Beginners - January 2012 (Page 35)

programing problem
hi my program is suppose to create a guessing game , however when my game is in action it guess the number and then user always seems to get it in the second go...
[2 replies] Last: OHHHH sill mistake thank you so much (by erhuu a)
Header File woes
Hello, I have am using Visual Studio 2010 and I am having trouble getting my program to compile due to a linking error. I was informed that I can link to a h...
[6 replies] Last: Appreciate the insight! (by D4rkZ3r0)
Debugging help - Heap Corruption.
Hello, My project has been working fine all day, but after some 'non-critical' changes, I suddenly get a Debug error, saying "HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after...
[3 replies] Last: Apparently my post didn't come through after I marked it as solved. ... (by Gaminic)
by bhamy
Unsure how to use 2-d array
Hi guys, I have a 2-d array, one row has a string for each position and the other row has a number, i'm trying to find the minimum number in the second row and ...
[4 replies] Last: The size of the array has to be known at compile time. That means that... (by Peter87)
problem in modifying record in binary file
modify function is working fine for any record in file. only problem is that when i modify last record it works but showing extra garbage value ... please help....
[2 replies] Last: Line 13 is wrong. You probably want to change it to while( (by Peter87)
Trying to pass references to a function.
Hi, I'm getting an error I don't understand on line 26: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string askText(string prompt); int ...
[2 replies] Last: Ah yes I forgot that you don't pass a reference, you pass a variable a... (by Integrater)
by erikn
What's a good place for beginner SDL help?
I guess forum.libsdl does not allow new members to post (?)
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, I'm right in the middle of the Lazy Foo tutorial, but for some r... (by erikn)
while loop "breaking" because of cin.get?
I have a cin.get() in a while loop, but when it should pause the loop and wait for user input it just makes the loop go boom and it begins to run uncontrolled l...
[1 reply] : your functions "decrypt" and "encrypt" must return value. (by codekiddy)
needs help with code
Im trying to develop a program that will ask the user to enter the beginning and ending mileage submitted by sales people. From this data determine the total mi...
[4 replies] Last: @Peter87 : It's a good practice anyway. :) (by hentaiw)
Error undeclared indentifier
Hello sweety community Im having the last errors in my compilation, I think i know what's wrong, but the point is that i dont know how to declare it. Is t...
[6 replies] Last: You can scan your errors and for each one of them declare your undecla... (by eypros)
Pascal Triangle Program stops responding half way through.
This is my first post and I'm not sure how the formatting works, but this is my code. When I run the nCr function it will run for a second then stop responding....
[6 replies] Last: On my PC, factorial(13) was bigger than an int so I got the wrong re... (by vin)
Newb needing help
I have an assignment due tomorrow and its been a pain. I have no idea where to really start, or even what some of what the professor is asking we didn't go over...
[5 replies] Last: Enums are really just a way to get around the whole "magic number" pro... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by codrgi
what is the correct way for doing this?
i have a small program and want ppl to type in a value from 0-255, lets call that value INPUT, and basically generate a random number between 0-100, lets call t...
[5 replies] Last: Instead of something linear, try something logarithmic or try a power ... (by Mathhead200)
Trouble Writing To File
I am having trouble getting my program to compile without errors. I will post my source and the error that I get. Any ideas on where I went wrong? I am still ne...
[4 replies] Last: std::cin.ignore() works well. (by closed account zvRX92yv)
C++ to MathLab
Hello everybody,how are you all? I want to send array data from visual C++ to matlab.Can any body help me.Thank you.
[1 reply] : Copy and paste? O:) Jokes aside, is this what you were looking for? ... (by Albatross)
A bit confused on Pure Virtual Functions
Let's say I make an abstract class with some pure virtual functions and derive 2 classes off of it. From my understanding the pure virtual functions are there ...
[9 replies] Last: Okay, I think I see why it wouldn't work now. I had scanned over the ... (by Kieth89)
by eido
need help converting c to c++ (simple error but cant fix)
dear cpp community. its my first post here. hope i could get some answers . thank you. i have a c++ homework. the homework is asking to convert a c program ...
[1 reply] : [co de] "Please use code tags" [/co de] $ cp cpyFile.{c,cpp} wh... (by ne555)
by lare26
time.h powered function acting strange
I am trying to learn to use time.h to make a simple program event based. I made this function: void wait() { time_t start = time(NULL); time_t end ...
[7 replies] Last: Lines 14 -18 will never get executed within your code. I hate to see... (by Lynx876)
how do I store a character in a "const char"?
I use the following to store characters in char variables: const char COMMENT = '#'; const char DELIM = ','; // delimieter const char NEWLINE = '/n'; // new l...
[2 replies] Last: doh! Thanks (by ausairman)
Error compiling
Hello, it's me again. I'm having 3 new error's that i don't know how to fix them. c:\Users\utente\Desktop\dev\Sources\7_WorldServer\DPSrvr.cpp(413): error C...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks you, (by PabloPiddy)
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