Beginners - January 2013 (Page 16)

pointers array
hi, i have a question: how can I print from pointers' array the values from the corresponding member of the class? i have an array X of pointers for the mem...
[5 replies] Last: you were right thnx so much (Y) (by antrbrv)
Using Template & linked list to build radix sort
Hello, Here below is the code snippet where i am not able to build radix for Most Significant Digit (MSD) and also i do not know how to use this code in temp...
[3 replies] Last: Line 15: friend chain<T> bin(chain<T> *a,int x,int y); Your compiler... (by S G H)
by Pebble
What does the double semi-colon do in the following piece of code: for(;;) { int nValue = 0; std::cout << "Enter number: "; s...
[4 replies] Last: Thank's Magtheridon96, I copied part of a program. (by Pebble)
Division issues
I'm brand new to C++, and am trying to write a program that solves the equation Q=MC∆T. It's not finished as I still need to write the code to solve for C and...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you cire, even after looking over it one hundred times I complet... (by SportySpice)
thank you
[5 replies] Last: If I have correctly understood you have to write const int N = 20; in... (by vlad from moscow)
by Kaydee
If statements
I have the following hw question: 3. The following statement is designed to check the relative sizes of three integers,which you may assume to be different f...
[4 replies] Last: if (x<z) if (x<y) if (y<z) c=1; else c=2; else if (y<z) c=3; else c=4;... (by vlad from moscow)
what does the struct thing mean?
[1 reply] : (by Darkmaster)
C++ teacher free of charge
I am c++ software developer with more then 18 years experience. I am teaching C++ free of charge now. Because I am need a practice in English conversation. I y...
[no replies]
Bug or wrong code?
#include <iostream>; using namespace std; int Pivot(int info ,int left,int right){ int temp; int p=info ; int l=left-1; int r=right+1; while(l <...
[11 replies] Last: If you do `left+1' then you are not considering `Test ' (by ne555)
Dynamic arrays
I'm doing an exercise asking me to read an input of characters and to output the same characters in uppercase with dynamic arrays. My first code was this #inc...
[4 replies] Last: Sure, my bad! (by roovraven)
Please clear this doubt :(
int main() { char *b = "Hello"; printf("%c\n",*b); printf("Only b is %d\n",sizeof(b)); printf("Pointer b is %d\n",sizeof(*b)); } The outp...
[1 reply] : Why what exactly? Were you expecting some other result? int main() { ... (by Chervil)
cannot find or open pdb file in Microsoft visual c++
So I'm trying to write a program for a pong game using a tutorial online. Every time i try to run my program its telling me "Cannot find or open pdb file" I hav...
[1 reply] : The pdb will need to be in the same directory as the executable. But ... (by Zaita)
Checking String
I'm trying to compare a string to see if it compared with an or operation. if(value == "test1" || "test2") cout << passes this test<< endl; When do t...
[1 reply] : you can't do it like this because that dose mean it's always true... ... (by HiteshVaghani1)
Trying to built linked list...need help!
I am trying to build a linked list but I keep having trouble with it!! Please correct my code!! #include <iostream> #include "linked_list.h" using std::c...
[4 replies] Last: > You don't want to delete the whole list in the node's destructor, el... (by ne555)
Duplication key up arrow (code 72 -32) and letter (-32), Eng. H (72).
Hello experts. I have difficulty has arisen with the by duplication key up arrow (code 72 -32) and letter (-32), Eng. H (72). I am Trying through condition...
[no replies]
by Phazon
make part of a string upper case
I want a specific part of my string to be converted to upper case, but all I can find for this is std::transform and I can only seem to convert the entire strin...
[2 replies] Last: Ah, I understand. Thanks for your help. (by Phazon)
by Siege
2D Gaming
What software would be good for programming a 2D game, not 3D like OpenGl. I am a beginner and I just finished learning the basics of C++ from a couple books bu...
[2 replies] Last: I second Allegro, it is not that bad. (by MrGuy)
by MrGuy
Help with Program
I tried many different things but it keeps telling me: error: expected '}' at end of input line 187 I would be very glad if someone would help me and than...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much for the advice. (by MrGuy)
if statement
I'm not exactly sure if I correctly identified my variables and I think that may be the only reason. It could also be the if statements that I tried using. Th...
[5 replies] Last: that fixed it. Thank you very much. (by Jeremie)
C++ Calculating a triangle's angles given side lengths.
Hi, I'm working on my first C++ project for my college CPA course. So far we've only had a small handful of classes, and I'm stuck. The program requires the u...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks guys, that worked great! (by Adam Cox)
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