Beginners - January 2012 (Page 43)

with sort algorithm??
could you tell me how to change this with sort algorithm?? void insertName(vector<string>& x, string n){ if( n > x[x.size()-1] ) x.push_back(n); else ...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=lena123]no, i know that x isn't empty, When writing functions ... (by Galik)
cost of vacation
I`m trying to develop a program that will determine the cost of a vacation by car to a variety of locations. The program should ask the user to enter the dista...
[3 replies] Last: You should do something like this: #include <iostream> using name... (by ihato)
by Maniax
No matching function for call
Hello :) I'm getting this error No matching function for call to 'input' here's my code: Header.h #include <iostream> void input(int &a, const char * error ...
[4 replies] Last: is it head or header if its header then there is part of the problem a... (by Aramil of Elixia)
Big Project, Again !
After Polynomials (See my topics list), I got involved in a big project again. I made this project myself,and try to use everything I learnt so far. Please h...
[3 replies] Last: I'm not so familiar with C yet,so please be patient,I can write this i... (by hentaiw)
Multi-Argument Function ?
How can I make multi-argument function.The least exhaustive way ? function add for example. add(2,3) = 5 add(2,3,4) = 9 How can people use as many arg...
[5 replies] Last: Cool, I wonder how they're implemented.I can't make one without using ... (by hentaiw)
Read and Write memory location
Hi, I've got some experience with hardware languages and I know the option exists to do the following: if(readWrite(var,true)) do_something(); Anyway...
[7 replies] Last: Yeah, I was just wondering if there already existed an std function to... (by ForeignCurs)
by linch
defining classes sharing same name in different namespaces
Hi, the problem is following: files are not allowed to be identically named to be compiled. In my particular case, I want to implement various models to ...
[5 replies] Last: I must admit, I don't know much about compiling. That's the good point... (by linch)
by erikn
Multiple RenderWindows in SFML
I've been playing around with RenderWindows in SFML a little, not really having much of an idea what I'm doing. If I open two windows (a top and a bottom) and ...
[18 replies] Last: I'm not sure 1.6 had proper multi-window support. I know for a fact 2.... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by MH4
Help! Subtracting Strings
Hi all. I have been trying to do a RPN Calculator that can deal with int and strings. My RPN is almost complete...except for the subtracting of strings! Here is...
[19 replies] Last: // overloaded function // this function is used to substract strings... (by MH4)
Single statement to create multidimensional array?
Hi, I now have the following code: bool **** done = new bool***[maxLocation->x]; for(int o = 0; o < maxLocation->x; o++) { ...
[4 replies] Last: The only thing I can suggest is you allocate enough space as you would... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
C : Is the scope of #undef important?
Hi and happy new year, I'm having a doubt about a simple thing : i know that macros are evaluated at compile time, but does their position have an importance? ...
[1 reply] : yes. All preprocessor commands (anything that starts with a #) ignore... (by Disch)
Hello guys, Actually my game is like the user has to enter some number(between 1&3) and the computer will also randomize some number. If the number entered by...
[2 replies] Last: I'd also like to point out that its against the rules to post your hom... (by Caprico)
Variable Declaration for several functions
Hello, I'm not entirely sure if what I'm asking is possible, but here it goes: I'm adding a function to a program written in C++. I'm trying to clean it ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! I've been coding for a while, but am quite new t... (by benhavo33)
by seth23
Variable Question?
I have a variable A in my program that is equal to -2. I want it to be if the user types A it will subtract 2 from another variable. Like. 6(B variable)A...
[5 replies] Last: Because you want them to put in character and numeral input in one go,... (by Mats)
closing a program with a certain key
so my program is suppose to stop when you enter 'X' or 'x'. i wrote bool end; end = true; do{ cout << "please enter the candidates information (Enter ...
[13 replies] Last: You're more than welcome! And good luck! (by Lynx876)
Q 1->diff b/t printf(), printf......... Q 2->can we change the extension file name of header files such as stdio.h to stdio.c Q 3-> can we open the s...
[1 reply] : 1. What? 2. This is pointless and confusing. Files with the suffix of ... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
can I make a pointer to class member function?
I have a class called "error", that looks like this: class error { public: double memberfun(int); } error_instance; I want to now create a pointe...
[4 replies] Last: If you can use STL you can look at both mem_fun and mem_fun_ref. These... (by sohguanh)
by toast
HI! I have a Macbook with Microsoft Windows XP installed. I am attempting to download XCODE compiler and after locating the XCODE and clicking on it, XCODE ...
[1 reply] : ...Really, Apple? I'm pretty sure XCode won't run on Windows, but I'v... (by Albatross)
Function not identified?
Creating a program that takes four values, converts them into slope value and then into a direction. When I try and assign the returning value into a variable "...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks man. I've been having so many basic syntax errors lately. ;-) (by Lvl80RetPaladin)
by moot1
help with calculator
can u guys please post an example of a calculator that allows you to enter how many numbers you want to add...i just wanna see cause im learning about loops in ...
[14 replies] Last: for(; numberofloops > 0 ;) nice! Thanks! that's a awesome way... (by biplav17)
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