by slik108
Subtracting Strings ('str' not found in scope)
[2 replies] Last: your area should be a double, just so you know...also, hurry up! due s... (by Lurp)
by Khoi
help me fix ....
[2 replies] Last: 2. largest = number; Remember == is relational meaning it compares. Y... (by thepedestrian)
by Khatzu
Not sure if this is an Insertion Sort or...
[3 replies] Last: jwroblewski, what you have there is not insertion sort. Also the size ... (by Peter87)
by shashi005
what is wrong with my code for quick sort...??
[2 replies] Last: i see you defined a max of 50 for int a in int main(), but i dont b... (by jwroblewski)
Mysterious C2228 and C2227 errors VC++ |
[1 reply] : On line 6 you should remove the () . There is two ending brackets } ... (by Peter87)
by ComradeTaco
Looping Voids Will Not Work
[15 replies] Last: Lovely! It works perfectly! Thank you Wisely Done, and Peter 87, for y... (by ComradeTaco)
by Scottm4321
Having trouble learning how to pass a function a parameter
[6 replies] Last: In that case, since you're using OOP, try using inheritance. If that's... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by dannymuslera
Program that edits many bmps by itself quickly?
[1 reply] : Well you can approach this one of two ways. Firstly you could use any ... (by closed account o1vk4iN6)
by ErinCorona
Program worked before I used functions
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for clearing that up. As for the teacher, I do have to ema... (by ErinCorona)
by Asura20
Reading off a string array from a text file.
[1 reply] : Your program is crashing because you create an array of strings called... (by ModShop)
program that loads scripts |
[no replies]
by Accident113
error C2065: 'words' : undeclared identifier
[5 replies] Last: Thanks Again, and I understand what you were getting at before, perfec... (by Accident113)
by Scottm4321
Need help to create a function to save data to a file.
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for your help, I've changed the first two things you pointed ou... (by Scottm4321)
by Tony Karam
generating random odd and even number is sequence
[5 replies] Last: I've replaced the A = 37 + (2*rand()) % 30; with A = 37 + (2*ra... (by CosminNTG)
by fellow
what happend to my ide?
[4 replies] Last: Yes, I think the same. It's really strange this behaviour. I don't wor... (by CosminNTG)
by BoyZack
string array error
[2 replies] Last: Thank you SO MUCH this problem has been bothering me since yesterday (by BoyZack)
by nitishkj
Error in function returning pointers
[4 replies] Last: And it comes with no surprise. Like I stated before, you are returnin... (by webJose)
by mrehan27
Static and Dynamic Binding
[2 replies] Last: got it.. thx :) (by mrehan27)
by slwtx2003
Compiling error
[4 replies] Last: Allright, sorry for lateing. I am very busy nowdays. So, I've compiled... (by CosminNTG)
by eothein
using pair and map
[10 replies] Last: I solved the issue indeed as Peter87 suggested by limiting the Pointer... (by eothein)