Beginners - January 2012 (Page 38)

Explain to a noob: pointers
Basically I've read that it points to the location in memory of another variable, ok, but how does this help me? what does it really mean? I just started learni...
[5 replies] Last: from what I saw from those examples I understood that you can call a... (by kbw)
o Setters and getter member functions
Hi...will some one Help me in this project? you have to code/implement the below said classes in running form these classes are, • Cards • Birth Ca...
[7 replies] Last: thanx ...RB n eypros you too :) (by PariZeh)
an interesting interview question about printing "hello, world" without the execution of the main function
Today I was asked how to print "hello, world" without the execution of the main function. I failed to answer it and was told that I should consider to defin...
[6 replies] Last: @subjugater, what histrungalot has done is used a constructor. When he... (by Caprico)
Initializing static variables
I heard a rumor (fellow programmer) that static variables automatically initialize to 0. static float MyFloat; Is this true or do I need to manually init...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the discussion guys. The reason I didn't want to initial... (by Stewbond)
How to declare variables? Stuck in x-code
I am stuck with 11 lines of errors in x-code... here is one... webView.userInteractionEnabled=NO; 'webview' undeclared .... here is another one... void...
[1 reply] : Get your hands on some good book. and post your code if you want to as... (by Waqar Ahmed)
Book for A Beginner
A want to buy a book for learning such basics programming with C and C++. Would you suggest the best one ??
[1 reply] : Programming Principles and Practice using c++ C++ Without Fear Deite... (by Waqar Ahmed)
Letter Counter
Im trying to create a program that looks at each word and outputs their length. Length 1: 2 occurrences Length 2: 3 occurrences etc. My codes not workin...
[8 replies] Last: If you're just starting, definitely don't start with printf and char a... (by Moschops)
Second smalest number
Hi! Im new in c++ programing. Stil learning... :) So, here is my problem: need to find the second smalest number of 10! Here is my code and its not working!?!...
[13 replies] Last: This problem should be solved without using array.... Thanx for help! ... (by drazf80)
Multiple definition of 'main' error
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string name; int age; //Welcome Message ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok thanks, I'll try that. (by odonogh1)
Help on overloading certain variable types
I'm writing a program where i take in an unsigned long long variable but I also want to give the user the option to quit by inputting "q". For example, here...
[2 replies] Last: This was an assignment for my class but the due date for it has alread... (by Ishvite)
Validating Data to prevent characters from being entered
Hi, I'm working on validation of integer data, I've made a gas mileage calculator which allows the input of current mileage, previous mileage and amount of gall...
[11 replies] Last: One way that I was taught on validating data was to read the data into... (by jwroblewski)
constructor madness...
Would any one mind showing me a clear example of a class with multiple constructors, not including the copy constructor? I keep trying to use more than one but...
[5 replies] Last: well I am so glad you all helped clarify this. Thank you. (by Clay Griggs)
by arooj
Repetition Structure help
So i need to write a program for school that displays a company's 3-month total sales for 4 different regions, North, South, West, and East. Each regions total...
[6 replies] Last: I got this as my output: Enter monthly sales: Enter monthly sale... (by arooj)
Binary files
Hello, When would you use a binary file as opposed to a text file? Also, if you are working with a binary file with flags ios::out | ios::in would you nee...
[1 reply] : All files are stored in binary format, and the ios::bin flag does not ... (by LB)
How do I make nested templates work?
Let's say I want to make a template class that take 2 types, one of which is also a template class that will depend on the first type: template <sometype> tem...
[13 replies] Last: template <typename TTrainer> struct community{ typedef TTrainer tra... (by ne555)
"customerList" is not a type name?
Hey, Looking through a program that was sent to be as part of my course from a demonstrator. I downloaded it as is and opened it up in Visual studio. At a p...
[5 replies] Last: When you want to do that: namespace CL { #include "customerList.h"... (by LB)
hotel reservation
i have 50 rooms in 5 rows and 10 colums { one type include 10 rooms and all other types include 8 rooms} my qustion is " 1-how i can display the rooms positio...
[2 replies] Last: Look into array of structures. Do you know about structs? (by ResidentBiscuit)
What does this error mean?
Unhandled exception at 0x011c2416 in myProject.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000018. I am on a mac using a vitural machine runing wi...
[2 replies] Last: Access violation reading location 0x00000018 When you get this me... (by Disch)
by cilion
Trying to make simple scrolling-thingy.
For some reason, when I press that right button at startup of the program, the bar does not move right. :/ (I know there's an infinite loop.) #include ...
[no replies]
accompanying requirements for game developmnet
Hi guys, its way late, but happy 2012!!! i been pondering on learning c++ strictly as a hobby for game development. i used to do this many years ago on ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your reply Athar, you cleared up a lot for i guess... (by sigintninja)
January 2012 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 48
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