Beginners - January 2012 (Page 41)

by SkunK
Console colors: background problem
Hello people, I just started to venture into Win32 programming, and I'm, experimenting with console. Here is my code where I achived program that asks user f...
[6 replies] Last: Yes it was, thanks!! =) (by SkunK)
Style questions
Hello. I'm in a silly mood. Pick which you consider to be better, and explain why (or propose your own): 1) Constructor(int m1, double m2) { thi...
[5 replies] Last: int a, b, c; Initialization if necessary I like having a linker. Al... (by ne555)
Reading unicode characters
Hi, I trying to read one by one character from Unicode (utf-8) file, but I don't know how to read just one character. So can you tell me what is the easiest wa...
[3 replies] Last: If your *platform* has UTF-8 support, there is nothing special to do, ... (by Cubbi)
Graphics in functions
I've started experimenting with graphics.h and noticed that when I draw lines/shapes/etc. in a function outside of the main, that it draws to the screen the obj...
[6 replies] Last: After I changed the file path, it still had the gray block. (by Jordan C)
Are Multidimensional Arrays Faster Than Multidimensional Vectors?
I have often read that vectors should be used instead of arrays but when I changed one of my particle simulators data storing arrays to a vector there was a not...
[3 replies] Last: I don't think there should not be too much difference. Maybe you didn'... (by hamsterman)
Sort odd & even and display ascending/descending
The code works so far when entering ONLY odd or even numbers (test set was two numbers). however it runs faulty values as soon as I put in odd AND even values. ...
[3 replies] Last: You are going beyond arrays index limits in lines 101, 93, 77 & 62. Li... (by tfityo)
Xcode does not create file
Whenever I write this code, I hear it is supposed to create a file with my message in it, but Xcode does not create it. I searched my whole computer and could n...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much! It worked perfectly!!! (by alphawolf7)
by cilion
GUI Library?
Could anyone direct me to a good GUI library? I would like something simple. I am programming on Windows 7(64-bit). Could anyone help me out? :) Insructions ...
[4 replies] Last: I assumed he meant widgetry (pushbuttons, edit boxes, listboxes, etc) ... (by Disch)
Trying to open and read a file.
Hi All, I know I'm new here and a 'beginner' by many peoples standards, so I shall apologise in advance for the ensuing rant. Arrrgggghhhh. This is like wading...
[6 replies] Last: Or you could do it like: #include <iostream> #include <string> #inclu... (by Lynx876)
I'm having trouble understanding what pointers are. I looked on another site, and it made me think that all they are is the property of substition, in geometric...
[4 replies] Last: A pointer is a variable in itself. It's value is an address in memory,... (by closed account zb0S216C)
question about getchar()
hi maybe someone can help me i want to use while loop until EOF to get characters but in the same time to find if there is sequence like "word" in the text t...
[5 replies] Last: Ahh sorry, that was c++. Being a c++ forum and all... lol (by Lynx876)
Can't figure what's causing this error.
Some background information: I'm using SFML 1.6 in Code::Blocks 10.05 I'm trying to create a function that will do something to a sf::Vector2<T>. I want to...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, that fixed it. Thanks. (by Croolsby)
by cosmo
Calling a class function within a struct causes access violation
Hi I'm trying to call a class function within a struct, which causes a 0xC0000005 Access violation. It works fine when calling the function when it's not wit...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I found the problem. I was calling setup_arm before I had set ... (by cosmo)
Array not correctly deleted?
I use the following methods in a for-loop: bool **** __fastcall createMArray(int x, int y, int z, int n) { bool **** done = new bool*** ; ...
[18 replies] Last: I'm wholly open to suggestions that are also constant in time to acces... (by ForeignCurs)
declaration for array of objects
hi i already declared array of object Author arrA ={A1,A2,A3}; and i initialized it with 3 objects , in my program new Author object may be added to the ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank u very much Peter87 it solved my problem. i think i must read mo... (by Palestina)
Int function returns null without waiting for user input for scanf
I am trying to write a simple function that prompts the user for a character, then echoes back, "The character you entered was: " character. Then the user shou...
[2 replies] Last: Ah Thanks that let me fix it by adding another getchar() to account fo... (by nicklapp)
Practical console applications
Ok so I was wondering, can I write anything actually useful that runs in the console? Like, can I write something that talks to the hardware? Or something that ...
[3 replies] Last: Ok so I was wondering, can I write anything actually useful that runs... (by Moschops)
by CSStd
Standard library classes' implementation?
Hey all, I'm totally beginner to programming, sorry for the basic questions and bad English and Thank you for your help in advance. Do we have access to im...
[2 replies] Last: The answer to all of that depends on who supplied your compiler and w... (by CSStd)
Class function call fail
Hi guys. I'm trying to class a function from a class. But, there's an error and i can't find it. Can you please help me find what is wrong with the way i'm call...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for you explanation. (by radit91)
HELP: can't perform divide math function
Hi all, I'm new to c++ and I'm trying to write a simple divide function,for example 1 divided by 3 (1/3). Suppose is will give me 0.33333 value but then my p...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys..i will work on it.. :) (by jayden118)
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