Beginners - January 2012 (Page 31)

My first assignment with classes(Moschops is awesome)
Hello forum, I need help with my first assignment regarding classes. I have no clue where to start so if possible could you please walk me through the bes...
[19 replies] Last: Java does seem to have much more getter/setter functions, not sure why... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by kyr3n
Super nub, needs brainstorm ideas for ?
so trying to solve this problem: write a program that reads in ten whole numbers and that outputs the sum of all numbers greater than zero, the sum of all th...
[6 replies] Last: THANKS TO ALL WHO RESPONDED! Helped me tons, mathhead200, residentbisc... (by kyr3n)
Understanding a project description.
Hi, I have a project to do and I am not sure if I understand my description. I don't expect you to fully understand it and I don't want it done for me. I was j...
[2 replies] Last: Class BankLL { BankCustomerLL* headByID; //LL ... (by gavmcg92)
simple decryption program
Okay I have information in a "message.txt" that looks like this: . .278.311.270.290.305 .322. I need the program to take...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure what you're doing here. You say you want to add every 3 n... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Specific pointers to elements of a data structure
My program works just fine, but I have to admit I forgot a few things that would make some aspects of this less redundant. Note I am aware of its C/C++ hybrid ...
[17 replies] Last: If you use a #pragma pack(1) it will anlign the struct on a byte bound... (by histrungalot)
by pauyon
Variable value assignment
Hello everyone, I just wanted to ask what the difference between assigning a variable using the assignment operator and using parenthesis is. int num = 100; ...
[1 reply] : There is none. (by hamsterman)
C++ to asm converter.
Is there a way to convert C++ code to asm code? A software or something? Thanks!
[5 replies] Last: (by Moschops)
replacement compare function for numbers
Hi there, I am working on a project that requires me to compare two numbers. Is there a quick function like int r = that returns -1 if the number ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys. @Zhuge Yeah I was going to do that if there was no simpl... (by gavmcg92)
by Valz
Is this correct? The code .
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> void Menu(); void BinToDec(); void DecToBin(); void OctToDec(); void DecToOct(); void HexToD...
[2 replies] Last: You never defined the function BinToDec(). Forward declaration of this... (by Wisely Done)
by moot1
text games(for beginner)
Hello, i was wondering if any of you know any text based games i can make. I am a beginner. All i know is cin,cout,loops,if and switch statements and some other...
[10 replies] Last: visit tic-tac-toe source code in ANSI C++ you will find easy to under... (by Sakshi Rajput)
Exception Handling - try throw catch method
Can you please give me examples of exception handling - try throw catch method ???????
[1 reply] : ? (by hamsterman)
checking for alpha numeric in user input
hey guys there is yet another problem im having now i know how to check for characters in user input the problem was that if the user entered a alpha numeric nu...
[4 replies] Last: Read the input as a string, validate that the the entire string is a v... (by JLBorges)
i'm coding on visual c++ 2010. when i include <cassert> and i'm writing assert(lnor == 0) there 's a problem bumping at me "error C2678: binary '==' : no operat...
[2 replies] Last: u're great, instead of "lnor" there should have been "lnor.len()" - fu... (by shaolinkungfu)
Best way to ask the user for time?
hey guys im working on a small program and i want to ask the user about departure time and arrival time now what would be the best way to get the time? and ...
[2 replies] Last: That solved most of my problem i.ll check some things out and reply if... (by Pip3mAn)
Power Function
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int Pow(int , int); main(){ int num, pow, res; cout<<"Enter the number u want the power: "; ci...
[1 reply] : Which result is it not generating? What does your code not do that you... (by Moschops)
What is wrong with this code?
I wrote this code to find out the next prime number to a user given number.But it is not working as intended.I am a beginner,so any major/minor error/s are poss...
[6 replies] Last: The for loop is wrong. When you find that i%d==0 you know that the n... (by Peter87)
Declaring variables problem
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void Barbariana() { short level=1; int strenght=25; int dextery=10; int vitality=20; int mana=15; int dam...
[16 replies] Last: Referring to my previous post... struct character { short level... (by Lynx876)
How could i perform sorting in 2d array.
How could i perform sorting in 2d array.For eg 2d array is int arr ={(23 34 45 5),(22 44 55 54)} Please help me i need urgent help.....
[2 replies] Last: That depends on how you want to sort it. (by Wisely Done)
Optomizing my first simple program
Hello I am about 3 days into my effort to learn C++. I am learning on my own relying on web based resources like and my local library. I recen...
[7 replies] Last: In this program, he only uses std, so declaring it global would be jus... (by ResidentBiscuit)
reoutput main
Is there a way to repeat the main function? Silly question, I'm sure, but I can't figure it out. cout << "You are in a wooded area. There is a path to the ...
[15 replies] Last: the variables are local, they don't interfere with one another, but I ... (by Goraan2012)
January 2012 Pages: 1... 2930313233... 48
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