Beginners - January 2013 (Page 39)

by Ryusko
Parsing the name of constants from a file
So, let's say that I have const int INTEGER_NUMBER = 4; int x; and I'm parsing in a text file, and retrieve the string "INTEGER_NUMBER" so that I have ...
[4 replies] Last: Ah, thank you! Totally forgot about maps. This is basically what they ... (by Ryusko)
by jorz
Hi all, I am using visual studio c++ and I would like to create a table in windows form. I want to show variables / strings in this table. I found datagri...
[7 replies] Last: I have an CSV file as output but I want to show my products in my prog... (by jorz)
break & looping
why i did't get answet as : Enter the launched velocity : 60 Projectile launched straight up at 60 m/s Time <second> Height <meters> 0 ...
[2 replies] Last: Well, obviously when h is less than 0, you've hit the ground. That sh... (by cire)
invalid suffix "x" on integer constant
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main () { double x, y; cin >> x; y = (sqrt(pow(x, 4) + 3)) ...
[6 replies] Last: Just use pow() with the appropriate arguments. It's already there in t... (by Chervil)
learning progress
Hi all, i was just wondering what does it means if i manage to finish this excersises as beginner, Trying to see ...
[13 replies] Last: I'd also like to know where to go from this point. After this, do we j... (by kevin145)
by jCha
ctime conversion
hi guys :) i would love to know how the ctime works i mean how does it convert a given integer into a string!! an example: int TimeDate=0x481AD367; time...
[no replies]
Find a char within a string, which is in a vector.
Hi all, I haven't done any C++ in a long while and I'm stuck. I can hardly remember anything I learnt about vectors... I want to be able to search for a char w...
[8 replies] Last: Peter87, iter is a pointer to the iterator (Or a iterator to the point... (by S G H)
Class initialisation and member variables
I can't seem to work this one out, no matter what I try. Specifically pertaining to using
[3 replies] Last: Indeed I missed the &. Thanks! (by cheechm)
C++ Grade Book
// // main.cpp // School Book averaging Test // // Created by Hoekwater_Nicholas on 12/18/12. // Copyright (c) 2012 Combatoid. All rights reserved. // ...
[6 replies] Last: This is what I fixed. I'm still getting errors. It seems to only repea... (by ImNotnichoh65)
by North
pow( , ) not working unless i step over the whole thing
I'm trying to write a code that calculates Newton's method, not an assignment, just for myself. I'm having trouble with the function I put together to estimat...
[12 replies] Last: Maybe I worded it badly. I mean that the program should fail. (by ne555)
Dice game help
hello guys i have some errors and questions in my game... 1) The program dont want to close when the player will wrong the answer int Answers() { if(an...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for your advice look what i done... #include <cstdlib> #inc... (by StefanRafa)
Program for the Wire less Water Level Indicator
Hi I am new to programming this code's are written in 'C' (sorry i found C++ forum for this) please let me know whats wrong in it error on Line #31 \4-1...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks Mr. usandfriends your code's are working very fine with all th... (by mkbutan)
Can someone solve this for me?
Can someone try and solve this for me? I can't find out whats wrong. Can someone try this them selves and find out what I did wrong? PLz #include <iostrea...
[9 replies] Last: I agree with tvrameshmc. I'm pretty sure I did that when I first start... (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
by devoto
Learning classes, can this code be simplified?
Hello everyone, I'm a fairly experienced programmer but learning c++ for the first time. I've done a fair amount of things in python and other high-level langua...
[13 replies] Last: aaah, right! Thanks everyone! (by devoto)
if ( float X is incrementing){ this code...}
Hi this is my first post and I'm a bit of a noob but it would be great if you could help me with this. as you can see I want to make an 'if' statement that run...
[2 replies] Last: So maybe something like.. float A; float preA; do { // make 'preA' ... (by noob2pro)
writing my own streambuf the 2nd
hey. alright, i am building two different streambuf derived classes atm and have a few problems figuring out proper memory management. as a buffer, i use a cha...
[2 replies] Last: I started writing something, but that first link JLBorges posted said ... (by Cubbi)
snake game
i am making snake game but i found difficulty in increasing the length of snake as snake eat the food...plz tell me what can i do...i m using complier turbo c++...
[11 replies] Last: You can think 2D arrays as tables when we say int array ; , like in ... (by PalashBansal96)
Arcade Game
Hi there. First of all I would like to thank you all who are dedicated to helping people on this website. You have helped me get to the stage I'm at now at C++....
[2 replies] Last: Another one that could be useful is SFML. I think that one can also do... (by newbieg)
Can I swap pointers using calling a function?
Here's a pointer swapping function: void swap(int *p1, int*p2){ int *p; p=p1; p1=p2; p2=p; return; } and I tried to use it to swap two pointers in the ...
[4 replies] Last: there is also a swap function in <algorithm> which you can use http:/... (by Darkmaster)
How to write this program in C++ for "DVD Collection Application"??
DVD Collection Application REQUIREMENTS A video store wishes to automate their processes related to their collection of DVDs. The data for each DVD will con...
[1 reply] : if you have problems with reading/writting to files, have a look at ht... (by Darkmaster)
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