by maharris
have an idea for a txt doc
[no replies]
by yoitsmejy
[4 replies] Last: Oh wow, that condensed the code by a mile. When I start without debugg... (by yoitsmejy)
by gavmcg92
What #include is min and max from?
[1 reply] : <algorithm> (by Texan40)
Binary to Text |
[9 replies] Last: Cool I'll try this out when I get home! (by ResidentBiscuit)
by Shaharyar
C++ program
[14 replies] Last: Hey, now bubble sort isn't the worst... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by DannyPt
Problem with creation of files
[12 replies] Last: No. C++ works with cout and cin. C does not. (by Moschops)
by venom4u31
I'm receiving sigtrap when I'm trying to reallocate a custom array.
[4 replies] Last: Yes, you're right. The else branch of (!aux || !ax) does that (it also... (by venom4u31)
by moscato
Hey where do I donwload the compiler ?
[7 replies] Last: Visual C++ has a free edition (Google for Visual C++ Express). I'm a b... (by Gaminic)
by oliver9523
writing to a file
[4 replies] Last: First: the streams do work that's granted. So like i suggested before... (by coder777)
by Gaminic
Speeding up file-reading.
[2 replies] Last: How would I go about profiling this? I have very little experience wit... (by Gaminic)
by ThangDo
Bunny Exercise .
[12 replies] Last: Holly hell . that was a joke ? Thats weird, cuz I've been hearing p... (by ThangDo)
by Sabre
Where to after (repeatedly) completing the "Basic C++ tutorial" style tutorials?
[1 reply] : I am using Dev C++ If you're using the one from Bloodshed, stop and... (by Moschops)
by DannyPt
check repetitions
[no replies]
by Mooxn
One small step.
[4 replies] Last: Oh perfect! thank you so much! (by Mooxn)
by anonymized
Is swapping costly or comparison?
[3 replies] Last: You want to use bogosort :D (by ResidentBiscuit)
by ausairman
Need help tracking down a syntax error
[7 replies] Last: :O So many define macros (by ResidentBiscuit)
by smilingfrog
Help random number generation
[5 replies] Last: Define macros are merely a text to text conversion. It's similar to us... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by bmafaul
reverse string
[1 reply] : (by Peter87)
by ErinCorona
What did I do wrong? Either function 3 or 4?
[12 replies] Last: You're welcome. And I'm sure you are like me. "I love it when a plan c... (by whitenite1)
by SarahB13
Hangman Project
[3 replies] Last: did you get it to work? (by rtom40)