Beginners - January 2013 (Page 21)

code error vector subscript
Error: occurs after 4 numbers(representing cards) have been played. Expression:vector subscript out of range Please help me i've been working on this for wee...
[4 replies] Last: I think the issue may be within the play function it doesnt trigger if... (by GIjessiebear)
Linked List
Hi, I am implementing a simple linked list....Any idea why my print function is not working? #include <iostream> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; ...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it.. (by cvp9148)
by Pebble
Undefined Reference.
Can someone help a newbie solve this, I've been trying for about 2 hrs now. obj\Debug\main.o||In function `main':| G:\DCSTemp\Factorial Split\main.cpp|14|un...
[5 replies] Last: The problem is that you have a typo in the function definition. Instea... (by vlad from moscow)
Ok. So I just want to get peoples opinion on this. If you were to get a percentage on something, say... You will survive with a 22% chance. Would the best way ...
[1 reply] : From the first exa... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Dizzy
Help with code for binary to decimal conversion!
My code compiles and runs but when you enter 10010001 it returns 137, and it SHOULD be 145! I dont know where the issue is occuring. Please help! #include <i...
[5 replies] Last: my bad :-) (by guestgulkan)
C++ problem with the effects of gravity
Hi, I'm trying to write a code to display the results of gravity on an object being dropped from a certain height. The user inputs the tower's height and the ou...
[1 reply] : int tower_height; double time; double distance=((gravity*time*time... (by cire)
by jaster
hello, i got this lines in my program int Linhas = 60; int s = ((i-12)*2+1); if ( j == s || j == -(i-(Linhas-13))*2-1) mtemp[i-12]==T0; i got a for ...
[5 replies] Last: yep thank you it was the two == in mtemp[i-12] == T0, i was so tired t... (by jaster)
undefined reference to 'function'
All, I know this topic comes up often, but the solutions I've seen don't seem applicable in my case. I am building on Linux (though I saw the same issue o...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, the dependencies in the makefile a.out : stack.o main.o g++ -o ... (by ne555)
[13 replies] Last: #include <iomanip> // ADD ---------------------------------- #include... (by jumper007)
creating multiple cpp files
hello, i am new to visual c++ 2010 but the code that i am writing is quite long (not compared to other programs) and i was wondering how i can neaten it up. a...
[8 replies] Last: If you have not assigned a value to screen that means the pointer is e... (by Peter87)
Program to count occurences of each elements in an array
I have to write a program to count the occurrence of each element in array??plz hlp me?
[3 replies] Last: Write down the process then code it, show us what you can do. 1 idea ... (by SamuelAdams)
Program questions.. for ARRAYS
1. Using one-dimensional array, make and run a program that will allow a user to input 15 numbers and sort them from highest to lowest. Sample Output: What...
[2 replies] Last: in your example output you contradict yourself. The highest to lowes... (by SamuelAdams)
by lmsmi1
Add Admin
Is there any way to add an admin in C++ when on a non-admin (restricted) account?
[2 replies] Last: No, as Santosh said, there isn't. Close the topic. (by jumper007)
Help with certain lines.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Person { public: Person(); ~Person(){} void setName(stri...
[2 replies] Last: The assignment tells me to use <Person*> :( Also thank you. (by seraphdd)
by ofey
Mysterious Seg. Fault........Spoj ARITH
The following program attempts to work as a calculator for huge inputs. PROBLEM STATEMENT: It's working perfectly on ...
[3 replies] Last: @NwN: Got the error. Was a slight typo. Thanks anyways. @cire: i am a... (by ofey)
by mdbay
"Game Over" program build fail?
Hello, I just bought a book on game programming with c++ and one of the first things you do is make the "Game Over" console program. I'm using Microsoft Visual...
[7 replies] Last: I found this link: (by closed account L1AkoG1T)
cin >> entero
Hi guys, I got stuck and I dont know what's wrong with this code. The isEven is a function created by me, but the thing is that the debbuger says the != opperat...
[6 replies] Last: thank u sir (by cesarknbv)
& vs *
Is there any difference between: int *i; and int &i;
[3 replies] Last: Yes, there is. In the first case there is used * while in the second... (by vlad from moscow)
help me to ass something
after we create this code additional functions to be needed to pass this code!... can someone help me! .. NOTE: its in additional functions: /// Implem...
[1 reply] : The functions clrscr() gotoxy() maxDepth() minValue() maxValue... (by AbstractionAnon)
Program questions.. for STRINGS
1. Make and run a program that will accept a user input of not more than 50 characters and find set of letters that will produce the string “just do it” con...
[1 reply] : Please, show what you have done at this point. We are willing to help ... (by MiiNiPaa)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 52
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