Beginners - January 2013 (Page 22)

Data type conversion from Window Form to Win32 console app
Hello Everyone, I am quite new to C++. I have some experience already with using console applications and I have used that app to design a project using int, lo...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys, I was able to resolve it using the first webpage provi... (by tmac4ever)
I Need Simple Movement with WASD key input
Hello. I am completely new to this site, as I have registered only 20 minutes ago. I started C++ about 3 weeks ago, printed out and read the tutorial, and know ...
[1 reply] : I would store x and y variables for the position as global vars, and i... (by fafner)
i am assign array char type one-Dimensional Arrays to the Two-Dimensional Arrays
Hi. I am from Ukraine . sory my english.student. below code. If you delete this line "char symbolArray2 = {''};" the result of the program is not correc...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much. I will now carefully study the documentation, ma... (by AlexsanderTof)
[HELP] write to .txt
Hi, i read the writing to file on this site, but i still dont know how do do this... so i am asking for help :) well i need to write to a .txt file what these...
[9 replies] Last: Yes, that is what i want to get,.. I fixed my problem, thank you for t... (by Fromar123)
Error: expected unqualified-id before ')' token
I am using Code::Blocks on Xubuntu. This code intends to set up a student class with a name, id, address and phone number. K, so I'm getting the error "Error: ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks abstraction! That got it. (by BlackL1ght)
string in member functions
my header file. #ifndef QUADTRATICEXPRESSION_H #define QUADRATICEXPRESSION_H #include <string> class quadraticExpression { public: quadrat...
[2 replies] Last: @Vlad, thankyou sir. (by Hasnain Attarwala)
#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES???
Im trying to show pi. I know how to set precision and all that, but I cant seem to get it! I did this: #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include <cmath> Isnt this ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thank you. (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
Input to a dynamic multidimensional array
Hi all, I am currently reading Frank Luna's "Intro to 3D Game Programming". One of the exercises is to write a program that calculates the transpose of a mat...
[3 replies] Last: EDIT: * I realized that the transpose of an mxn matrix is an nxm matri... (by tyler22)
Array removal
If I have an array of fixed size of say const int max_size = 200; and I want to remove one of the elements, how would I do so? I know normally you would move...
[2 replies] Last: You have to keep the actual size of the array along with its maximum s... (by vlad from moscow)
uhmm??... (1,2)
so here is my program: (which works) #include<iostream> using namespace std; int a,b,c; char ans; int main() { do { cout<<"Enter number of hours (in 24H ...
[21 replies] Last: You could output your message just before the do-while loop, check. ... (by Lynx876)
Calculation problems in If Satements
So for a school project we need to make a program that calculates the hypotenuse of a triangle, and outputs the length in the appropriate metric unit of length....
[1 reply] : Arrange the tests in reverse order, km first, then m, finally cm. (by Chervil)
Code not working / While Loop Arrays
Hi there, int playarray ; while (playarray < 21) //This is the while loops my program will use playarray is actually the address of the first element of y...
[no replies]
Show/Hide Cursor
Can anyone help me with showing/hiding cursor? I tried, but with no success. It would be wonderful if you could help me. P.S. Please, if anyone will be able to ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi there, I'm afraid you will have to be a bit more specific. I'm ass... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
New in C++ - Kennerhoj
I would like to tell a little about me and I have also some questions (I am not good at English, hope understand me) About me: I'm 14 years old and liv...
[1 reply] : -how it was when you started with programming? I started off slow, w... (by Stewbond)
how to cast from float to void* in C
i trying to cast a float to void* and its make an error "cannot convert to a pointer type" someone can help?
[2 replies] Last: never mind i got it .. i have array of floats float** arr and i wanted... (by yyoni69)
Function help
Hey guys, Just started learning about functions and attempted a problem from a textbook; "Write a function cube_root that receives a double argument and ca...
[2 replies] Last: 1) you should pass variable to scanf() by pointer (why do you use scan... (by MiiNiPaa)
C++ not getting desired output
This is a part of my hospital management program. It's a function inside my appointment class to create a new appointment. void app::create_app() //Create a ...
[2 replies] Last: Not really enough code posted to determine where your problem is. ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Pls Need Immediate Help
i have a problem in having returning a function. my problem is if i press Y then its need only to return in a cout that is to enter an account but it turns to r...
[2 replies] Last: Your problem is your return statement in Acc(). return Acc(); ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Returning Position of String Array
I'm Trying to return the position of a string array. Here is may code: #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <io...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so Much. (by NormV1984)
Reading Binary File
I'm trying to read binary file into an array of chars, but what I get into console is plenty of strange symbols. Here's my code: #include <conio.h> #inc...
[5 replies] Last: Binary refers to the access mode, not the type of data. Any file can b... (by Chervil)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 52
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