Beginners - January 2013 (Page 30)

by kirk
Creating a login if data does not exist.
Hi there. Being as this is my first post, I've tried my best to sort this problem through many books, Google searches and topics on file I/O reading and writing...
[1 reply] : As I'm not a master in C++ programming, maybe i shouldn't take voice b... (by francesco919)
password censoring problem . Help the noob. Please
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> using namespace std; int main() { char a ; int b; string d="abcd"; for(b=1;(b<=4);++b...
[1 reply] : On line 15 you are trying to access multiple positions within the arra... (by pogrady)
how to Write a function “minesweeper(int, int, int )” that takes 3 arguments a, b, and p and produces an a-by-b Boolean array where each entry is occupied w...
[3 replies] Last: look at array, rand, srand if you want to set the arrays size like th... (by Darkmaster)
What does mean public???
[3 replies] Last: Friend and protected could be helpful too. (by Darkmaster)
A little confused please help
Hello, Im new to programming in c++ but I have gotten down most of the basic material and can effectively program simple text based games. Im looking to move o...
[1 reply] : 1. Visual Studio or Code::Blocks are good, actually most IDE's will do... (by Fransje)
Inherritance Advice
Hello, I am having trouble putting together a program design which fulfills certain needs for me. My situation is as follows. I use data files to build ob...
[5 replies] Last: Yes, I understand that. I will be doing similar actions. What I want i... (by vckngs7)
by Tune42
Help with obtaining a number from cin
Here's the snippet from my code cin >> balance; while (isdigit(balance)) { cout << "\n" << balance << " is not a valid balance."; cou...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your reply. I've taken some VERY elementary courses in C... (by Tune42)
Hi, I'm trying to create a form for entering data
I am very new to C++ and I've spent three days scouring the internet and testing different ways of getting this done, but I cannot find the answer. I'm trying...
[12 replies] Last: @SidneyT123 Add cin.sync(); after the cin >> age; and you should ... (by whitenite1)
Enum Loop question
I'm trying to figure out how to loop through enums. The code below doesn't work, but is an example of the concept I'm trying to work through: enum DIRE...
[4 replies] Last: For fun. (by HellfireXP)
Similarities in languages
Hey everyone!I am a freshman taking my first ever programming course ,it is based on java programming.Since I would like to pursue a computer science degree but...
[1 reply] : There are alot of similarities but each is different....when you progr... (by supperpiccle)
Using Arrays instead of structs (galaga)
Hey guys for a class final I'm building Galaga, I was wonder how to shorten my code using arrays, I want to be able to use more enemy ships and have them perfor...
[3 replies] Last: Hs intro, its due Thursday morning. I have been working on it all day,... (by ebeas17)
Linked List
Hi everyone I am making a linked list with class. I have to make the node fix at 10. I just do not know how? Anyone can help me point me in the right dir...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks vlad (by detroit)
Color Class - Help Needed
I am building a color class that I will be using with graphic programs but running into a problem. The way I WANT to use the class is like this: int main()...
[7 replies] Last: If you're already happy with predefining the colours as an RGBA value ... (by Salamander3)
where am i going wrong?
I'm trying to assign values to 3 variables so that they represent coin vales, however when I try to enter to amount of coins of each type, quarters dimes and ni...
[8 replies] Last: The book I'm trying to use is jumping way ahead with the project in co... (by leath1990)
Breakfast billing problem using structs and arrays
Hello again, I'm in the middle of working on a programming problem, and it's a breakfast billing program that is actually found on here, with the only except...
[6 replies] Last: Wait, never mind folks, I'm sorry. I've been really really stupid..... (by hellfire1)
Getting Input for a Simple Pythagorean Theorum Program
I just started learning C++ today. My only background was in TI83Basic (yeah, the graphing calculators) I'm attempting to write a simple program to calculat...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for the help. As a beginner, sometimes it's hard to make se... (by kkschmidt)
longest sentence, need help
#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> void main() { int x=0,y=0,max=0; char st ; char at ="this is the end"; printf ...
[5 replies] Last: Here is a tested code #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /* MS ... (by vlad from moscow)
Games in the console window.
Ok, so I haven't coded for a while. Just wanted to know if anyone could come up with some suggestions for games I could make within the console window. I've ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply, Zaita. I'll look it to that a bit later. I want ... (by Lynx876)
Variable number of arguments
Hi, all! How can I read variable number of arguments(inputs) in my main function? Best regards!
[1 reply] : You should pass the number of arguments in some way. Usually the first... (by vlad from moscow)
How do I load a bitmap from a file?
I'm trying to load bitmaps from external files. When I try to compile the program, it just tells me that it can't find the file in the resource compiler (the .r...
[2 replies] Last: What does that mean? Start with c:\ instead of the root directory? (by FlyingMonkey456)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 52
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