Beginners - January 2012 (Page 26)

What is the deal with UML,
i am reading this C++ book and it keeps referring to this UML diagram , whats the true propuse and when do i use it
[2 replies] Last: It's just a visual representation of design. The various diagrams can... (by moorecm)
TXT file reader: I can't see the problem
A very small simple program to display a .txt file 24 lines at a time: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstring> #include <windows.h> us...
[5 replies] Last: I tryed to get this code to work, but I can't. I am using VC++6. ... (by sadsack)
Output to command line format
Hi I am trying to read in from a file based on the users input of the file name. I am running into one problem. The text file that i have to test has a space af...
[3 replies] Last: Basically, there are two getline() functions: istream& getline ( ist... (by tfityo)
debugging assertion error
"debug assertion failed _block_type_is_valid" How do I fix these type of errors and what is usually the root cause of them? So far I know how to use a de...
[1 reply] : It is caused by memory errors leading to trashing of memory management... (by Athar)
Help with code
Hi I was asked to do this assignment: A machine needs screws to be built. The screws are sold in boxes of 20. Write an instruction that gives you the number ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much it's already working ;D (by begginer93)
by Nadya
How to prepare salary slip
Hello, I'm from non-IT and non-math background.I'm new to the whole concept of programming and it would be really helpful if I can get the codes for some of the...
[1 reply] : Sounds like a class project.. Try taking the tutorials here http://www... (by strongdrink)
by VDC117
Finding the total number of elements declared in an array
If I have declared a char array, e.g., char array ; I want to pass this '50' to a function. For example( The blank _ spaces are to be filled by the number I wan...
[2 replies] Last: This was a way a had tried to prevent buffer overflow, while accepting... (by VDC117)
Help on search implementation
/* * File: main.cpp * Author: black4 * * Created on January 13, 2012, 10:04 PM */ #include <map> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <strin...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry for the misinformation I gave to you guys. /* * File:... (by dousarbing)
Preparing for midterm exam
Here is another question which I am stuck with. Can't find the way to set it up using <stdio.h> . Greatful for the support I can get. Greetings Neo -------...
[4 replies] Last: These conditions are pretty simple. Just take the user input, and chec... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Preparing for midterm exam
I am having problem with the setup of the calculation. Please if anyone have any suggestions for this question then I would appreciate it. Greetings Neo ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh I didn't know that...It is my first time to write a question regard... (by neoworld)
Hi. When I am trying to draw something it would not draw. It would expect me to swaf the buffers. However, it is very inconvinient as it will swap the buffer ...
[3 replies] Last: ^ that is what you do. But my last function of drawing is called whene... (by biplav17)
by gel
Airline System
I have glitches here in my code that i cannot fix. *whenever the FIRST class of my code is already full it already full it displays the seat number. *my mai...
[2 replies] Last: thank you for the reply You are to write a program to assign seats on... (by gel)
int = 01234; output 668 ????
so i tried this thing int x= 01234; printf("%d",x); and the output was... 668 why?
[2 replies] Last: You're not stupid for asking a question, and you're not stupid for lea... (by Catfish)
by seppel
Accelerated C++ Koenig&Moo Book
I would need a tip for solving exercise 15-4.
[6 replies] Last: Its sending the data without changing the interface of other classes. (by seppel)
Can you Help me About This Machine Problem in C
This is the machine problem. Write a program that will identify word that the user inputs and determine how many times that word uses the certain letters, th...
[5 replies] Last: Well, I think you need to use arrays with strings. (by Wisely Done)
String^ help
Hi im learning c++ and i want to create a windows form application that basically you can type in the file name then click a button that runs the file. Everythi...
[8 replies] Last: Ok Hamsterman!! You are my savior! This works now thank you very much ... (by goodstuff)
c++ compiler
Hi guys, I am wondering which C++ compiler is the most popular and easy to operate & learn one (with a user friendly IDE and is 32-bit)that could run on wi...
[3 replies] Last: Eclipse C++ is not as robust as their Java, IMO. I use Code::Blocks an... (by ResidentBiscuit)
It keeps asking "do you want to play again"
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int start ; int finish; bool PlayAgain = 0...
[5 replies] Last: In addition to thepedestrian's solutions in the other thread: 1) Ch... (by Cuddlebuddie928)
recursive do while loop
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int start ; int finish; bool PlayAgain = 0...
[2 replies] Last: Also lines 35: if (PlayAgainAnswer == 'y' || PlayAgainAnswer == 'Y')... (by thepedestrian)
returning an array
I am trying to return array by refrence. Seems like i did a mistake somewhere. could you please correct me? float *pointer; pointer = returnarray; return p...
[13 replies] Last: well thanks I figured out my problem. thank you very much all of you (by biplav17)
January 2012 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 48
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