Beginners - January 2012 (Page 37)

Beginner Troubleshooting Help
My plan was to make a random generator for a d20 roll and to "x" number of rolls whilst adding each roll to a vector. Then I wanted to make a standard deviation...
[8 replies] Last: Oh okay, well thank you very much for taking a look at it. It works no... (by vulcant13)
by Milun
Irritating problem with recursion
Hello, I have a recursive function that has been baffling me for quite a while now: CUSTOM_FRAME* dr_animated::searchbyname(CUSTOM_FRAME* pFrame, LPCSTR n...
[6 replies] Last: THANKYOU! Finally, it works! Although it did take a bit of tweaking ... (by Milun)
Help creating a deck of cards please.
Hello, I'm new to C++ and I am currently learning it for my course. We have been set the task of creating and displaying a deck of cards. The brief for the assi...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=Danteeva]It says "error: no matching function for call to 'Card... (by LB)
[Win32 API] Disable Everything
Hello, how can I make my program (I'm using dialog as main window) to "block" everything (like when u are running some program that needs admin permissions) so...
[12 replies] Last: I did mention security myself (not the OP), just to praise on what is ... (by webJose)
Preparation for test
Hey, on Friday I have a c++ test and as a preparation we have been given an old test to practice on, one of the questions are: What does this program output. I ...
[7 replies] Last: Probably a typo by the OPer? Though for fun you could do this: us... (by LB)
Best way to create variables for the alphabet
I want to create a program that uses character variables for the whole alphabet, but is there any shorter way to do that than just listing them all out? This is...
[5 replies] Last: For reference, if you actually DO need to make a bunch of variables of... (by LB)
Errors in SFML
I tried to run a simple SFML program #include <SFML/System.hpp> #include <iostream> int main() { sf::Clock Clock; while (Clock.GetElapsedTime()...
[9 replies] Last: There's your problem, you seem to have downloaded the wrong package fo... (by Computergeek01)
Getting random numbers.
Hello. I am trying to do a Cesar crypt, this is what I have done so far: #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; char lol(){ ...
[10 replies] Last: aight, ty for help! :) (by shooninjo)
Simple account manager problem
Hi every one, im new on this forum and i've got a problem that i could not find an answer to anywhere.Im 15 and im learning C++ as my first programming language...
[17 replies] Last: No problem, and good luck! (by Lynx876)
Technical Error
Hello. I had been making a opengl game. It runs good. However, when i took it to my school, it did not run as expected. Co-ordinates were not in place. It was s...
[4 replies] Last: GLUT has a simple menu system, use this to create your game menu http... (by mik2718)
Ebook about C++
[4 replies] Last: There are many freely available, non-pirated, online resources for lea... (by Moschops)
no appropriate default constructor available
Hello guys I have two classes one called Tower and the second called ManageTowers. ManageTowers inherit from Tower. when ManageTowers inherit from Tower i get t...
[8 replies] Last: If you have polymorphism with the towers, that's fine. However I sugg... (by ne555)
Mixing content together
I'm working through the book "Beginning C++ Game Programming" and I just learned about while and do loops, and if and switch statements. I want to make a progr...
[4 replies] Last: thanks very much for the suggestions. I'm trying to figure out how to... (by mcoduti)
Classes & More Classes (1,2)
I have will four classes: Object Tile Mob Player Object is my base class. Tile needs to extend Object . Mob needs to extend Object . Player...
[29 replies] Last: @ne555 Thank you for the links. I have read bit's of them and plan to... (by BReynolds)
Program not showing correct behavior
int static a = 10; void add(int x , int y) { x++; y++; cout << "The value of static variable is " <<x<<endl; cout << "The value of non-static variable...
[3 replies] Last: You are passing the parameters by value. This means that x and y in y... (by Disch)
extern static bool?
If I have a global variable that is defined as static bool MyLabel; , how would I add it to a header so that it can be accessed by multiple files? Normally ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the clarification coder777. (by Stewbond)
Getting rid of Globals. (1,2)
Hello, I'm starting a new project and I wish to get rid of a few bad habits, one of which being global variables. I always end up having a number of global v...
[23 replies] Last: Due to some responses in my other topic, I've replaced (most of) my C-... (by Gaminic)
Efficient data storage.
My project requires a large distance matrix as data, which is accessed very frequently throughout the project. Due to its importance I'm a bit worried about eff...
[10 replies] Last: Guess it's back to making it a pointer (6th time I changed my mind in ... (by Gaminic)
A Mini Store Inventory System
The system allows you to register an Item and its description, to update information when you issue or receive an item from or to this mini store and to vie...
[3 replies] Last: i believe you mean guy (by Aramil of Elixia)
Getline issues
Im trying to write a class that will equip an item (move it to equipt in a text document from inventory) but when ever i run the program i get the error: no mat...
[2 replies] Last: It is what the error tells you: item is an int and getline expects a s... (by coder777)
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