Beginners - January 2013 (Page 25)

by abbasf
an Amateur programmer 2 part1
Q4) we haven't been learned how to use dynamic array but I've read about it on the net and tried to use that for a program in which you want to calculate the d...
[3 replies] Last: thank you for answering , I showed my programs to a friend and she hel... (by abbasf)
by abbasf
an Amateur programer 1
Hi everyone I have 2 problems : 1)I'm new to programming . 2)I can't good speak English . so I'll be appreciated if you answer me in a simple simple simple...
[2 replies] Last: thank you my problems were solved (by abbasf)
by puakai
cin for enum?
I just came across the enum thing in my tutorial, and if I typed the following code: enum yes_no {yes, no} would it be able to ask the user to enter either ...
[1 reply] : std::string input; yes_no answer; std::cin >> input; if (input == "y... (by MiiNiPaa)
image upload via c++ cgi
I'm trying to allow image upload to a web server via a web form (aware of the security risks). My code works great for text files but I am getting stuck on eof ...
[3 replies] Last: I tried a lot of different methods after viewing both of your suggesti... (by a witty name)
Code behaves differently at different locations
Well I made a school project for Grade 12 on my computer (Windows 7) using DOSBOX 0.74 And BORLANDC 3.1 and the project works all fine on my computer. But w...
[1 reply] : You are probably using something nonstandard like conio.h or some weir... (by firedraco)
data structure program
you have a string like sachin ramesh tendulkar and the given character by user is 'a'.then the expected output will be schin rmesh tendulkraaa-note that all the...
[3 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> 02 03 /* see 'fix' to remove ALL char's ... */ 04... (by Mohit Bhandari)
what are these classes this is a code snip from a program I am doing for homework creating a big int calculator. I do not know how they all tie together or rela...
[4 replies] Last: I did not write this code this was given to us from the teacher we are... (by Lazysquirell)
Soda Machine Rough Draft. Not complete. Need efficiency/test help
Here is the next bit of code that I am writing to practice if else statements, and also using functions outside of the main function. I also wrote this code wit...
[7 replies] Last: Honestly, you can accomplish the task without all the extra methods i... (by Lowest0ne)
Word Unscrambling
Hello all, I have a quandary of the algorithmic sort that I cannot wrap my head around. I'm designing a program which is meant to output all of the permutations...
[15 replies] Last: Sh!t... lol. I just realised from my first post, that when I use the i... (by Lynx876)
file stream pointers
I would just like to know is doing this: void foo(ifstream fin); less efficient than this: void foo(ifstream *fin);
[2 replies] Last: yeah i think thats true. Aceix. (by Aceix)
constructor question
what is the difference between this Something::Something(obj& newO) : O(newO){} also what do you called it when you do this^ and this Something::S...
[4 replies] Last: It is named ctor-initializer . (by vlad from moscow)
Generating the set of all possiblities
I am trying to make a game in C for which I need to generate a set of all possible "sequence of numbers" for a given code length of the sequence and given range...
[2 replies] Last: The program gives many errors. Also, I dont understand the use of d fu... (by pnagpal)
Program to indent code
So this was my project for the last couple of hours, it's an indenting program that "properly" indents code for you. I made it because it will definitely help m...
[11 replies] Last: This version indents the code with spaces instead of tabs, but will st... (by newbieg)
** p : how??
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); static int a ={0,1,2,3,4}; static int *p ={a,a+2,a+1,a+4,a+3}; int **ptr; ptr=p; **...
[4 replies] Last: ptr=p+1 comes from line 9: **++ptr; Believe it or not, the ** doesn... (by Stewbond)
caller of the function / the called function?
Hello c+plusers :-) sometimes i get kinda confused about the language about functions.... so i just need this totally straight up. What is the difference ...
[2 replies] Last: ok thank you (by Assassinbeast)
by kdforf
Connecting MySql to c++
Hi, i am coding a program that i need it to be connected to a mysql server! my compiler is Dev c++! how can i do that? i have found this code but it wasn't...
[1 reply] : [quote=kdforf]Hi, i am coding a program that i need it to be connected... (by guestgulkan)
New to scripting
Hello I am new to c++ script writing and I am working on a 3D fighting game and would like to know a some things about scripting for video games... 1. How d...
[4 replies] Last: Oh, I thought so. I did not know that...I thought they were all the sa... (by newkid93)
by zendog
File I/O - I'm Stuck
I'm trying to get a handle on basic file i/o and am totally stuck. This is the code - it complies with no errors or warnings but fails when run with the input f...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the help - sorted :-) (by zendog)
answer this?
If the size of integer is 4bytes, What will be the output of the program? #include<stdio.h> int main() { ...
[3 replies] Last: E. Compile error. (by ne555)
Dereferencing Items in OstreamIterator
I have a collection of pointers, and am wanting to use an ostream_iterator to print the contents of the collection out. Since they are pointers, I only get the...
[5 replies] Last: There is an obvious error on line 15: Yes, you are correct. Didn't... (by Lowest0ne)
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