Beginners - January 2013 (Page 40)

how to memorize n character strings
I have to write a program that reads from the keyboard an integer n, and then reads n character strings. And I have to print the common symbols of all the strin...
[2 replies] Last: Something like that? #include <stdio.h> #include <cstring> void citi... (by MiiNiPaa)
Bettering myself with C++
Hello! I am currently a student pursuing a degree in computer engineering. I want to eventually get into writing code and programming professionally. I wi...
[9 replies] Last: > In most of the posts above I believe an assumption is being made > ... (by JLBorges)
typedef with functions
How would I define a function declared using typedef? #include <stdio.h> int main (int argc, char * argv) { typedef int multiply(int arg1, int arg2); m...
[4 replies] Last: You can typedef a function pointer: #include <cstdio> int mult_funct... (by Stewbond)
Changing All Words In A Vector To Uppercase
Hi everybody, So got another challenge on my hands. I need to read all the inputs from cin and store those values in to a vector. Then I need to change all t...
[15 replies] Last: Ahhh!! Ok! It all makes sense now! You can clearly see why I was stru... (by somestring)
return int[5,5,5] array from function
hi how to return int array from function and how to declare it in class thanks
[no replies]
What seems to be the problem?
Hello, I just started out programming so I found a nice little tutorial on how to make a simple application called "Picking Sticks" from what was said, it was s...
[8 replies] Last: @primalset3909 If your problem solved then make this thread ad solve... (by tvrameshmc)
C++ 2010 IDE Troubleshoot
I download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 to my Dell Inspiron 14z ultrabook from the Microsoft C++ website. While I was trying to create a new Win32 Console Applica...
[no replies]
Dynamic Memory
For my CompSci exam, I am required to identify and fix errors when using Dynamic Memory. Specifically I need to know understand Memory Leaks, Dangling Reference...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, this is what I have collected from my searching as well. I appr... (by cyanogen32)
switch expression syntax
hi!! i want to do something like this: int wd; int wdd ; int i; switch (wd==wdd ) case 0: break; case 1: break; case 2; ...
[7 replies] Last: #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> and of course #include <ios... (by vlad from moscow)
by Shiro
ListView_GetSelectionMark not working
hi, im trying to get selection mark from my listview, but is not working, everywhere which i click return to 1 void InitListViewColumns2(HWND hWndList) ...
[no replies]
include data from txt
i was modify some source code i want to include the Data from some. txt? how to add function? ===============================================================...
[1 reply] : I think you should read this: (by karakale)
Inheritance // expected class-name before '{' token
Hey everyone, am currently working on a small assignment in which i m goin to implement a simple streambuf derived class producing rnd numbers. my first and ...
[2 replies] Last: derp. and a bad one, too. thanks though (by theJAQQ)
How Did I Mess Up Such A Simple Program?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello there world!"; return 0; } I copied this from my textbook, but I get this ...
[2 replies] Last: When I first started programming, I think I got an error like that... ... (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
error i get
hi, my code is this: Windows has triggered a breakpoint in TARGIL4.exe. This may be due to a corruption of the heap, whic...
[4 replies] Last: yes, but my matrix is 400X300 and after pressins F10 hundred times its... (by broadcast)
How can i read integers from non-initialized string?
I want to read a PPM file and record bytes as Glubyte* . I should check comment lines. After checking the comment lines I get a line has two integer. I try to ...
[6 replies] Last: thank everybody now it works (by karakale)
by Arcand
Working with classes
So, im relatively new to programming, and I have a tutor that has given me an assignment based on our last lesson but I have run in to a problem with something ...
[3 replies] Last: I'm not exactly sure of what you are asking, but I think you may be th... (by IkeArrumba)
definition of qsort
All I can find is the declaration in stdlib.h (usr/include/stdlib.h in Ubuntu) I want to see the body of the function.
[1 reply] : qsort() is part of the C library. Ubuntu uses glibc, so look at glibc ... (by Cubbi)
Can you review my simple Binary Search Tree?
Hello! My name is Stuart and I'm a moderate programmer who is currently trying to get his coding knowledge up to scratch. I'm also quite new to C++ hence this...
[no replies]
Hangman game validation
I think I am about to shut down completely with validation. Have been working on this hangman game for sometime now and the only validation I can seem to grasp ...
[1 reply] : Hi there, Please wrap your code in code-tags: [cod e ] code here . C... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
by nannal
Find data in string, send to new string.
Here's the program so far #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; in...
[3 replies] Last: You could also do: std::string detail_txt = debug.substr(start, end-... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 3839404142... 52
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