Beginners - January 2013 (Page 27)

Look at this huge chunk of code
How can I make this program simple(using no functions except sqrt() and pow() ) to finds the solutions, if any, to a given quadratic equation. The discriminant ...
[no replies]
Problem with 2d Array function passing
I seem to be having trouble with my code fellas an assignment i have been working on for the past couple days has been driving me crazy when i compile this it j...
[6 replies] Last: So what values shall have ROW and COL? (by vlad from moscow)
I am having trouble detecting the error in this...
I am supposed to write a program that can tell if a positive integer is abundant,deficient, or perfect. But I really don't understand what is wrong here: #in...
[8 replies] Last: ok (by bunyonb)
Error: Return Statement with no value, in function returning 'int' (-fpermissive)
Hey Guys I have started coding a simple game but when compiling after a bit of coding but I keep getting the error: Return Statement with no value, in functi...
[1 reply] : Here else { running = 0; } return; place any... (by vlad from moscow)
by User1
Need help Clearing an Error.
I have an errors here that I am trying to clear. I am using Dev-C++ to build this program. Obviously I am new to this. The errors I am receiving; 38. error: in...
[2 replies] Last: your post is missing the end of your program. Please repost and use c... (by SamuelAdams)
How to take arithmetic operations as input..?
Hi all I'm new to the forums, and to C++. I decided to try and teach myself since outside of a class in MATLAB (where we basically only worked on one project) ...
[3 replies] Last: Nope, the code one (duh). That's enough embarrassment for one day I t... (by mickprops)
How do I use external libraries?
I recently downloaded the SDL library and I have no idea what to do with it, nor do I have any idea what I should google to find out what to do with it. The lib...
[3 replies] Last: Hm... I've got the compiler to see the files (I can include the header... (by FlyingMonkey456)
Making objects interact
Hello friends, I'm new here and I'd like to know how can I make two objects interact using a function. For example: person A attacks person B and person B's hea...
[no replies]
HEADER FILE "msoftcon.h"
i want to make a project on graphics but when i entered header file "msoftcon.h" the compiler gave me that error (cannot open source file "msoftcon.h") so if a...
[2 replies] Last: @Smart alee You'll find it at this site (by whitenite1)
Adding a string into some text in a window
Hi. I'm Sure what I'm trying to do is simple, and the answer is staring me in the face, but after hours of googling around, my brain has turned to mush. I want ...
[5 replies] Last: Wonderful. std::string message(Version) ; message += " By Dave" ; M... (by digitalwarfare)
If statements
I am not able to get my if statements to output the correct number. Here is the code I have so far #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #includ...
[7 replies] Last: If your function is going to be outputting data via it's return value,... (by Disch)
this is my question. "You own a small restaurant chain and continually have errors in the calculation the customer’s bill. Additionally the wait staff is al...
[4 replies] Last: ok after I do that should I submit it to my professor. Thanks (by superman123)
Are you starting C++?
Hello I don`t know if if this is disliked on this forum or not. But am gona take a chance. If you are starting C++ and are looking for some help to get star...
[7 replies] Last: the content of the original post is usually considered bad practice on... (by Oria)
Syntax Failures in Eclipse
I'm trying to find a useful IDE and have landed on Eclipse because it is required for use in my current Java class. I cannot seem to get anything to successfull...
[4 replies] Last: FYI: I think you shouldn't declare the whole namespace std in your cod... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
I want to learn working with databases
hellow guys I really want to learn working with MS Access database in visual c++ 6 so i ask you if you have such a simple code that teachs me the basic operat...
[2 replies] Last: thank you (by Pythoner)
difference between const/nonconst function that return a pointer
hello. Im reading c++ primer+ six edition by stephen prata, im at page 366. I want to ask what is the difference between these two functions that return a...
[2 replies] Last: ahh yes, i see... its just kinda confusing sometimes because he used p... (by Assassinbeast)
checking if a char is a certain character?
Ive tried this but I cant get it to work! Ive sort of got it to work but I get an error for uninitialized local variable. The thing is, want the user to choose...
[3 replies] Last: O ya! Silly me! :P Thanks guys! (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
i have put some input in my program but ideone is showing something else!!
[no replies]
Storing Data in Array inside Class
I don't know if my title is very descriptive, but I will try explain my problem. Please keep in mind that I am a beginner! I built a class to randomly select...
[no replies]
unordered_map assistance
I am currently trying to use a unordered_map to store a bunch of "monsters". Side note im trying to create a tested based rpg. (using boost map isnt an option...
[7 replies] Last: let me define what i really want to do. i want to make a monster man... (by imgregduh)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 52
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