Beginners - January 2013 (Page 26)

SDL key presses
It compiles, but isn't responding to key presses #include "SDL.h" #include <string> using namespace std; void applysurface(int x, int y, SDL_Surface *...
[2 replies] Last: There is nothing wrong with the code (except you forgot to call SDL_Qu... (by Peter87)
How to make it so it shows one line of text and then you click enter and then the next line of text appears
Hey Guys How do I make it so the text comes after you click enter (So it shows one line of text and then you click enter and then the next line of text appears...
[2 replies] Last: Create the following function, and call when needed. //wait.cpp //i... (by Lynx876)
Help with C++ program, for making string constants.?
Now I'm having problem regarding Codon and their respective amino acid. For example UCU,UCA codes for Serine( Codon=group of 3 nucleotide like UUA) UAU codes ...
[no replies]
Inserting complex structures into containers on stack
Hi, What is the best way to create complex structures/objects in a method and insert them into an STL container that is defined outside the method, while kee...
[2 replies] Last: The STL insert/push_* functions don't make a deep copy of objects. Th... (by coder777)
cstring help!!
hi guys, i need your help.. i don't know why my "moduleTxt" will auto change to "t"? I never overwrite it and the address is not using the same as "moduleDat...
[1 reply] : from your post addresses i calculate that code is 10. Both strings e... (by coder777)
Extracting specific data from file
Please someone help me how to read specific data from a file, like email adresses, URL's, integer type data, character type data and other. please someone help...
[9 replies] Last: i have got help from net,, there is an error in the lines vector<line_... (by kerrykhan)
by abbasf
an Amateur programmer 2 part3
void Collage( int **root , int const resource , int result , int const remove , const int scrap , int const steps , int const status ) { int sign...
[no replies]
by abbasf
an Amateur programmer 2 part2
for( Generation = 1 ; Generation < Emperor ; Generation++ ) { nowd = Generation % 2 ; nowm = nowd + pow( -1 , nowd ) ; i = Emperor - Generation ; ...
[no replies]
Calculation problem
Ok, the problem I am having is with the tax calculations. It is not calculating right for autos which is type A, but it is calculating correctly for cycles whi...
[4 replies] Last: Hi there, I'm not exactly sure about this, but it would be worth a tr... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
How to make the text clear out every time another thing happens
Hey Guys As some of you know I am a complete noob but am jumping right into things like an idiot I was just wondering every time text comes up on my conso...
[2 replies] Last: Here are some more appropriate ways of clearing the screen: http://www... (by Lynx876)
Using map with list
So I am having some major issues with my object-oriented homework problem. The problem reads: "Write a C++ program to read the name of a text file from i...
[1 reply] : how to use the list container within the map for "one" that would be:... (by coder777)
How can i return a char with array in function to main?
char* category (int aqi) { char *p; if(aqi>=0 && aqi<=50) p="Good"; else if(aqi>=51 && aqi<=100) p="Moderate"; else if(aqi>=101 && aqi<=200) ...
[12 replies] Last: Ok, thx ya! (by anyone94)
i m trying to swap values of 2 varable without using 3rd variable but
i m trying to swap values of 2 varable without using 3rd variable but not getting help me here expertzz #include<conio.h> #include<iostream> using names...
[15 replies] Last: THANKZ ALL OF U....!! (by Awais Tahir)
2 Questions - PLEASE HELP!
Ok so like I said before I was making a small game First off the 2 questions 1. How do I make it so the text comes after you click enter (So it shows one...
[2 replies] Last: I agree with fun2code, There are many problems in the code you posted ... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
segment tree
how much time does build operation take in building a segment tree to solve range minimum query problem and why?
[no replies]
How do you declare a global variable?
Hey Guys I am trying to declare a global variable (Please don't say not to... I just wanna know how too) but I don't know where to put it or how to! Here is ...
[2 replies] Last: Any variables declared outside of a function (main included) or class ... (by IceThatJaw)
How to set locations in a simple game
Hey Guys I don't think the title explains it properly but here it goes In my code I want there to be locations like in this game code: http://www.penguinp...
[1 reply] : This code is complete and utter shit for a game because it doesn't hav... (by IceThatJaw)
Why can't I intialize a two dimensional array in a Constructor
I get an error that says Error: expected an expression in the constructor. class TicTacToe { private: int board ; public: TicTacToe(); ~Ti...
[3 replies] Last: That's the same syntax as for any other member. The only catch is that... (by Cubbi)
Changing the icon of a Windows Program....
Hi, how would I change the icon of a Windows Program in Microsoft Visual Studio C++? I see on the channeling dock the files 'small.ico', 'window screen.ico', an...
[no replies]
Making A Video Editor?
I was wondering where to start learning how to make a video editor program in C++, like movie maker (but not a piece of crap :D) I don't plan on making one any ...
[no replies]
January 2013 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 52
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