Beginners - January 2012 (Page 25)

Reducing Fractions with while loops
Hi, I am writing a program to reduce fractions to lowest terms... This is what I have so far, For some reason my while loop is repeating infinitely, When I take...
[12 replies] Last: :D So my suggestion worked... Just another suggestion, there's a simpl... (by Caprico)
i need
I'm very like software development,I come from china , hoped and everybody a friend!
[1 reply] : welcome . but what do you need ? :) (by ThangDo)
by kmak
Using an array to sort another array.
Write a function to rank (in a separate array) a set of n integer scores from low to high. For instance, array[order ] should contain the smallest value. Im ...
[5 replies] Last: solved it by using arr[order ] > arr[order ] and swapping those. And y... (by kmak)
.. .
may i ask how to equate letter to number? ex.) a=5 b=4 c=8 d=9 e=3 g=7
[6 replies] Last: tnx to 4 of you who help me :) its a very big help to me :) i finishe... (by bmafaul)
Problem that i cannot see
There is a bug in the following program of insertion sort, value of 'n' changes during the process of swapping 2 a elements in insertion(). I cannot understand...
[3 replies] Last: No problem! By the way, please mark this as solved. Thanks! And remem... (by AoZplusplus)
array of pointer and nested class
Hi, what is the difference when I call the first element (ptr ) of the two arrays, respectively: someclass *ptr = arr someclass *ptr (Then initialize ...
[4 replies] Last: The outcome turned out to be negative, thanks! (by AoZplusplus)
Check my Program. Give me Suggestions please.
Check my Program. Give me Suggestions please. The machine problem is: Write a program that will identify word that the user inputs and determine how many ...
[2 replies] Last: I say we start a new rule, if someone is too lazy to use code tags, th... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Code::Blocks Gaming(?)
If anyone here uses Code::Blocks for C++ and has made simple point and click games, or just interfaces, can you inform me how to do so and what type of project ...
[2 replies] Last: Would it be okay if I could view your calculator code? I'm just curiou... (by Matt Morin)
Reading a file line by line and storing the data in an object.
Hello, I am working on an assignment that requires me to read a .txt file given by an argument on the command line -- a "Student" file that contains information...
[1 reply] : Give your class an operator>>, make it easy. While at it, I'll fix a ... (by Cubbi)
by WayneC
Nested Looping
I'm practicing code (deliberate practice creates expertise) and I'm stuck. I'm supposed to create a nested loop that outputs: aa ab ac ad ae ba bb b...
[4 replies] Last: Ha! Thanks for checking back for me. I'll play with it to make sure ... (by WayneC)
by Ch1156
What is WPARAM and LPARAM stand for?
I think the stand for Width Parameter and Length Parameter but i could be wrong.
[4 replies] Last: A "message" is a generic idea. The problem is that each "message" repr... (by Duthomhas)
Help understanding code
Can anyone tell me why this "code" is going to 0? cout << "enter 2 values >" ; int a = 2, b = 1; if(a > b) { a = b; b = a; } cin >> a; cin >> b; co...
[2 replies] Last: First, you prompt the user for two integers but you never give them th... (by closed account zb0S216C)
How to display Int Arrays using Printf?
Hey, I currently have Numbers In which: Numbers =1; Numbers =5; Numbers =3; I would like to print out all the values present in the Numbers arr...
[4 replies] Last: Use a loop? int ar[ 10 ]; for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) ar[ i ] ... (by Lynx876)
i thought constructor are only a function
"The compiler implicitly creates a default constructor in a class that does not define a constructor. Such a constructor does not initialize the class’s data...
[8 replies] Last: @moschops yeah i got that , i get it now great example thanks (by BarringtonT)
Basic Calculator with Functions
I was in the process of making a basic calculator, when my friend mentioned that using int addition(), int subtraction, etc... to list the different functions, ...
[9 replies] Last: No problem. We were all beginners at one point. (by ResidentBiscuit)
Access a Class Object Created in a Constructor
I have a class I'll call class_A that creates an instance another class let's say class_B when it's constructor is called. The issue I'm having is that when I c...
[16 replies] Last: I know I'm close, and I do wish I could figure this out by just readin... (by levikemp)
Program Computing Area Under a Curve
Hello, I am trying to create a program that computes the area under a specific function and am stuck. The user inputs the starting point, ending point, and w...
[7 replies] Last: Got it. Thanks for all of your help histrungalot. (by Orangejuice)
by Zeph78
I need help with this code ect...
Ok so I am currently reading my c++ book and wanted to test one of the code examples, its pretty much on the topic on "Giving non-member functions access to pro...
[no replies]
Calculator help
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int array ; void elsef(); void add(){ cout << "Pick 2 numbers to add"; cout << endl; ...
[1 reply] : This is your code. Use the tags next time. #include <iostream> #inclu... (by CosminNTG)
Calculating Run Time
Hi, I am having a trouble with calculating the run time the purpose of the program is to create a const where the value is determined by reading the time when ...
[7 replies] Last: If all you want is to get some arbitrary number to print, maybe you sh... (by Athar)
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