Beginners - January 2013 (Page 18)

program not continuing
i have coded the below code but when i press one of the keys i have putted in the menu the program simply closes #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #i...
[2 replies] Last: what do you meen with: it does not extract a symbol from the keyboard... (by lockandstrike)
Please I need help
Please help I have this book programming for dummies and they gave a code I want to make sure the code is good and how do I see it on screen here is the code...
[16 replies] Last: You know more than me and I am more of a noob but all good we all have... (by CttLearner)
Dear All! I am a fresh student of IT. One of my subject is C++ which is quite difficult for me. Can any body guide me from which topic i should start learning i...
[5 replies] Last: I think that any course is not enough to get a solid knowledge without... (by vlad from moscow)
I am a class 11 student i started learning c++ this year only please suggest me a c++ program which is easy to write
[6 replies] Last: Prateek, if you want better (serious) answers you have to give us more... (by cnoeval)
so i'm getting this errors: 106:1: error: expected 'while' at end of input 106:1: error: expected '(' at end of input 106:1: error: expected primary-expressi...
[2 replies] Last: your do-while is missing "}" (by Darkmaster)
Rate my c++ Genetics Project
This project is for my school and works fine till now. This is complete till now. My school has windows xp but I have Kubuntu so I just wanna know if it would r...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=Sahil512]Please suggest me something to make it better. By th... (by closed account 3TXyhbRD)
i hope anyone here is familiar with the posit algorithm of the OpenCV library posit estimates the rotation and translation between a camera and a 3d object p...
[no replies]
pointers' array
Hi guys, i made the following code for the class product. In main body i tried to create an array of pointer for the member name but the compiler shows me error...
[6 replies] Last: I'll assume your members are public and that you have a default/no par... (by closed account 3TXyhbRD)
how to print a stack?
how to print value in a stack? the following code doesnt work.
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <stack> template < typename T > void pr... (by JLBorges)
Program questions.. for ITERATIVE STATEMENTS
Using while loop 1. Make and run a program that will output all the common factors of two numbers. 2. Make and run a program that will display all the consona...
[3 replies] Last: for number 2 (while loop & do-while loop) is hard for me the rest its... (by zegdrick)
by alamo
Problem 7 conditions Given a character text string, there may be substring patterns in the text. Example Text: "This is a test string to search patterns in"...
[2 replies] Last: What help you want? Just copying the question to forum will not help y... (by Santosh Reddy)
by Sino
My abnormal guess game
Hi there, it's my first post here. I'm new in C++ some would even say that I'm a complete... I was trying differend things, started with simple console program...
[6 replies] Last: Your problem is that you want both: string and int which doesn't work.... (by coder777)
class problem not displaying anything
I've created my class and tried to get it to display anything but it gets me 2 errors which are; 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in...
[5 replies] Last: I was trying to get it to display the first and last name, with the ge... (by J0K3Rx209)
by Elize
"undefined reference" error when the reference is defined
Hi, can someone help me out? I've been plagued by this one problem all day and I don't know what to do about it. I'm trying to break everything up into sepa...
[5 replies] Last: Aha! You're right, I derped and wrote classes/Cinfo.h where I should ... (by Elize)
fstream is mean to me :( won't write
Thanks in advance for any help yall can give me. I'm trying to figure out why the .write function and "<<" thingy don't seem to work for me to write to an alre...
[5 replies] Last: Long story short, I'm building a program that will have a file open, r... (by cPlusN00b)
returning reference from member function
Hello, I am new registered user to this forum although i have browsed before. I already read one related thread from assassinbeast but that did not answer my ...
[2 replies] Last: That explains it perfectly. Thank you very much. So dbl_b gets called ... (by hobbycoder2013)
by Roby T
Textbased RPG Character Objects
Hey, I'm quite new to c++ programming and trying to get the hang of it through creating a text-based RPG, although I'm having trouble with deciding how to creat...
[2 replies] Last: I tried to find other answers online but simply couldn't think of what... (by Roby T)
Problems with cin.get
Dear all, can anyone please tell me what is the problem with this code? class person { private: char name ; int age; public: void getDa...
[1 reply] : (by cire)
Reading wrong int value from external file
Here I have code for a homework assignment. I am required to read from two different files. From the first file, I have to read 10 names. From the second, 5 ...
[7 replies] Last: int grade [ 9 ] ; // I decided to try and use an array to hold t... (by cire)
Creating a bar graph that shows results properly scaled
This is another question from 'Jumping into C++' by Alex Allain. Specifically, part of a practice problem 7 from the end of Chapter 5. It reads "The program...
[6 replies] Last: Yes, you got it correct :) (by Santosh Reddy)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 52
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