Beginners - January 2012 (Page 36)

by rej3kt
2d array printing garbage on last line
Hi all, can't figure out why my array is printing garbage on the last line : This is my function, takes the array and lets me print it out when ever I call i...
[10 replies] Last: aha! That's perfect. Thanks very much for the help guys, really apprec... (by rej3kt)
C++ written on Windows doesn't work on Linux
Hi, I have written a small program on Windows using CodeBlocks and MinGW. What it does is read data from a CSV file and generate various other data from it a...
[15 replies] Last: Does 0 == strncmp(d.ajandek.c_str(), "kis auto", 8) work? You did s... (by andywestken)
Variable cannot be identified twice
Hi all, I am making a program where the user enters a different value for a,b,c and so on. I can make the user cin the alphabet, but when i try to add cout to ...
[3 replies] Last: Your alphabet contains only 26 elements (indeces 0 to 25). When you ... (by eypros)
by rej3kt
Simple 2d array question
I can't figure out why this isn't working, any help is really appreciated! #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { ch...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot mate, it's usually always something simple! (by rej3kt)
Can I cite a decremented variable?
How can I include the original value of a decremented variable after its value has changed without adding a variable? i.e if I have a value int value va...
[4 replies] Last: If you want to memorize the previous value you have to add a variable.... (by Stewbond)
Math with dates
Hi, i'm trying to make a count down in secondes between now and a date in the future. now i have been able to do that using #include <time.h> time_...
[2 replies] Last: thanks i will try this see if i can do what i want with it. (by Ghostking)
by leiz07
helo i make a coding to input some data and when I already input it, i want see my data list.. but i got an error... can u help me please... this my coding ...
[1 reply] : *input(mhs); The function is not named *input . The function is na... (by Moschops)
by theraz
function noob need help
I am supposed to write a program where the user gets to input a desired amount of decimal numbers whereafter a function will be called that calculates the avera...
[3 replies] Last: Line 5 and 27: void abc (float , int); void abc (float dec , int l) ... (by Lynx876)
Function Redeclaration?
I'm pulling my hair out over this one, it's got to be a bracket out of place! #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(void) { cl...
[5 replies] Last: I think I can still use the keyword inline in front of the function de... (by D4rkZ3r0)
Using Interface Builder in C++
Hi all, I was writing a C++ program in Xcode and was wondering if I could make an interface by using interface builder? I am also not interested in learning O...
[no replies]
Programming Projects ?
I'm learning C++ and I'm out of projects to do. When I google I can only find easy ones,or must-pay,or not accessible. Hope you guy can give me some resou...
[5 replies] Last: You can use the following function to move the cursor around the scree... (by Lynx876)
Allegro (1,2,3,4)
Is there any way i can make a a mosueclick recodnise a drawn opject whitch was drawn by command not uisng a sprite. i mean, i use command circlefill ( buffer, ...
[63 replies] Last: while( !key ) { int switcher=1; if(mouse_b & 1 || mouse_b & ... (by vastrolorde)
Checking for duplicate numbers in two files
int dothis() { ifstream afile ("a.txt"); ifstream gfile ("b.txt"); if (afile.is_open()) { if (gfile.is_open()) { std::string part1; std::string part...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much, thus far it works great and is providing the resu... (by dalydir)
by B33F
Do-While loop
So I've searched the forums a bit and tried to find a solution to my problem without success. I've been trying to do some text exercises from an old test in my ...
[4 replies] Last: How did that not answer your question? (by LB)
Display object with highest/lowest xxx?
Can someone help me with my problem? I have difficult time with display the highest and lowest scorer in my program. Here is my sample program:- void dispFe...
[2 replies] Last: I finally figured it out. Here is the sample code:- void dispFewest... (by cplusx2)
Hello friends
I am a beginner,I love here,and I hope everyone can help me.
[1 reply] : Hello to you too and welcome. I would suggest to read (if you haven't... (by eypros)
Implementation of a Simple Program
Hi to every one please someone implement this program and i don't know what is this :D bacause i did not work with c++. and i need your help please implment ...
[2 replies] Last: There isn't much point in asking to do your job. After all you wouldn'... (by eypros)
GetImage Function
Hello there GetImage func give up this parameters : getimage(int left,int top,int right,int bottom,void far *bitmap); so Getimage save a rectangle shape ...
[5 replies] Last: It seems to me that you're approaching your problem the wrong way. I u... (by hamsterman)
Error compiling, fatal error C1070: mismatched #if/#endif pair in file , Any help?
Hello people, I'm new here and this is my forst post. I'm trying to Learn C++ by developing a game. I found this forum, and i hope that someone can help me, S...
[3 replies] Last: Holy lines of code. I cant imagine writing something that long :o (by ResidentBiscuit)
function member in class , to return object
i need to write function in class com which create new object of class rev then return it back . so when i can use any object of class com to create new object...
[6 replies] Last: ¿What was wrong with returning the object? Reviewer Ccommittee::Crea... (by ne555)
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