Beginners - January 2012 (Page 24)

by arooj
Value returning functions questions that i do not understand, can someone please explain?
So one of the questions I was confused about was about a function named displayGross(). The question asked what would happen when the computer processed the dis...
[no replies]
File I/O help?
I was wondering how to write a username and password to a file then restart that program and read that profile. Here is what I have so far: #include "std...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you!! Problem solved! - Kyle (by KyleMiles)
Hi I am new to C++ I am trying to write Roman Numeral converter from roman to arabic. I am getting error on this loop. please help me IV - 4 IX - 9 ...
[7 replies] Last: @fun2code, you are my hero thanks (by erdenee)
Passing object by refer to a function??
I doing an assignment where i have to create a pig bank class that stores the number of pennies nickels dimes and quarters. I need to create a function to handl...
[1 reply] : I thought the const on the arguments part of a function just made is ... (by Athar)
Problem with vector push_back
Hello. I am trying to get the locations of certain letters from a string into a vector. However there is something wrong. I can't seem to get the right number i...
[1 reply] : push_back adds to the end of the vector. Since the vector was size 2... (by Moschops)
Error= while/for
m having problem with my code i need my character to move down the stairs , however i get an error message saying char movement is being used without being init...
[5 replies] Last: Do you understand that every variable has a value? int x = 7; What ... (by Moschops)
Command line parameters
So, I've been doing a little bit of research on this. I was just wondering, how exactly do you make these? Could I just get an example of the process of this? ...
[11 replies] Last: Hmm I think I'm starting to see where some usefulness if at with this. (by ResidentBiscuit)
Read file and store it in variable.
Is there any way for C++ to read a file and store its content in a variable?
[1 reply] : (by Moschops)
Swapping first and last Characters
Is there any way to swap first and last characters? If I had a string called hello, would it be possible to make it "oellh" just by swapping the first and last...
[1 reply] : Swap can be done with swap(), the first character is the one at begin(... (by Cubbi)
Get Input and do other stuff without threads?
I'm putting together my own messaging system thing, I'm working on the server, but I want it to continue to wait for new connections while still allowing the ad...
[3 replies] Last: well i was trying to use threads, but my code is bringing the input cu... (by c0d3Man15)
Reading unkown number of elements in a line
Hello! I am uncertain how to do the following. If we have an unknown number of elements in a line how can I read them? All of elements would be of the same t...
[2 replies] Last: This would work if entering data trough console not from file? If rep... (by ssegota)
Two Variables in one for loop
Is there any way to put to variables in a for loop? Here is an example of kind of what i want: for (int x,y = 0; int x,y <10; x,y++){ ... }
[4 replies] Last: Thanks so much guys! And by the way I do need two identical variables... (by alphawolf7)
by sulupa
I want to write a function which will sum up odd numbers between N and M ( int ). N and M are parameters of function. anyone here to help? thanks in advance. ...
[5 replies] Last: Well, what I told you is pretty much the pseudocode. Since it's a rath... (by wjee0910)
How to read a txt??? and to include it on a wxwidgets ui..
How can I read a txt file with the information of my project and put it inside a frame or something on a wxwidgets ui... i am using wxdevc++ so I can easily des...
[no replies]
by kw1991
problem with class template
I have two header files - MyQueue.h and MyStack.h and I am getting an error that says \assignment\assignment\mystack.h(36): error C2953: 'NodeType' : class ...
[14 replies] Last: I solved it thanks for all the help. could you help me with another pr... (by kw1991)
Absolute beggining looking for guidance
Hi, im seriously an absolute beginner to programming. I have taken it upon myself to start studying it and in a way just dove into this world with a book on c++...
[1 reply] : Hello and welcome, Java calls for a somewhat slightly different way o... (by Albatross)
please I got an exam on this Thursday can U please help to solve this? THE EXAM IS ABOUT C LANGUAGE (content removed)
[9 replies] Last: Thanks I dont need Ur helps I solved them all :D (by ANGELOJOKER)
Help with college assignment! Please!!!
Hi I study electrical engineering and I need to write this program in order to get the last credit that will allow me to take my final exam. However I can't fig...
[1 reply] : Just a word of advise: C++ is not the easiest programming language ou... (by webJose)
by Hans
Trigger event.
Hello, I'm kinda new to C++ coding, but I have experience with VB and web programming. I made a form and after it's created I want it to trigger an event lik...
[1 reply] : This is C++/CLI. Although the forum descriptions might state that you... (by webJose)
guys can you help me how to validate if the letter is in the last because when i put the letters y, s, ch, sh anywhere in a word it just change. a. if noun...
[3 replies] Last: http://cp... (by moorecm)
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