Beginners - January 2012 (Page 33)

hello im having trouble finding how to stop the program , i need the program to stop one the user presses "X". code: #include<iostream> #include"110ct.h" ...
[no replies]
Help with Constants.
Okay, so I have been trying to learn C++ for a while, and I have run into a problem with constants. I was wondering how do I know that 75 0113 ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Ekko Finch)
adding millennium algorithem to existing code
Hello everyone, I am new to learning C++ and have no prior experiences with programing. I just started with learning C++ and it is a little intimidating and mi...
[4 replies] Last: The system ("PAUSE") is a very bad habit to pick up. Check the sticky ... (by Wisely Done)
by fellow
cin problem
Hi, my problem: cout << "number:" << flush; cin >> Nr; if I don't comment this lines I can't read sentence One! Read something about flush, but...
[2 replies] Last: thanks Texan40 (by fellow)
by kw1991
how do you add items to a queue?
heres what I have so far: template <class ItemType> void QueType<ItemType>::Enqueue(ItemType newItem) // Adds newItem to the rear of the queue. { No...
[4 replies] Last: QueType<int> q; int num; std::cout << "Enter numbers" << std::endl; f... (by Peter87)
by Sabre
Challenge for beginners/Feedback please
Gday all, I have come up with a basic program as part of a challenge to myself to get a good grasp on how to employ aspects of C++. I would appreciate feedba...
[5 replies] Last: ok you are miles above what I am looking at! haha although you could p... (by Sabre)
char greeting ="Hello and welcome "; char name ; cout<<question; cin>>name; cout<<endl<<greeting<<name; I use this and it works for non-ascii characte...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply Cubbi . (by oldnewbie)
Arrays and Pointers
I don't understand why the output is 3,1,0,4 rather than 3,1,undef,3. Is it because I am wrongly assuming that *pn--; decrements the pointer to memory location ...
[3 replies] Last: In line 9 you increased value of pointer, it indicates to trhe first ... (by Lynx876)
Help with a menu program!
I need somebody to help me for a summative project menu, I only need help with the menu part, the games I will be doing myself. 1. Menu a. Option of the 3 ...
[5 replies] Last: @Periphery: You do realize that Stewbound was being sarcastic, and mad... (by Stupebrett)
Change program, issues.
i rewrote my program a bit, but it still is kinda freaking out. but at least i dont have the errors anymore. unfortunetly my progam doesnt run right after the ...
[1 reply] : Try declaring the variable values at the beginning. //this program ... (by strongdrink)
Free heap block modified after freed
So, I've seen a few (okay, quite a few) posts about this. I know that it means I'm referencing pointers that have been deleted - I'm pretty sure I even know wh...
[12 replies] Last: Ne555, thank you for your assistance - I'm running along with the vect... (by ekisner)
need help with strings
i have to erase first small letter from text. can anybody check and repair my code ? #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; vo...
[3 replies] Last: 97<=small<=122; That is nonsensical (did you mean (97 <= small) &&... (by Moschops)
getting inf instead of a number
This is the first program in my class, and I'm already having trouble. I am supposed to write a program that calculated the area of one of three shapes. I'm s...
[6 replies] Last: Oh, okay. I'm using CodeBlocks. (by ErinCorona)
Using function non-member of class inside this class
Hello, here some problem with using function NOT a member of class: double function (double (*fun) (double),double a) { return (*fun)(a); } ...
[2 replies] Last: normal functions and member functions are two different things so you ... (by Peter87)
please help while loops arnt working
the while loops are not working so my characters cannot move please help code: #include<iostream> #include"110ct.h" #include<string> using namespace std;...
[3 replies] Last: a) Assignment ("=") is not the same as comparison ("=="). b) Char lit... (by Gaminic)
Swapping Characters
Hi all, I know you can swap strings using the .swap() function, but is it possible to swap characters? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
[7 replies] Last: Sounds to me like he wanted to swap characters of a string, i.e.: st... (by Gaminic)
Please repair my coding for descending...
The process is wrong, help me ... there are the code : #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void sorting (int input ,int data); //deklarasi fungsi sorting...
[1 reply] : What exactly is that code doing right now? Also, the tags are . (by hamsterman)
C++ SIGSEGV problem
I'm using Netbeans for my C++ project. The code crashed at the beginning of a function call. Trying to understand the cause of the crash, I did a 'Debug Core Fi...
[8 replies] Last: see? You learn the most when you solve it yourself. const reference de... (by coder777)
Can i hide the input text?
Hi all, I am coding a simple game for my c++ course; "Rock Paper Scissors" I have it all done but it would be nice if it could actually be played. As it is,...
[3 replies] Last: For a small program like this I would recommend just using system("cls... (by Hippogriff)
by PLew88
If statement HELP PLEASE!
Hello, I am new to programming in C++. My first project for my CS class is to write a program that will calculate the area of a yard, the area of a house and th...
[9 replies] Last: hey I figured out my problem, I guess it would have helped if I had sh... (by PLew88)
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