Beginners - January 2013 (Page 24)

by Reaga
Help with a homework error (missing identifier)
We're supposed to create a Bank Account class, with a few public functions, and a main function. The main function is supposed to use an array (professor said 2...
[2 replies] Last: That and moving the method above my main() method solved most problems... (by Reaga)
May someone help me with .cs file editing?
I have a few .cs files and I am still learning the basics and was trying to edit the file for a game I have and do not understand what some of the codes mean......
[2 replies] Last: i thank you LowestOne that really did hlp with part that were hard to ... (by newkid93)
Tring to give new life to an old Asherons call game emulator, have trouble with the code below. // TEMPLATE FUNCTION swap template<class _Ty, size_t _Size> i...
[1 reply] : What's the problem? (by helios)
Function returning an address of (or pointer to?) an array of structures
Hello, I'm working on a C++ program (using gedit and g++ in Ubuntu12.04) that uses a function to fill an array of structures, and I'm trying to return the array...
[2 replies] Last: I figured it out by going it about it very differently. Before, I was... (by Taylor Holmes)
simplificating integer verification with an option of ctrl-z quit cin.eof
This was part of my homework problem. This is the code I ended up with that works for what was required, but wanted to know if there is a simpler way to do this...
[no replies]
First Steps in Win32
Hi, First of all, I wasn't sure weather to post here or in Windows Programming, As I'm a beginner with this. I have just started playing with the Win32 API, an...
[6 replies] Last: Thankyou for the reply. Any other Opinions? (by digitalwarfare)
Code::Blocks Source File Help
I'm reading an SDL Tutorial to learn to make games in C++. The tutorial had me download SDL and do a bunch of other stuff, which I did. However, now it is tel...
[1 reply] : I am not sure if this is what you wanted but for codeblocks you have t... (by khal)
Using double in C++
Hello everyone, Just started programming and am running into some hard times. I am reading my class book and doing video tutorials and searching forums but I...
[2 replies] Last: Wow thank you I get my mistake now! (by bondman)
Hi, all! I have declared a map, which includes an int value and a two-dimensional vector, also: std::map<int, vector < vector <int> > > mymap; I want to ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you a lot, JLBorges! It works with your help! :) Have a nice eve... (by Defaul666)
How to output text in vertical lines in c++? Beginner.
I want to make a program that can read from a text file, then output what is in the text file in vertical lines. Example: The text in the file is horizont...
[5 replies] Last: Will do. Thanks again. (by Nybcodr)
Key corresponding
So here's my question. When writing a code like this: (code) if (ad != 13) (code) I know 13 corresponds to the enter key. So i would lik...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. This was exactily what I was looking for. (by lockandstrike)
Stringstream Question
Hello. This isn't really a problem, but more so I'm confused why something happens. Basically, I'm making a program that will automatically factor any polyno...
[3 replies] Last: Oh, that makes a lot more sense now, Chervil. Thank you! (by ParkourPenguin)
by jaded7
allocation testing
Given a size, and a void*, is there a way to test if the pointed-to area is allocated?
[1 reply] : not a portable way, no. (by Disch)
hi to all I am a mechanic engineer and I had written a program to solving Sudoku, and if your sudoku have more than one answer,it will be show all nswers; Bu...
[4 replies] Last: What is your input method? Depending upon the method you might be try... (by Lowest0ne)
by Bog123
I don't know how to finish...give a lot of error's
I need to make a program to calculate a determinant of order n>1,and test if a square matrix with elements real numbers is invertible or not. I made some of th...
[2 replies] Last: The "wrong sort of quotes" suggests the code was edited using a word p... (by Chervil)
urgent graphics
#include<iostream.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> main() { initgraph; clrscr(); int d,m; d=DETECT; initgraph(&d, &m," "); cleardevice(); l...
[2 replies] Last: I'm guessing that initgraph; should be initgraph(); ?... (by fafner)
Minesweeper game complete - would like advice on improving it
I was assigned to make a simple minesweeper game for Uni. I decided to go a little further than the criteria because of course that's how you get the good grade...
[no replies]
Storage binding for certain variables
let say I have a main function, inside the main function I have const int row = 5; const static int modulo = 100; int a2 = {0}; const int and const static...
[1 reply] : You may want to start by reading this link: (by jlb)
Problem with Eclipse and make
I need to make an Eclipse project in C++ to read many small text files, store them in a big register file and read the text from the big file. My problem is th...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you toum! I can't believe, the problem was on my file and I was ... (by guerreiro)
by puakai
It doesn't get my line!
I wrote a program using the simple commands based on my brothers request. However, when I compile it, the program ignored one of my getline commands and proceed...
[3 replies] Last: It's the mixing of cin >> with getline which causes the incompatib... (by Chervil)
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