Beginners - January 2012 (Page 23)

have an idea for a txt doc
I haven't written the code yet, but I need to get to the a point in the text document where the user enters the point title (reservation title in the system). ...
[no replies]
Guys, I am trying to do some reconciliation for text files. Here is an example of the data output: 19970929,162.5800,170.3200,157.4200,169.8100,31427893,125....
[4 replies] Last: Oh wow, that condensed the code by a mile. When I start without debugg... (by yoitsmejy)
What #include is min and max from?
I'm writing a program that has a compare feature in it that allows me to check if one number is bigger than the other, less than or the same by returning -1, 1 ...
[1 reply] : <algorithm> (by Texan40)
Binary to Text
So, I'm looking at making a test to binary program. Once it's done, I then want to look at the assembler that gets generated for learning purposes. Is there a s...
[9 replies] Last: Cool I'll try this out when I get home! (by ResidentBiscuit)
C++ program
Write a program in C++ to calculate (a^b) without using any built-in function.
[14 replies] Last: Hey, now bubble sort isn't the worst... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Problem with creation of files
i am doing a program where i have to create a file, witch i have to ask where to save, the name, and the extension, and then it have to be writing wat i want fo...
[12 replies] Last: No. C++ works with cout and cin. C does not. (by Moschops)
I'm receiving sigtrap when I'm trying to reallocate a custom array.
I have customized the following structure: typedef struct { char *name, number ; float *c; } car; typedef struct { int na, n, nc; car *m; ...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, you're right. The else branch of (!aux || !ax) does that (it also... (by venom4u31)
Hey where do I donwload the compiler ?
Good Day! I am an absolute beginner. Can anyone recommend a good C++ Development environment that is free ? I use WINDOWS XP as my OS. Lets get moving...
[7 replies] Last: Visual C++ has a free edition (Google for Visual C++ Express). I'm a b... (by Gaminic)
writing to a file
Hi all, I'm a beginner to C++, about 4 days into learning it. I've used Matlab for the last 3 years, and it has made me lazy with all its built in functions...
[4 replies] Last: First: the streams do work that's granted. So like i suggested before... (by coder777)
Speeding up file-reading.
Hello, My project reads in a lot of data from a textfile. Each line looks like this: [several chars] Depending on the first char, different thing...
[2 replies] Last: How would I go about profiling this? I have very little experience wit... (by Gaminic)
Bunny Exercise . I have been spending some times on working on this exercise. I have done some basic functions and some stru...
[12 replies] Last: Holly hell . that was a joke ? Thats weird, cuz I've been hearing p... (by ThangDo)
by Sabre
Where to after (repeatedly) completing the "Basic C++ tutorial" style tutorials?
Gday all, I am happy with how I am going with console programs; Whilst not mastered, I am happy with my knowledge of pointers/arrays/dynamic memory/fileIO/cl...
[1 reply] : I am using Dev C++ If you're using the one from Bloodshed, stop and... (by Moschops)
check repetitions
i would like to know how to check repetitions in this code: for (i=0; i<5; i++) { do{ SetConsoleTextAttribute( h , K+10 ); printf("\nWich is th...
[no replies]
by Mooxn
One small step.
This is my first post, so I'm not sure of the forum protocol or anything, anyway, here we go. Apologies in advance if I've missed anything obvious on this s...
[4 replies] Last: Oh perfect! thank you so much! (by Mooxn)
Is swapping costly or comparison?
I am analysing sorting algorithms, and i have been told that insertion sort works amazing if the number of elements is less than 20. I considered swapping c...
[3 replies] Last: You want to use bogosort :D (by ResidentBiscuit)
Need help tracking down a syntax error
I have a file where I keep some common switches and modes in the form of preprocessor directives, and for some reason my compiler (VC++) is giving me errors, bu...
[7 replies] Last: :O So many define macros (by ResidentBiscuit)
Help random number generation
Hello, first post. I have a problem that I want to try to solve with a genetic algorithm. I decided to try to learn to do this using c++, with no significant ...
[5 replies] Last: Define macros are merely a text to text conversion. It's similar to us... (by ResidentBiscuit)
reverse string
guys can you help me to reverse the string with out changing its position? sample output: enter string: fish ball reversed string: hsif llab
[1 reply] : (by Peter87)
What did I do wrong? Either function 3 or 4?
My program runs but does not seem to do functions 3 and 4. What have I done wrong? It must be the syntax, I am guessing, but I keep going over it, and I can't...
[12 replies] Last: You're welcome. And I'm sure you are like me. "I love it when a plan c... (by whitenite1)
Hangman Project
Just started a C++ class at school and I am having a really hard time with a hangman assignment. This is what I have so far, it's not much. #include <iostrea...
[3 replies] Last: did you get it to work? (by rtom40)
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