Beginners - January 2013 (Page 20)

arrays? i dont get it
ok, so i got this note from class i dont understand shit please helps me out // arrays example #include <iostream.h> int billy = {16, 2, 77, 40, 12071...
[2 replies] Last: thankz alot chervil :3 (by BleedingHandz)
i wanna show a descending order of a variable not a array element..
i wanna show a descending order of a variable not a array i wanna input 523 that shows me output like 325,,,,,,can anyone help me...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks JLBorges. I have already realized this. (by vlad from moscow)
by Ch1156
Help with encryption program
I am making an encryption program and i tried adding a uppercase replacement array and it works when you encrypt it but when you go to decrypt it, after you typ...
[11 replies] Last: Ok i fixed the password problem, now the only problem i have is that i... (by Ch1156)
string class
I went to the page for the string class (the page that gives information on all of the functions/members/templates of the class in detail) and I wasn't able to ...
[1 reply] : Use std::getline( std::cin, strInput ); As for your original problem... (by vlad from moscow)
Overloaded operands and function definitions Question
Is it possible to write two or more function definitions for the + operator and place them both is a struct definition? Why or why not?
[3 replies] Last: Consider the example struct A { const A operator +( const A & ) {... (by vlad from moscow)
Prime Number Check
Hi, I am a newbie in c++ programming. I wrote a simple code to check if a number is prime or not. But code is not working correctly. It checks some numbers corr...
[16 replies] Last: sorry slamdon, but it does not work..... (by usmiech)
Pinwheel pattern
this is what i've done so far. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int inp, h, st = {1,0,2,0}, sp = {0,0,0,0} ,i ; ...
[4 replies] Last: Just playing with the code here. This is effectively the same as the c... (by Chervil)
How to use dynamic memory allocation?
I know how to declare an array dynamically and a single variable, but I am very bad at using them. (I try to get user input into a dynamically allocated array, ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
by MH4
A* Pathfinding
This is in my header file #pragma once #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include "Enemy.h" #include "Vector2D.h" #define TILE_SIZE 20 #define M...
[no replies]
Printing results to a spreadsheet
Hi guys, I'm trying to start a new project just to further my skills at programming and thought I might have a go at making my own little program that takes ...
[2 replies] Last: Sounds interesting, I have heard of CSV...that is the file type used f... (by noobcoder)
why wont my code compute the mathmatics I Programmed here?
I'm not to knowledgeable in c++ but I'm pretty sure I did the right thing here (well obviously not). When I run the program I get no errors but all the program ...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks helios i was thinking i need to check the base first but i thou... (by ApacheOmega)
Program that prompts for two integers and calculates
Here is my issue, I believe I got this down but am having the issue with the cmd prompt staying open long enough to capture screenshot. What did I do wrong with...
[7 replies] Last: Here is the newest I have and still no smallest or largest printing ou... (by bigyankeefan)
Simple Program small number
Hello everyone, I am trying to write a program that reads in three integers and determines and prints the smallest number numerically in the group. Help! Wha...
[6 replies] Last: Try to do it yourself. As an advice define one more variable that will... (by vlad from moscow)
BigInt class questions part I
Ok so here is a snippet of the code my question is how do i return the value i am adding two int array together inside this method at least this is where i thin...
[4 replies] Last: well, ok, const... what you need to do is assign this to objToRetu... (by coder777)
How to best do error lookups.
I'm trying to implement a 2-dimensional error lookup table, where each error ID has a (string) description and a 'Fatal' tag. What is the best way to do this? I...
[2 replies] Last: Is that still a two dimensionally indexed array? I can't tell. I'm sor... (by Killerbee13)
Is there anyway to replace a whole sentence or paragraph without replacing the '/n'? Right now if i replace a sentence with asterisks using the replace function...
[8 replies] Last: My five cents #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algori... (by vlad from moscow)
by Cnaoum
Hi! This is my first (and last) computer science class and I am SO lost. We're suppose to copy and paste this into C++ and fix all the errors and run it. If it ...
[3 replies] Last: Ah yes what HiteshVaghani1 said, i cant believe i didnt see that, so h... (by Ch1156)
Substitute for SŸSTEM("cls")
When I started programming in c++ I was told for the programm to look good I should use SYSTEM("cls"). So my question is, what's the replacement to this comma...
[11 replies] Last: How's this : #include <iostream.h> void pause() { std::cin.sync();... (by xismn)
A problem about strlen && printf
(Um,My english is not well) :) My friend is learning C++ now,and he find a problem that I can't explain why. The First Code ,it runs more than 2000MS ...
[11 replies] Last: @cire I test the code in my computer and know that you are right. And... (by volzkzg)
Help needed in do while, 2 variable code
Hey, i was wondering if i could get some help with this code, im not sure if i made a mistake or my design is just messed up. Its a program that ask's for a use...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you :) (by MasterSplint3r)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 52
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