Beginners - January 2012 (Page 34)

error LNK2005: "double __cdecl str_to_T<double>()" already defined
I have the following function definition in a header guarded file called "lib_tools.h": template<typename T> T str_to_T(const char text_element ) { // a...
[6 replies] Last: Makes sense, thanks :) (by ausairman)
Can't find resource.h
When ever I compile my project it cannot not find the "resource.h" I have directx sdk and windows sdk include files and lib files already included but why ca...
[3 replies] Last: If you're interested let's solve your problem via TeamViewer :D :D (by codekiddy)
Help with visual c++ include
When ever I compile my project it cannot not find the resource.h I have directx sdk and windows sdk include files and lib files already included but why can...
[1 reply] : resource.h is a generic name for a resource header. It isn't a standa... (by Disch)
Working With Arrays
Hi! I've spent a great deal of time trying to figure out the issue in my program. It's attempting to determine the numerical property of a third card, with eac...
[1 reply] : In if statement your are doing comparision in wrong way.You have to co... (by Dinesh subedi)
programming help please
im trying to create moving character program as the user moves the character it erases its last position. however my while loops aren't working, also i would li...
[2 replies] Last: When checking if 2 values are equal to each other, you need to use ==,... (by Hippogriff)
a large-scale search for symbols
hi there, i have an interesting question below. Let me know if you have any thoughts. Assume we have a function which returns an index: int lookup(string sy...
[7 replies] Last: lol... That is awesome..JLBorges .... Fully detailed and convincing...... (by superjack)
C++ substr
I'm having trouble finding the last 3 characters of a string. I have the following: string something; char result; string last3; ...
[2 replies] Last: Never mind, I figured it out. #include <iostream> #include <string> ... (by Nathan Poultney)
some one to talk to
Hello, I don't need and code, what I need is what you think is the best way to do this. I want to make an ai program where you can talk to the computer ( by...
[11 replies] Last: Hello, I will have some code soon, I am going use txt file for my ... (by sadsack)
Heed help changing code blocks compiler to visual c++
I have code blocks, visual c++, windows sdk, and directx sdk I need help setting up code blocks so it uses visual c++ as its compiler
[1 reply] : Open Code blocks and go to the Toolbar, then select Project, then Buil... (by Ch1156)
by rej3kt
do/while loop not exiting
I am looping a switch/case statement with a do while loop, the beginning part asks the user to enter two numbers (these correspond to rows/columns of my 2d arra...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry, really not getting this. I just can't wrap my head around wher... (by rej3kt)
Need help with simple program!
I can't understand my computer science teacher and I need help writing these programs! 1. Write a program that reads 5 numbers from a user into a one-dimensi...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you Framework! And @interputed, I had no idea the class I signed... (by ProgramminNewby)
Moving to Windows programming
I'm about moving to windows programming this weekend and need advices from you. My skill at the moment is Console Programming. Now in order to step one st...
[12 replies] Last: @lb, I don't care about games. (by codekiddy)
Pascal Triangle Loop causes infinite loop
So I posted earlier yesterday about a problem with my pascal triangle not working and it was fixed, but now it's causing an infinite loop that I cannot manage t...
[3 replies] Last: do-while / while / for loops! for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { /*... (by Lynx876)
by adabo
loops and cin
I thought I was smart trying to build my own string function, but it's way more complicated than I thought. First problem, detecting whitespace: char wd ;...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, Cubbi. (by adabo)
Error in Compiling Basic Program
Hey Im new on this forum, I am having some error with my coding, I get the following error when trying to compile: non-lvalue in assignment This is ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks a lot mate! Fixed it ! :) (by NewProgrammer95)
Application vs. command prompt
Hey everybody, this is my second post on the forum so please forgive me if this is the wrong place or poor etiquette. It is my understanding that an applicati...
[5 replies] Last: Again thanks for the advice. (by kingtuttle)
Writing Mixed Type Data To Disk
Very new C++ Newbie here. I have found examples on writing files to disk, but need to be pointed in the right direction or an example or two of how to write ...
[1 reply] : learn fstream class -> (by codekiddy)
by rej3kt
Changing values of an array
[5 replies] Last: OP: [quote=rej3kt]I'm basically creating a game, peg solitaire, where ... (by Peter87)
by seth23
Subtracting time
I created a program that helps me keep track of my time at work. I come in at 2:30Pm and leave around 5:00Pm each day. And my code. cout << day << " " << fi...
[4 replies] Last: I'm a newbie to C++ but what Caprico is saying seems to make sense. I... (by interputed)
how can i make a programm that has as input only capital letters
i need help!!
[16 replies] Last: Caps lock won't work if the user presses shift. biplav's method is be... (by cnoeval)
January 2012 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 48
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