure wi... (by alee4408)
How to add trailing zeros to integers?
Got it working, thanks everyone!
[7 replies] Last: He wants to output the rounded value though yours will not round alee.... (by giblit)
Pointer to Pointer
The purpose of this program is to create a connect 4 game. The trouble I'm having is understanding syntax. My instructor gave us hints to help with creating thi...
[4 replies] Last: // That first line represents this V V V ... (by JRimmer)
by engr
how to reduce the file size of C++?
If I write descriptive program , will it take large size? Does C++ take large time to complie and have large file size? someone told me that IF I use C To find ...
[6 replies] Last: I do not recommenced squishing your lines together, compile time depen... (by vasilenko93)
by klika
C++ Graeffe's square root method
So i have to write a c++ program for the Graeffe's square root method I have am stuck here when i have this formula transform into c++ code The code works p...
[no replies]
by Babel
How do I get the actual value from an enum instead of just a number?
[7 replies] Last: Something like this (the example uses a scoped enum; treatment would b... (by JLBorges)
by Kauto
Pointer and declaration difficuty
Here's a piece of my code that I divided. I basically need to create 3 functions: 1)1st to fill my array with random numbers 2)2nd to print the array on the scr...
[4 replies] Last: > you can't pass array by value, True. Arrays are not copyable types.... (by JLBorges)
Calling functions and reference
So I'm on the first leg of my project and I am stuck on this detail: "Your program should be organized into several functions. The only code you may write in...
[3 replies] Last: you need to give two int variables to your getBoardSize function becau... (by Yanson)
Regulating FPS
In line 11 what is SDL_Getticks(); and in line 25 and 26 what is the purpose of these lines and is SDL_Delay used for slowing down the processing speed , fina...
[3 replies] Last: SDL_GetTicks() returns the number of milliseconds since the SDL librar... (by NullInfinity)
January 2014 Pages: 1... 89101112... 44
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