Beginners - January 2012 (Page 42)

i want to build MyScanf
hi i started to learn c and i build some library functions but now i want to build function that used like SCANF and i do not know how can i do it, i know th...
[1 reply] : It may not be easy. I suggest that you first write functions atoi, ato... (by hamsterman)
Class function call fail
Hi guys. I'm trying to class a function from a class. But, there's an error and i can't find it. Can you please help me find what is wrong with the way i'm cal...
[2 replies] Last: message() { numberOfInbox=0; numberOfAddress=0; numberOfOut... (by uncle john)
what is the use of static function in c++ and when we use the static fucntion
[6 replies] Last: I think you wanna do something like this: // vector::push_back #i... (by uncle john)
need some help with member function pointers
I'm trying to create a class that will point one of its member functions to a member function pointer, here's a simple test to try it out: // TEST.cpp : mai...
[2 replies] Last: doh! (by ausairman)
how to write function which assigned ID for members in registration system
im writing program supposed to manage conference , i need at the beginning to allow the user of this system to register as members , then they can log in and us...
[6 replies] Last: Thank u all . Texan40 , it works correctly now , i know i face trouble... (by Palestina)
by seth23
Printing series of information to a file.
Hi, I am trying to print a series of variables to a file. I know what is wrong, I believe anyways, it is overwriting the files, or stopping, and not printing t...
[2 replies] Last: That does work! Thanks! (by seth23)
by kapo
simple stat example wont compile
// stats.cpp #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int rand_0toN1(int n); int hits ; int main() { int n; // ...
[2 replies] Last: thx ((= (by kapo)
by moot1
system pause
you guys told me not to use system("pause")...should i us this instead cin.get(); ...also what can i use instead of system("CLS")
[15 replies] Last: Clear the screen Keep the ... (by ne555)
games using 2D array
i have no idea about my assignment is all about games using 2D array in c++....i don't know what games should i do..can anyone help me??
[11 replies] Last: i will not going to copy the whole coding and i just want to see the e... (by tiara shahrul)
Having problem with code
Hello i am new to coding i suck at math but i like doing it anyway. so don't judge me, i am trying to have the user enter the difference in years between bob an...
[3 replies] Last: all i want is this program to is create two random number, one for bnu... (by diablos1922)
mySQL with C++
Hi guys, I'm experiencing a problem in my project now. How do i actually get a value from my database and insert the data into a variable in my program? ...
[no replies]
Not looping when out of parameter
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int score1, score2, score3; // Three scores double average; // Ave...
[1 reply] : Got my answer... Had to do a nest do while loop. #include <iostrea... (by nickoolsayz)
by Zapeth
How to properly create and write to file?
Hi I am currently trying to create a file and write some content into it :P However I believe that either the something with the path is wrong or I am doing ...
[2 replies] Last: Well in order to use WriteFile I need a handle which I can only get by... (by Zapeth)
cin problems
I am trying to make a console application which takes you name, and a message and prints it to a .txt file with the time and date. However, if the person enters...
[2 replies] Last: std::cin takes input until the first white space. The fellow above me ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by Ranger
Creating a file/program assigned to a specify computer/hardware.
As in topic is it possible? Eg. each processor/motherboard/etc. have their own specific and uniqe number. How can i use it to create a program which will run on...
[1 reply] : I don't know much about this, but wouldn't that be called firmware? (by ResidentBiscuit)
2 Questions about libraries
1)Are all libraries able to funcion with any IDE? Such as, if i were to take a library from microsoft express and tried to use it with Dev-C++, or download Pixe...
[1 reply] : The C++ standard will work with any IDE you choose. 3rd party librarie... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Encrypting a folder
Hi guys, My goal is to automate encrypting a folder on a daily basis (M-F). I've looked around and couldn't really get a straight solution. Does anyone know h...
[no replies]
First time running something
I downloaded Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express today and tried running the HelloWorld program in the tutorial's first page. I press F5 to start debugging it, b...
[6 replies] Last: I always get those messages in VC++, hold CTRL and press F5 to run wit... (by Lynx876)
by ihato
beep without pausing
I was using beep(freq,len) that is inside <windows.h> to beep from internal speaker. But this pauses the program. How to make it so it beeps with also run...
[4 replies] Last: wouldnt make sense to have an annoying beep while code is running, but... (by nickoolsayz)
by moot1
is there a way i can use more than one goto loop: in a program. if i can how can i?
[9 replies] Last: Yeup, you should read through all of the tutorials and then you will h... (by strongdrink)
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